Elliot K., Age 12
Tribe of Gad 

Q: What is your favorite food?
A: Scones with clotted cream and lemon curd. 

Q: What is your favorite restaurant?
A: Chili’s. Vintage2sm

Q: What does Vintage mean?
A: Old-fashioned. 

Q: How long have you been involved with Jews for Jesus?
A: Nine years. 

Q: How long of a drive did it take you to get here?
A: Six and a half hours. 

Q: What are your favorite hobbies at camp and at home?
A: Writing poetry, knitting and illustrating. 

Q: What is your favorite camp in Camp Gilgal?
A: Junior camp. 

Q: How was camp when you were a kid?
A: Encouraging.

Q: Which is your favorite part about camp?
A: Worship and Wells Fargo. 

Q: Are you a lefty?
A: Yes, I am. 

Q: What was your favorite year?
A: My last year at junior camp.