Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Camp Gilgal ’08
Eliot K; Age 8
(Junior Camp West)
Camp Gilgal is important to me because it gives me time to really connect and learn more about God. One of the
events that have brought me closer to God would have to be the campfires. I like campfires because they give me times where I can laugh, think about things that are a problem to me, and most importantly learn about God. The one thing that I like most about campfires is the worship. Because it gives me the chance to praise God and thank Him for everything He has done. At campfire, we listened to Jazz, Chameleon, and Moose, and watched small skits. We also pray. Once we got to choose a staff member and go up on the hill and pray with them. Evan’s favorite campfire was when we got to pray with everybody. Elias B says that the staff testimonies were his favorite part. Gal C’s favorite part of campfire is the skit. Gal’s second favorite part about campfire is praying because he gets to connect with God.
Camp Gilgal Marches in the Fourth of July Parade
Maya C; Age 12
(Junior Camp West)
On July 4th, 2008 Camp Gilgal came to Columbia, a historic town, to march in their annual “Glorious Fourth of July Parade.” We marched in rows and sang, “Jesus Lifted High” and “The Trees of the Field,” in order to share our faith. There was much support! People were cheering and clapping and yelling words of encouragement! One man yelled, “Shalom!” which is Hebrew for hello, peace, and goodbye. Afterwards, all the campers and tribe leaders went to explore the rest of Columbia. It was a wonderful day for Camp Gilgal.
Malachi W; Age 10
(Junior camp West)
Tabernacle is one of the most important times of the day. We learn about God and the Israelites while they were exiting Egypt. We also learned about Joseph and his brothers. Even though Judah betrayed Joseph, he had the honor of having Messiah Y’shua as one of his descendents. Everyday, Moose has a short sermon after we sing worship songs and the Sh’ma. If we start to fall asleep Moose has us stand up and shake our left leg. Midweek, we had our June Passover Seder which was very exciting. The holiday meant so much more after all we had learned in Tabernacle. Tabernacle is amazing because we learn so much and grow closer to God.
First-time Camper
Gal C; Age 10
(Junior Camp West)
Here at Camp Gilgal, it’s really fun…and a little confusing and scary for the first year camper. For instance, one typical night, the lights suddenly turned off and I followed the tribe outside. My tribe leaders whispered, “Get down!” I asked, “What’s going on?” and they shushed me. My heart was pounding and I couldn’t see a thing. It turned out that the scary and confusing experience is a game called Mission Impossible. Along with that, we learn memory verses, which were sometimes hard and confusing. However, as a first time camper, you learn a lot while playing many fun games and activities.
Hebrew Lessons
Maya C; Age 12
(Junior Camp West)
If you came to Camp Gilgal for a visit, you would notice something very special: all the campers can read, write, and speak some Hebrew. Why? A few minutes after breakfast, all the campers gather near the dining hall and split into two groups: Alef (level 1) and Bet (level 2). One group does their Hebrew lesson with the teacher, T-Bone, while the other group does their craft with a tribe leader. This year Cobalt is leading it. After a while they switch. In Hebrew class, campers learn the alefbet, how to read, how to write, and gain a Hebrew vocabulary. They also study/memorize some blessings and prayers. During the craft, campers work on a special art project. This year it is a drum and mallet which will be used in the Fourth of July parade we’ll be taking part in. People who are finished or are ahead who have extra time use it to memorize Bible verses. Hebrew is a very special language and I’m glad it’s being taught here at Camp Gilgal!
The Tribe of Reuben
Julia K; Age 9
(Junior Camp West)
Hi! Welcome to the tribe of Reuben. There are five camp members and two tribe leaders in our cabin. Our tribe leaders’ names are Yoshi and Luna. The campers’ names are Skye, Leia, Louisa, Vika and me, Julia. Skye, who is nine years old, loves to do sports and play with her friends. She enjoys camp and is kind to her fellow campers. To her camp is fun and very creative. Leia, who is also nine, likes to come to camp. She gets very excited when we play all the fun games. However, coming to camp gets her tired. She loves her cabin members and has fun being here at camp. Louisa is nine but is the youngest person in our tribe. She loves to swim, and camp has been very helpful in her life. She loves to be here at camp and learn lots from camp. Vika is also nine. She enjoys sports, swimming, and hanging out with her friends. Vika has made many new friends from camp that will stay with her forever. I am also nine years old. I love to read and I enjoy doing sports. Camp uses many good ideas for the games and the games are very exciting. Yoshi was one of the tribe leaders in the tribe of Reuben. She loves Camp Gilgal very much and had fun being in the tribe of Reuben. One of her favorite things about camp is the 20 foot long ice cream sundae. Luna is the other tribe leader in the tribe of Reuben. She enjoys camp and loved being in the tribe of Rueben. Luna looked forward to the theme nights. Camp is very special to her. FOB was really fun during Yoshi’s birthday, we had a party! We played limbo and danced and threw candy. We had so much fun. Camp has been very fun this year for the tribe of Reuben.
Ice Cream Sundae
Louisa G; Age 9
(Junior Camp West)
After an hour of sitting on my bunk during FOB, Jazz said to meet in the bathroom. Then, we went down to the dining room. When we walked in, there was a long ice cream sundae bar about 25 feet long. It was amazing! It had chocolate and vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, white chocolate syrup, sprinkles, waffle cones, caramel, and cherries on top. It was so good! Everybody was digging in and getting their own ice cream. It was gone in about five minutes. Now I’m going to interview Leia B and ask her what she thought about it.
Q: Was it good?
A: Yes
Q: Did you get a lot?
A: Yeah. I hope we can have the ice cream sundae every year.
The Water War
Leia B; Age 9
(Junior Camp West)
It all started with girls named Vika S and Sarah K. They had a water balloon and Bazooka saw it. She hit Maverick with it and then a boy tried to defend him. They got a boy named Zach S wet. Some other people saw Sarah and Vika do that so they started getting water balloons, water guns, and cups of water. They went over to the basketball court and got them wet. Some boys made purple and tried to chase us up the hill, but Snapple and Yoshi told the boys not to go up the hill. The girls got more people on their side and the boys got more people on their side. The war kept on and on until Spike said to call a truce. So we all made it official that the girls won. Now I am going to interview somebody about this war.
Q: What was your favorite part of the water war?
A: Filling up cups of ice cold water and pouring it on Robert G.
Q: Was this war fun?
A: Yes
Horsing Around
Skye R; Age 9
(Junior Camp West)
On horseback riding day, we all piled into two vans and left the camp. It took around one hour to get there. Then we split up into two groups. My group went first while the other group ate lunch. First off was Brooke A. Brooke had a good time and wants to do it again next year. Let’s see how Julia K liked it. Julia had a horse named Hazel and she
was a good girl. Hazel was 28 years old. Julia loved horseback riding and wants to do it again next year. Let’s check out with Louisa G. Louisa had a horse named 4-12 and she was a nice horse. Louisa had fun and wants to do it again next year. I had fun too. I got a horse named Stanley. He was cool. Stanley was 14 years old. A lot of people want to do it again next year. The trail was beautiful. It took about one hour for the ride but everybody enjoyed it.
Ladies Day
Vika S; Age 9
(Junior Camp West)
Today was a special day. It was LADIES DAY! We started by singing “Hit the Road Jack” to all the boys. Then we had an extra long FOB with other tribes. Then we went behind the volleyball court and had a water war. We tricked TuTu and got her soaking wet. Then we went up the hill and we had a carnival. We did face painting and makeup. We also had our nails done. We had a dance party and played a game in the pool. There was a fishing game and a candy/food store. We had to get tickets to play carnival games and we got them by swimming and at the dance party. When the boys came back, some people had paintings of eyes on their eyelids and when they closed their eyes they looked creepy and scared the boys. It was so fun. Ladies Day was awesome. They had a great theme.
Now an interview:
Q: What was your favorite thing to do?
Luna: I was working in the salon painting girls’ nails.
Q: How many customers did you have?
Luna: About seven or eight girls came in.
Q: Were you only involved in the salon?
Luna: At first I was at “Fishing for Prizes” but girls were wondering about the salon.
Q: What other activities did you like?
Luna: I wanted to do the cake walk and the dance party looked fun.
Q: What was your favorite thing about Ladies Day?
Luna: It was fun seeing all the girls be girls and see them have a lot of fun.
All about Judah
David S; Age 9
(Junior Camp West)
On Saturday June 23, 2008 we gathered at Camp Gilgal. The tribe leaders in our tribe were Ace and Diesel. The campers in our tribe were Nathan P, Elias B, who was eight years old, Elliot K, who was also eight years old, Isaac Y, who was nine years old, Jaden W, who was eight years old, and me, David S. I was nine years old. After dinner, we made our degel (flag). Our tribe was Judah (lion) and the color of our degel was purple.
Interview with Ace
Q: How did you get your name, Ace?
Ace: I like to play tennis and an ace is the best shot you can hit.
Q: What is your favorite night game?
Ace: Capture the Degel
Q: Why do you like Capture the Degel?
Ace: It is requires stealth and it is full of suspense.
Q: How many years did you come to junior camp as a camper?
Ace: Four as a camper and five as staff.
Q: What was the worst thing that happened to you at camp?
Ace: I’m not answering that.
Q: What was the best thing that happened to you at camp?
Ace: I met my best friends and I met God.
Interview with Isaac Y
Q: How many years have you gone to Camp Gilgal?
A: Two years
Q: What is your favorite part of camp?
A: I like a lot of things!
Q: What is the worst thing that happened to you at camp?
A: I don’t know.
Interview with Chameleon
Isaac Y; Age 9
(Junior Camp West)
Q: What is your favorite thing to do?
A: Shark hunting
Q: What do you do for a living?
A: I blend in.
Q: What is the most dangerous thing you have done?
A: I got attacked by a shark and chased it.
Q: What is the most fun thing in camp?
A: Dodge ball
Q: What is your favorite theme night?
A: Stop and Go Night
Q: What do you like to do at camp?
A: Make the camp video…and now Chameleon has to blend in!
Dodge Ball
Nathan P; Age 8
(Junior Camp West)
This is how you play. If you get hit by a ball you are out. If you catch the ball, the person who threw the ball is out
and somebody on your team is in. If the ball bounces then hits you, it doesn’t count. If you cross the line you are out. This is who was playing dodge ball: Amp, Elliot K, Nathan P, David S, Ace, Diesel, Pixie, Tamar P, Chameleon, Jet, and Kaleb F. This is where we played: at the basketball court. Elliot likes it when he catches the ball, and he likes to be the one in.
Jaden W; Age 8
(Junior Camp West)
During free time people could go swimming. People were doing cannonballs. There were little alligators in yellow eggs which sank and people could dive for. People played with water guns. Gal C swam like a frog. There were people on floaties (rafts) and other people flipped them over. I found a ping pong ball in the pool. Gal says his favorite part of swimming is going under water. Elliot K’s favorite part of swimming is jumping. Elias B also agrees with Elliot about the fun of jumping into the pool. Evan S’s favorite part of swimming is the “swimming part.” David S likes to attack the tribe leaders. Isaac Y especially likes to attack Jet. Jet likes to spend his swimming time with the campers. I like swimming.
Skit Night
Elias B; Age 8
(Junior Camp West)
The tribe of Judah had a presidential skit. It was ridiculous. The candidates were a pirate, Moses, Obama, Hillary, and McCain. There was Dick Cheney. He had a shotgun! When Moses was pronouncing why he should be president he said quail and that’s when Dick Cheney came out with the shotgun! McCain had a heart attack when Dick Cheney came out. Obama and Hillary were so funny. When Hillary said something about why she should be president, Obama made a comment and then they started fighting with each other and went off stage. That’s when McCain said he was a prisoner in Vietnam. Our commercial was a ballerina! Jaden W’s favorite skit was the tribe of Naphtali’s. His favorite character was The Lord of the Rings geek. Evan S’s favorite skit was the tribe of Judah’s skit and his favorite character was Hillary Clinton. Jazz’s favorite skit was the tribe of Issachar’s. Her favorite character was Lafonda.
David S; Age 9
(Junior Camp West)
Questions for Nathan P
Q: How many years have you been coming to Camp Gilgal?
A: This is my first year!
Q: Do you like camp?
A: Yes
Q: Why do you like camp?
A: Because its fun
Elias B Speaks Out
Q: How many years have you been at camp?
A: This is my First year.
Q: What was your favorite thing at camp?
A: Wells Fargo
Q: Did you get any bags of gold?
A: Yes, I got four!
Q: Do you like camp?
A: Yes, I love it.
Q: Why?
A: Because it’s awesome.
Q: What is the worst thing at camp?
A: Nothing!
And Now Jaden W
Q: How many years have you gone to camp?
A: It’s my first time!
The Great Pie Survey
Elliot K; Age 8
(Junior Camp West)
Apple (13) – Cucamonga, Pebbles, Poppins, Shoe, Moose, Nova, Maverick, Ivan, Amp, Olivia W, Tamar P, Esquire
(French Apple), Calli B
Pumpkin (8) – Ace, Malachi W, Leia B, Kaleb F, Pomai B, Katie S, Nolan B, Lielle A
Blueberry (7) – Max C, Evan S, Noah P, Psalm R, Robert G, Victoria V – Cobalt (Blueberry Rhubarb)
Chocolate (6) – Julia K, Nathan H., Elizabeth G, Rachel W – Joshua R & Spike (Chocolate Cream)
Banana Cream (3) – Bazooka, Jet, Ellis S
Peach (2) – David S, Pixie
Cherry (2) – Vika S, Chameleon
Lemon Meringue (2) – Erik G, Diesel
Mixed Berry Cobbler (2) – Luna, Hoops
Blackberry (1) – Isaac Y
Strawberry (1) – Jordan W
Strawberry Rhubarb (1) – Hannah Y
Coconut Cream (1) – T-Bone
Beef (1) – Zachary S
Chicken Pot (1) – Elliot K
Don’t like pie (6) – Brooke A, Nathan P., Skye R, Sarah K, Maya C, and Jazz
Our Tribe
Robert G; Age 10
(Junior Camp West)
These are 8 people in the tribe of Naphtali: Evan S, Gal C, Josh R, Max C, Robert G, Malachai W, Amp, and Cucamonga. During camp, Malachi had his birthday. He turned 10. We had a cake and special table. Malachi is from Sterling City. His favorite things to do are night games. Evan is in our cabin. He always makes us laugh. He is ten years old. He is from San Clemente and his favorite thing to do is ride his scooter. Max is also in our cabin and his favorite thing to do is swim. He is 10 year old. He is from Sacramento. Gal is in our cabin too. He is ten and his favorite thing to do is go on the Internet. He’s from Mission Viejo. Josh is 10 years old and he’s from Sacramento. His favorite thing to do is wrestle. My name is Robert and I am from Sacramento. My favorite thing to do is skate boarding. Amp is one of our counselors and he is from L.A. His favorite thing to do is Jet Ski. Cucamonga is also our counselor. He is from Cucamonga and his favorite thing to do is play ping pong.
Evan S; Age 10
(Junior Camp West)
During archery we get to choose either a big or small bow. I love the big bow because it has so much more power. They also had compound bows, but we couldn’t use them. Sometimes they let you have a tournament. You get three arrows to get points. I got a bulls-eye. My final score was 27. I suggest you do archery.
Josh R; Age 10
(Junior Camp West)
The Oylimpics was great fun and very exciting. It was “super fantastic!” We had to do many games like animal madness. In this game a farmer tries to find his tribe members by listening to the animal sounds that his tribe is making while he is blindfolded. There was a cheese ball spit. This game had kids spit cheese balls at their teammate’s face that was covered in shaving cream. It was very fun and exciting and very adventurous. It was tribe verses tribe, excitement all around. Yoshi was screaming like crazy when she got ice water dumped on her head for one of the games. This was a fun and new experience.
Wells Fargo
Max C; Age 10
(Junior Camp West)
A lot of campers like Wells Fargo because they get to take the bags of gold from the tribe leaders. Erik G thought Wells Fargo was very fun and he got a lot of bags of gold. I also got a lot of bags. It was better than last year. Nathan P says that a lot of people helped him when he fell. Shoe thought he was a traitor at first, but he got into the game and it was really fun.
Fun with Simeon
Tamar P; Age 12
(Junior Camp West)
The tribe of Simeon is a very hyper, fun-loving tribe. The tribe members are Snapple, Pixie, Lielle A, Maya C, Rachel W, Tirzah W, Elizabeth G, and Tamar P. Elizabeth is 12 years old, she lives in Turlock, CA. and her favorite parts of camp are Mission Impossible and Skit Night. Another person in my cabin is Maya. She is 12 years old. She lives in Mission Viejo, CA and her favorite part of camp is horseback riding. The third person in my cabin is Tirzah. She lives in Butte County, CA and her favorite parts of camp are the theme nights. She is 12 years old. Next is Rachel. She is 12 years old, lives in Los Angeles, and her favorite part of camp are the games we play. Another camper in my cabin is Lielle. She lives in Los Angeles, CA. She is 12 years old, and her favorite parts of camp are Columbia and free time. The last camper in my tribe is Tamar. She is 12 years old, lives in San Diego, and her favorite parts of camp are the games. My two tribe leaders are Pixie and Snapple. Pixie lives in Orange County and her favorite parts of camps are Tribe Time and water balloon volleyball. Last is Snapple who lives in San Francisco and her favorite parts of camp are Wells Fargo and Tribe Time. This concludes the tribe of Simeon.
Capture the Degel
Rachel W; Age 12
(Junior Camp West)
Capture the Degel is a game where the men staff group up with the women campers and the women staff group up with the men campers. It is a battle between men and women. This was the seventh year the women won. When we were done discussing our strategy, I was running and tripped and hurt my ankle. Then I had to go to Poppins and put ice on my ankle. After I iced it, I kept on going. Then I got caught by Yoshi, one of the ladies tribe leaders, but she let me go because I couldn’t walk. I got caught another time by Gal, one of the men campers. When I got caught I asked Yoshi if I could go see Poppins and I was let free.
The Water Slide
Elizabeth G; Age 12
(Junior Camp West)
We went to the water slide on the second to the last full day of camp. On that day everyone got excited for it. Also two people got over the 180 mark. Maverick, the first person to go over, says, “I always wanted to go over the mark since I was a camper. I actually had my eyes closed the whole time and just felt my body go over the second bump.” The second person to go over the 180 mark was Kaleb F from the tribe of Benjamin. He says, “It was exciting.” Also, most of the tribe leaders went down the slide including Jazz. All in all, the day went very well and was very fun.
Star Gazing
Rachel W; Age 12
(Junior Camp West)
Star gazing is so fun when Maverick and Ace talk. It is so interesting and usually we see a few shooting stars. My favorite part is learning about the Universe. In the middle of the talk that Maverick and Ace give us, people usually fall asleep. When we do star gazing, we take our mattresses and sleeping bags and go down to the basketball courts. All the people lay next to their friends. We have so much fun. The end.
Déjà vu?
Maya C; Age 12
(Junior Camp West)
On the evening of Friday, June 28, 2008, Camp Gilgal had a very special guest! Ava Watson, one of the ladies who came to Camp Gilgal the first year it opened for ladies, came for our Shabbat service. She arrived just when we were about to start the service. She came and sat with the tribe of Simeon for the meal. She passed around pictures of camp and campers back then for campers and tribe leaders to see. Moose has changed quite a lot! The next day, Ava showed us how to write the Gilgal Gazette, the newspaper in which she was editor-in-chief. She spent another day as a guest of Camp Gilgal then left for home. We really enjoyed her visit and will remember and miss her a lot!
Cabin Decoration Day!!!
Lielle A; Age 12
(Junior Camp West)
Cabin Decoration Day is a day when you decorate your cabin with different designs. Every cabin had a different design. In my cabin, tribe of Simeon, we did a pirate decoration. I interviewed Tirzah W from the tribe of Simeon.
Q: “So Tirzah, what did you think about cabin decoration day?
A: I thought that it was really exciting and I loved our pirate theme.
Q: What did you think about the other tribes’ decorations?
A: I liked all of their decorations, especially the tribe of Issachar’s decoration – it was about loving one another.
Q: What experiences did you feel about getting graded over decorations?
A: I felt really happy about our grade but I wish we could have gotten a higher one.
Thank you.
Elizabeth G; Age 12
(Junior Camp West)
Cobalt is a camp mom, but she also does crafts. This year we made drums. Cobalt is from Sacramento, CA. She has two kids who attend camp. She learned about Camp Gilgal at her Messianic synagogue. She decided to join the camp staff because her kids liked camp, so she thought she would as well. She says, “I prayed to become a member of the Camp Gilgal staff and when my application was accepted, I knew this was where God wanted me to be.” She also said, “It’s hard but very fun and making the drums is fun.”
The Complete Guide to Carpet Ball
Tirzah W; Age 12
(Junior Camp West)
The game of carpet ball is about strategy and technique. The carpet ball box is 3 ½ feet high, 12 feet long and 2 feet wide. It is lined with thick or thin carpet with pockets on the sides. Five to six pool table balls are put inside of the box. The idea of the game is to knock all five of the other player’s balls into the pocket. You throw a white or black pool table ball. Some people throw over arm, others throw sideways. The best way to throw that I recommend is throwing sideways because you get a better aim that way. On the other hand, throwing overhand is risky, but it has more power. We have two champions: Tamar P, the ladies’ champion, and Eric G, the men’s champion. I will interview Tamar.
Q: What is your technique?
A: I throw sideways and rarely throw overhand. I also keep the balls close together.
Q: When did you start playing carpet ball?
A: Two years ago
Q: Were you always good at carpet ball?
A: Not my first year, but this year and last I started getting much better.
Q: So why did you start playing carpet ball?
A: It looked like fun.
So there you have it – how to play carpet ball.
The Tribe of Issachar
Pomai B; Age 12
(Junior Camp West)
The tribe of Issachar is the cabin of hard rock and there are seven girls. There are TuTu and Pebbles, our tribe leaders, and then Hannah Y, Olivia W, Victoria V, Psalm R, and Pomai B. TuTu lives in Yuba City and was born on January 21st. Her favorite thing at Camp Gilgal is getting to know people and talking to them and also Ladies’ Day. She’s going to miss camp so much; she always counts down to camp every year. Pebbles is from California and now lives in Maryland. Pebbles was born on April 19th. Her favorite thing at camp is the theme nights. Also, at free time, she likes to sleep and talk to staff and campers. Hannah Y is from Texas and now lives in Twain Harte. Hannah is 12 and was born on April 10th. Her favorite thing at camp is everything about it. Also, Hannah really enjoys the themes. Olivia is from Stanford and now lives in the East Bay Area. Olivia is 11 and was born on December 17th. Her favorite thing is also everything at camp. Also, she wouldn’t change anything at camp because it’s perfect. Victoria is from Sacramento, CA and is 11 and was born on February 20th. Her favorite thing at camp is FOB. Also she really enjoys the trips and wouldn’t change anything about it because she likes it how it is. Psalm is from Oakland and now lives in Sacramento. She is 11 and was born on November 23rd. Her favorite thing at camp is being with her friends. She absolutely enjoys Camp Gilgal. Pomai is from Honolulu, Hawaii and now lives in Santa Rosa, CA. Pomai was born on February 16th and is 12. Her favorite thing at camp is meeting new people and making new friends. She also thinks the CIC is really funny even though they are very serious about their job.
Who Are They?
Hannah Y; Age 12
(Junior Camp West)
When two mysterious figures walk into the Dining Hall wearing blue hats, it can only mean one thing – it’s the fabulous, wacky C.I.C. (Cabin Inspection Crew). No balloon shrapnel, no dust bunny, and certainly, no cluttered shelf is safe from their eagle eyes. Askew shoes (oh, horror!) tremble in fright! But a clean cabin, free of pesky infractions, can only mean three glorious words: “You nailed it!” No not with a hammer! It means your cabin is spotless, perfect, and completely clean. Then it is worth waking up to a cold cabin, (TuTu left the fan on again!) brushing out a tangled head of hair that looks like rats made a nest in it, and stumbling to the bathroom just to remember your clothes are in the cabin. So remember, “Keep them cabins clean!”
Tribe of Issachar 2008
Victoria V; Age 11
(Junior Camp West)
My name is Victoria and I am interviewing Jazz. Some of the questions are pretty cool and Jazz is awesome. This is Jazz’s first time here at camp, and through the questions, we can all see what a wonderful person she is to learn about.
Q: Do you like to sing?
A: Yes, I like to sing a lot.
Q: Do you play any musical instruments?
A: Yes, I play trumpet and guitar and sing.
Q: How do you like Camp Gilgal for the first time?
A: It’s amazing and so much fun!
Q: What type of hobbies do you have?
A: Swimming
Q: What is your favorite worship song to sing?
A: Kadosh
Q: What is your favorite game to play at camp?
A: Capture the Counselor
Q: So, you are on the Cabin Inspection Crew (C.I.C.). What is your favorite part of the C.I.C.?
A: Finding something gross!
Q: Do you like to hang out with Chameleon?
A: Yes, because he is so funny.
Q: What do you like to do in your free time?
A: I like to sleep in, read the Bible, and eat healthy food.
Not Your Ordinary Volleyball
Olivia W; Age 11
(Junior Camp West)
I’m Olivia and I’m here to tell you about volleyball. This is not any ordinary volleyball, it’s water balloon volleyball! It’s played on a volleyball court, like always, but the rules are quite different and we play in the evening after dinner. Every tribe gets to play against all the other tribes of the same gender. The game begins and the ladies play the ladies first. We, Issachar, won against Simeon. Then we played Reuben and Asher and we won. We’re the champions of the ladies’ side of the camp! Also, the men play each other and the men of Benjamin are the champions for the men’s side of camp. So, for this reason Issachar and Benjamin face each other in the ultimate showdown. The men scored first and Issachar scored second. In order to win it all, you have to score four points first. Although it was a close game, the men ultimately won, unfortunately. After that, the staff played! Men played against ladies and at the end of one of the longest games of water balloon volleyball in history, the male staff won. All in all, water balloon volleyball is a wonderful game!
Tribe of the Year – Issachar
Hannah Y; Age 12
(Junior Camp West)
It was my last year of junior camp, the last day of my cabin’s chance to be Tribe of the Year. Spike started to announce the two Tribes of the Year. My teeth were clenched and my hands were balled. Spike’s mouth opened. I listened to the first sound of the word, “I”. “Keep going,” I thought. “Issachar,” he announced. I screamed in joy. We had been trying so hard. Usually the oldest cabin wins and we were the second oldest, so I was so proud. It was an amazing experience, we were called over to the other side of the grassy lawn where we were sitting to hang and eat lunch with Benjamin who were the men’s’ side winners. They were also the second oldest tribe. Later the two tribes went to see the movie, Wall-e. There was lots of popcorn and soda and the movie was really funny. Then later, we spent an hour in Columbia. I am so proud of my tribe and how great we did. In the beginning of camp we were like 50 points behind everyone but we pulled it together and won Tribe of the Year. So don’t give up!
Dan – A Cabin of Eccentrics
Isaac R; Age 13
(Junior Camp West)
Dan is a tribe known around camp for being eccentric. We all have different talents and abilities. Ben W is just plain crazy sometimes, but he goes all out on every theme night and has the best costumes by far. Nolan B is so funny! At night when everyone wants quiet, he just keeps on yelling; but he is very generous with cookies (ask his mom). Erik G is always calm and quiet and he has great dress style along with being good at cleaning. Jordan W is a great musician and knows tons of famous songs. He totally takes the place of an iPod and is very friendly. Isaac (me) is a reader, writer, and artist who really wants our tribe to win the Tribe of the Year, you know, because he and Erik clean all the time! Shoe, one of our tribe leaders, says the craziest things (and is currently correcting my grammar). One time, while we were in Water Balloon Volleyball, he said, “Hey, there’s some really interesting physics to this.” See what I mean! Last, our leader, Maverick is the coolest tribe leader (besides Peppy). He lets us do whatever we want as a tribe during FOB and that’s great. We are the weirdest, but very cool, cabin. Amen.
Dinner at the Creek
Nolan B; Age 12
(Junior Camp West)
Dinner at the creek was really cool because we got to go swim in the creek. While we were swimming in the creek, Jazz was fighting Cucamonga on a rock and got pushed in. The people who got wet started to go around and hug the people who didn’t get wet. The campers made a water slide. Last year we got to go into the big pool, but this year we couldn’t because it was too dirty. So we went into the upper pools that were shallower then the other one. My first thought of the creek was that the creek was very dirty. Then I thought it was fun but creepy; I thought it was nasty and fun.
Jordan W; Age 12
(Junior Camp West)
Capture the Camper and the Counselor is a game where first the tribe leaders try to find the campers who are scattered across camp and when all the campers are found, the campers have to find the tribe leaders. You could hide behind the water towers, in the playground, on the ladies’ side and the men’s side. It takes longer to catch the counselors than the campers. The hardest person to catch was Amp because he is in the Civil Air Patrol. He took me through brush, over trees, and through many burrs. One of the men was caught by Shoe under a cabin. Another camper was caught by the dining hall by Cucamonga. One camper said, “It was very hard to find the tribe leaders.” Another camper quoted, “It was hard being chased by Cucamonga through the bushes.”
Mail Call
Erik G; Age 12
(Junior Camp West)
Mail call is like the Oscars here at Camp Gilgal. I’m not lying, ask anyone of us campers. It’s so intense and exciting! You get mail and you’re like, “Yes! I got mail!” Some of the staff get so excited they do a cartwheel or something. Moose gets the most excited. He likes to pick up Nathan H. The bonus round is when everyone gets the most excited. It gets louder than “cuppage” at lunch. And almost every time, we stop it perfectly. I’d say mail call is the anticipated event of the day.
Ben’s History at Camp Gilgal
Ben W; Age 12
(Junior Camp West)
Hi! My name is Ben. I was born June 12, 1996. My Grandma (Quack-Quack) was involved with Jews for Jesus and working for Moishe Rosen before I was born, so it was part of my life from the beginning. I’m a Messianic Jew by birth and by faith. Every year I celebrate Passover and Hanukkah. I remember almost every week going and picking up my Grandma from Moishe’s home in San Francisco. I started visiting Camp Gilgal at the young age of one. I visited every year until ’04 when I started at WWW North and have gone to WWW North and summer camp ever since. I started at WWW North at the age of seven – a bit early but no one minded. Most counselors have memories of me at a young age. Maverick says his first and favorite memory of me is on the Fourth of July and when I was in a funny Fourth of July outfit. TuTu’s first and favorite memory of me is of my family dressing me up on the Fourth of July. Snapple says her favorite memory of me was when I was a toddler and she was a camper. “You came up to me with a camera and asked if you could take my picture.” Snapple’s first memory of me was of me playing during the camp picture and making everyone laugh. Moose says his favorite memory of me is that when we came to Columbia I became an adopted member of the Gilgal family. Chameleon’s first memory of me is when he visited Quack-Quack’s house. I was there and not even walking yet! Now that I’m in my fifth year of junior camp, I am ready to say goodbye to all and move on to teen camp. I will just get deeper into the love of God shown to me by Camp Gilgal-Jews for Jesus.
All Right Asher
Dottie P; Age 11
(Junior Camp West)
The tribe of six (not including tribe leaders), Asher, has had fun at camp. Bazooka and Hoops, the two tribe leaders, are whipping their campers into shape. Bazooka and Hoops wake up their campers fifteen minutes before a loud whistle, leaving the campers two minutes to get ready. Kezziah W, a camper in the tribe of Asher, says, ” I am good friends with everyone in my tribe and we have a great time together.” Kezziah, otherwise known as Kezzi, is 11 years old and loves Camp Gilgal. Now Sarah K is one of the other girls in the cabin. This girl is small but incredibly smart and so amazing. She’s having a blast in her cabin. She says, “I like hangin’ out in my cabin with all the other girls. We love to laugh and talk about different things.” Sarah has fun in her cabin and can’t wait to come back next year. Now we still have four more people so hold on. Calli B, age 10, has loved her first time at camp and loves her tribe leaders. She has had so much fun at camp and hopes she can come back next year. Brooke A has had fun her second year and, as all the rest, likes her fellow campers and her tribe leaders. She likes hanging with her friends and can’t wait to come back next year. Our last cabin girl before we go on to the tribe leaders is Miss Katie S. Katie is 10 years old and is having fun at camp. She likes playing the nighttime games and she wants to come back next year. Our two AMAZING tribe leaders are Bazooka and Hoops. Bazooka’s really fun and is a great tribe leader. “Now Hoops, the tribe leader from Uzbekistan, is a really great person. She is really fun and we played a joke on her. It didn’t work too well because she knew we were doing it,” Brooke said that Asher has had so much fun at camp and can’t wait to come back next year.
Strange Suppers
Katie S; Age 10
(Junior Camp West)
At home you may think that dinner is just a meal at the end of the day where everything is absolutely normal. You eat food, talk, and eat, and talk until dessert and afterwards go to bed; but not at camp Gilgal! Every night is something unique and spectacular. “There’re out of the ordinary,” says camper Calli B of the tribe of Asher. From crazy utensils to silly animals, Camp Gilgal dinners are nothing like home. One of these nights was Crazy Utensil Night. Campers randomly chose one extraordinary utensil out of a large pot. They then had to eat their entire dinner using only that utensil. “I used a long spoon,” says camper Julia K, tribe of Reuben, “But since it was pasta, I ate with the back of the spoon.” Another silly dinner was Backwards Night. Campers dressed up in many ways for this occasion. Two girl’s tribes dressed up like boys while some other tribes wore pajamas. (However, none of the boys wanted to be girls.) One tribe, Asher, even sat in their chairs backwards!” We had to act like boys, dress like boys, and make nicknames, says camper Sarah K, tribe of Asher. On Bad Hair Night, all the tribes did very silly things. One wore flowers all over their hair, while others wore tons of hair spray. One tribe even dressed up like Whoa! It was a very silly night. Animal Night was quite fun as well. Campers dressed up as any animal they wanted. Some tribes just chose random animals to dress up as, but some did more. One tribe was “z-z-z-zebras” as they said in line-up that evening. A few other tribes wore face paint. Another tribe all wore Kung-Fu Panda masks. The things I have described only begin to explain our silly dinners. They are nothing like home. I hope all campers will remember this year’s strange suppers.
The Degel
Sarah K; Age 10
(Junior Camp West)
When you go to Camp Gilgal, one thing that you have to do is make your degel (flag). When you get your degel you choose a name. My tribe picked the name Asher which means tree. After we named our tribe, Asher, we painted a tree on our degel with everyone from our tribe’s name on it. The next day when we came down for breakfast they gave all eight tribes their degelim and told us the rules about them. Spike, one of our leaders, said that we must take our degel wherever we go at the campsite except during free time. When you bring your degel you get points for Tribe of the Year, but if you forget or leave your degel somewhere you don’t get any points at all.
Campers and Their Drums
Kezziah W; Age 11
(Junior Camp West)
In crafts we are making drums! We make our designs on it and then we soak them in water and then we dye them. There was blue, red, yellow and natural! There was a lot of blue and then we tied them really tight. Then we painted them. We made the drum stick by rolling cotton on it and we glued leather on it and we painted it all different colors. We are going to use our drums in the Fourth of July parade. We put all different designs. I put my Tribe Leader, Hoops, on it and it looks pretty good. Another girl, Calli B, put a horse on hers. Like I said there are a lot of designs. Everyone is having so much fun in craft. I can’t wait until the Fourth of July parade. It is going to be fun. I love my drum so much!
Brooke A; Age 11
(Junior Camp West)
Today I interviewed T-Bone the Hebrew Teacher.
Q: How did you get started at Camp Gilgal?
A: I met a friend of Moose and he told Moose I was a Hebrew teacher and Moose met me in Los Angeles to interview me.
Q: Why is it important for campers to learn Hebrew?
A: It helps them be a witness to their Jewish relatives. They learn the language of the Bible. It also helps prepare them for their Bar or Bat Mitzvah.
Q: Why did you learn Hebrew?
A: When I went to a Christian College, I was interested in learning the languages of the Bible. I learned Hebrew and Greek.
Q: What is your favorite part of teaching Hebrew?
A: I like teaching the alef bet song with moves.
Q: What do you like to do besides teaching Hebrew?
A: I like to go to the beach and I like to star gaze.
Q: Is there something you would like to say to end this interview?
A: I love meeting children at Camp Gilgal and watching them grow up. Also I like to see the campers and staff grow in their faith in Y’shua.
Calli B; Age 10
(Junior Camp West)
Q: What was it like your first year?
A: I was blown away my first year on staff at camp. I just could not believe how organized it was – and fun.
Q: How did you do in points?
A: I have only been on staff as camp mom; however, I always wanted to go to camp when I was younger
Q: When did you marry Esquire?
A: I married the most wonderful Jewish man on July 25, 1993. Eight years later he accepted Y’shua into his heart thanks to Jews for Jesus faithfulness to him. Rob Wertheim met with Esquire weekly for many years and shared Y’shua’s love with him
Q: What is your favorite color?
A: Red like the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim.
Q: When did you become the Camp Momma?
A: 2007 was my first summer at Camp Gilgal and on staff.
Q: Do you like swimming?
A: I love swimming. I was a lifeguard for eight years.
Q: What do you like best about being a Camp Momma?
A: My favorite part of being Camp Momma is loving all the campers while they are away from home.
Our Growling Wolf
Zach S; Age 11
(Junior Camp West)
The first night we got our tribe name, Benjamin, and our pure, dark red degel (flag). I wanted the name Benjamin because it meant wolf, but other members of our tribe wanted Simeon (sword). So our first choice was Simeon, then Benjamin. When it was our turn to choose, unfortunately other tribes wanted the name Simeon, and since we didn’t want to draw straws, we just went for the name Benjamin. This time, fortunately, no tribes were after that name and so we took it. Now it was time for us to choose a degel. Our first degel color choice was tan, but if other tribes wanted tan, we would go for bright, light blue. Our third color choice was purple. When it came up to tan, other tribes (or course!) wanted tan, so we tried to get light blue. Other tribes wanted bright light blue so this was the time we drew straws. We lost!!!!! The horror!!! Well now we had to choose a degel color that no one wanted, so we got red. The degel had so many details that I could talk about it forever, but I won’t describe it for ages. It had Benjamin written in English and Hebrew. In the middle was a picture of a wolf’s head. It also had Camp Gilgal written and our names, and 2008. Talking about our names, I must introduce you to our tribe members. Nova was our co-tribe leader. He is 18 years old and lives in Fresno. Jet is our other co-tribe leader. He is also 18 and live in Los Angeles. Kaleb F is a funny camper and he is 12 years old. Ivan B is a new camper. He is 11 years old and lives half of his time in Russia, (He was born in Russia) and the other half of his time in Sacramento. Nathan H is a good and seasoned camper. He is 11 years old and lives in Atwater Village. Noah P is 11 years old and lives in San Diego. Ellis S is 11 and lives in San Clemente. I am moving from Shanghai, China to Fremont in the Bay area in California. Well, that is our tribe’s members. On the men’s side, we have the most points and we might get Tribe of the Year!
What it is like to be in the Worship Team
Noah P; Age 11
(Junior Camp West)
I am in the worship team. The instrument I play is the drums. When I joined I decided to play the drum. I played it in Tabernacle. Why? Because I was very familiar with the drum. A challenge was when I had to clean my area and go to Tabernacle early. But when I play in the worship team, I do it as a way of praising the Lord and helping people praise Him. The song I like to play is “Trees of the Fields.” The people I play with are Jordan W and Nathan P.
Volleyball with …..Tarps?
Nathan H; Age 11
(Junior Camp West)
What types of volleyballs are multicolored, squishy, and wet? Water balloon volleyballs of course! It’s the game where you get wet on dry land. Monday night, the entire camp skidded down the hill. A wave of excitement filled the air as Moose explained the double elimination rule. On water balloon volleyball, one tribe serves the balloon by launching it from their tarp. The ball must travel over the net, inside the bounds of the rope, and out of the other tribe’s tarp. A volley is made when the ball is caught by the opposite tarp. I have asked all the tribes and leaders about their thoughts. Here are their answers and statistics.
Q: What was the final battle between Issachar and Benjamin like and what was it like for your tribe? Ellis S, Tribe of Benjamin: It was very close and exciting. Our tribe worked as a team and that is how we succeeded. Malachi W, Tribe of Naphtali: The final game was really cool and amazing. People kept catching the ball! I think our tribe did best in the first two matches. Jordan W, Tribe of Dan: It was a very close game – intense! I don’t know why our tribe lost. We had the best technique. Tamar P, Tribe of Simeon: The final battle was a very close game. Our tribe thought we were going to win. We had already won one game. Hannah Y, Tribe of Issachar: The last game was super tense. Our tribe thought we would win until we got out. We pulled together and almost won. I didn’t know we had that much teamwork in us. Snapple, Tribe of Simeon: The game was super intense and really tiring but the best game I’ve ever played. Maverick, Tribe of Dan: It was really fun and the longest game ever. It was the first time I saw the catch where Cucamonga dove to catch the balloon. TuTu, Tribe of Issachar: It lasted forever and was the most intense game ever. Jet, Tribe of Benjamin: The game was extremely tough but very fun. Hoops, Tribe of Asher: I think the ladies should have won.
The Campfires and Prayers
Ivan B; Age 11
(Junior Camp West)
Campfires were a lot of fun. There were a lot of funny skits. One of them was called “Centipede”. In this skit, Cucamonga laid down on the ground while the centipede crawled over him. The centipede named “Centa” dropped water on him (Centa peed). Another skit was called “Waiting Room”. Cucamonga was sitting on a chair and Jet came in with an itch. Cucamonga started itching. Then Deisel came with a cough. Cucamonga then started coughing. The skits were all very funny. Also, many tribe leaders shared their testimonies at the campfires. We got to hear about their lives and what they did spiritually. We also got to hear how they accepted Jesus. My favorite testimony was Jet’s. Another part of the campfires was prayer time. We got to pray with tribe leaders individually. Many people used this prayer time with the tribe leaders. We were able to ask for forgiveness or commit our lives to God. The prayer time was very helpful. The campfire was always a very exciting part of camp. My favorite part was the skits. We were even able to throw weeds into the fire. Campfires were really cool.
Men’s Day
Kaleb F; Age 12
(Junior Camp West)
This year they really cooked it up. First we played water balloon volleyball but not like our usual volleyball game. This time we used teams of two with towels. Then we played water balloon fights in the war zone. Then we had sword fights and I came in first place. It was hard! We also played watermelon football in the pool. We tied. I had a touchdown and my friend did too. Then we made our own sarsaparillas with dry ice. Then we blew up two watermelons with dry ice and a big Pepsi bottle and water bombs. When Moose threw a rock at a water bottle it hit the watermelon. The watermelon rolled down and broke and we had to repair it. It was fun.
The Old Days
Ellis S; Age 11
(Junior Camp West)
For the first time in Camp Gilgal history, all sixteen in-cabin staff grew up as campers at Camp Gilgal junior camp. I interviewed some of the tribe leaders. All of them were asked these following questions:
1. How old were you on your first year of camp?
2. How is it being a tribe leader now, knowing you were a camper back then?
3. How did you like camp back then comparing this year’s camp to your first year?
Three tribe leaders were interviewed for this article for question number one. Amp and Jet said they were both nine years old, however, TuTu said she was eight years old.
For question number two, Snapple said, “It’s like a book of secrets knowing the kinks of camp.” Nova said that he enjoys knowing what’s happening at camp. Maverick says that it was exciting being in a different perspective.
For question number three, Yoshi says, “It was a lot of fun but it was all surprising. Now I am not surprised as much as I was back then.” Luna says, “Well, my first year of camp had more surprises so it was more exciting, and as staff you don’t get enough sleep and it is more intense.” Diesel says, “My first year had to be more exciting because I didn’t expect anything. Now I know more and expect everything.
Here are some random quotes about being a tribe leader.
“Camp was a lot of fun then and even more fun now!”
“It’s tons of fun. I get to help new campers have the same fantastic experience I did as a camper.”
“It feels like we do a lot more things now. I love it…busy, busy!!
Junior Camp vs. Teen Camp
By Ellie H; Age 13
(Teen Camp West)
Q: Which one is better, teen camp or junior camp and why?
A: Teen camp, because you have more freedom and the activities are way more fun and exciting.
Q: What is your favorite activity?
A: So far my favorite was Bass Lake.
Q: Specifically, what do you miss from junior camp?
A: I’m so sad that teen camp is only one week – junior camp is two.
Q: Which do you like better – junior camp or teen camp food and why?
A: Junior camp food because food at teen camp tastes bad.
Q: Are you sad to be leaving camp tomorrow?
A: Yes, I’m very sad and I can’t wait until Ingathering to see everyone again.
Q: Is teen camp closer or farther than junior camp?
A: Teen camp is about two hours farther away.
Q: Do you like your counselors?
A: Yes, my counselors are Red Sox and KoKo and they are cool.
Q: Has your cabin ever “nailed it”?
A: Yes, we nailed it on Thursday; we tried really hard and we finally did it. It was worth the work.
Thank you Annamarie for your interview.
Missed the Memo
By Ashley K; Age 14
(Teen Camp West)
“Oh, and the cabins don’t have walls – it’s just tarp.” So I told the upcoming teen campers to warn them about the accommodations. Naturally, I exaggerated a little and overplayed the flaps of tarp serving as walls. However, when I arrived Sunday afternoon, I was ecstatic. The van pulled up in front of a two-story lodge with creaking stairs and a steep hill leading up to it. Hardly noticing the stairs or hill, I stared in awe at the walled building that was surely big enough to fit all the campers. “Are we staying here?! I cautiously asked Spike. “Yes.” That one word put me over the top. I relished the idea of having walls and air conditioning. The other seasoned veterans rejoiced with me. And so far this week, my pillow has not fallen out once and my covers aren’t halfway outside the cabin. The upgrade was the very thing to lead the way for a great camp; and every time I walk up the steep hill and creaky stairs, I think of those tarps and thank God!
Rock, Pop, or Jazz?
By Rebekah L; Age 14
(Teen Camp West)
Q: How long have you been attending Camp Gilgal and who told you about it?
A: This is my first year attending and I heard about it through Aaron Abramson, the
Minister-at-Large with Jews for Jesus.
Q: At teen camp, what was your favorite activity thing we did and why?
A: So far it’s been Capture the Degel with my partner Kaile. (We cracked up so hard!)
Q: What made you decide to join the worship team?
A: My internship was designed to strengthen my worship leadership skills and I feel that God has
called me to glorify Him with my voice.
Q: What is your favorite song to sing and why?
A: My favorite song to sing is Holy of Holies because it is a very Middle Eastern sounding song
with a Christian message.
Q: When did you first accept Jesus as your Messiah? How old were you?
A: I was 16 and it happened at a meeting held at my school.
Q: What made you choose the name “Jazz”?
A: I chose that name because I play trumpet and I used to sing in a jazz lounge.
Most Important Question:
Q: Do you buy 1 ply or 2 ply toilet paper?
A: 1 ply, I feel like I waste less that way.
Jazz Favorites:
Food – Italian
Animal – Sugar Glider
Drink – Passion Tea Lemonade from Starbucks
Sport – Ballet and pretty much any dancing
Band – Take No Glory
Hobbies : Singing, learning new instruments, swimming, surfing, and I’m getting into reading philosophy
By Daniel F; Age 15
(Teen Camp West)
Chameleon, the one and only, the familiar face we all know with a big taste for adventure. Great friend and awesome counselor, this guy is on fire for Jesus. Chameleon first went to Camp Gilgal in 2000. He went to teen camp. One of his most memorable moments was braving the banana boat. He and a group who would be later known as Mr. Commissioner, Peppy, Kirby and, Spartacus had the time of their lives. He became a counselor in 2001 and has been a counselor for seven years. He’s always a blast at any game him and his campers play. Whether it is Mission Impossible, Capture the Degel, or even jet skiing, you know he will dominate. On a closer look at Chameleon, he is quite the adventurer. “I love action, adventure, and Chinese food.” He hunts sharks and various sport fish in his spare time. This blazing adventurer with a big taste for adventure is on fire for Jesus.
By Esther W; Age 15
(Teen Camp West)
Q: Were you ever a Camp Gilgal camper?
A: No
Q: Would you have liked to be a camper?
A: I would have loved to be a camper. I wish I would have known about it when I was a child and a teen.
Q: When did you first become a part of Camp Gilgal?
A: 2006 was my first year as a counselor at Teen Camp.
Q: How did you find out about Jews for Jesus?
A: I had several friends who were involved and they needed counselor help for the female side.
Q: What was the most interesting memory from your first year here?
A: The world famous KoKo slide of 20 feet.
Q: Who were the first people you met when you arrived?
A: Moose, Mr. Commissioner, Poppy, DeeDee, and Kansas were the first when they picked me up from the airport an hour before campers arrived.
By Sheridan R; Age 15
(Teen Camp West)
Q: Maverick, when did you start coming to Camp Gilgal?
A: I was nine and it was in the summer of 1999.
Q: Who were your first counselors?
A: My first counselors were Sush-Dogg and Wiggy.
Q: How was your first Camp Gilgal experience?
A: It was an amazing experience where I made friends that I still have to this day.
Q: When did you first decide to be a counselor and why?
A: I first wanted to be a counselor after my first Junior Camp. Later on my reasons became me
wanting to help minister to younger kids and be a role model for them.
Q: What was your most memorable camp experience?
A: Well, that’s tough because I’ve been going to camp for almost ten years; I would have to say my
second year of Adventure Camp because I feel like I really experienced God for the first time there.
Q: What is your favorite memory of camp food?
A: Okay, that’s an easy one. The first year of Teen camp at Hume Lake, the last night we had prime rib for dinner, followed by a giant pizza-sized cookie with ice cream for dessert, called pizookie.
By Ari H; Age 15
(Teen Camp West)
Moose, who is the director of Camp Gilgal since it began in 1991, heads numerous events such as Junior Camp West, Teen Camp West, Adventure Camp West, and Southern and Northern Winter Camp. He also does a great part in the children’s ministries at the Ingathering, which is held at Mount Hermon Family Center in Santa Cruz. Moose is without a doubt one of the hardest workers I know. Moose is dedicated to bringing children from all around the world to be a part of Camp Gilgal and gain a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. One thing that I love about Moose is that he does all this work as a servant of the Lord. Over the years, Moose has been one of the greatest influences in my life and my walk with the Lord. He has ministered to my siblings through Camp Gilgal since the very start. Every year he performs to the highest of his ability. Moose has really opened my eyes to see that, I do have a purpose and, has encouraged me to become stronger in my faith and gain spiritual maturity in my relationship with Y’shua. Moose is loved by almost everyone. Though his job is hard and stressful, he always does his best for the satisfaction of the campers. If you do not know Moose at a personal level, I advise you to get to know him. He is a very fascinating person. Moose has done so much for my life throughout all these years that I feel I must repay him. I feel that the Lord has really placed it on my heart that I need to be serving Him and I feel that since I have been raised through camp that I should help other campers by giving them what I have learned over these years. I am thankful for all that he has done for me and am so blessed to have him as a part of my life. Thank you Moose! We all love you!
One Fabulous Interview with Mr. Commissioner
By Daniel G; Age 15
(Teen Camp West)
Q: Hello, Mr. Commissioner. How are you?
A: Fine, thank you.
Q: When did you first come to Camp Gilgal?
A: When I was nine.
Q: What was it like?
A: It was glorious! Sush-Dogg and Waldo were my counselors. I was in the first cabin with 2
counselors. Peppy and Brickhouse were my cabin buddies.
Q: Very cool! How many years have you been coming to Junior Camp?
A: 11 years
Q: When did you want to become a counselor?
A: I don’t know. Maybe I always wanted to be one from my Junior Camp experiences.
Q: What was the most extremely awesome experience of Camp Gilgal?
A: Adventure camp, when we were house boating with Moose, Ace, Brickhouse and Peppy.
Q: Why did you become a counselor?
A: I like investing in people’s lives.
Q: What was your favorite part of teen camp this year?
A: I like the one-on-one discussions, the Gaga pit, jet skiing, and Vernal Fall when we were on the
mist trail.
Q: Do you play an instrument?
A: Yes, I play the saxophone. I played at Junior Camp.
Q: Lastly, what is your favorite color?
A: Cobalt blue
Red Sox
By David L; Age 14
(Teen Camp West)
Q: Red Sox, how do you like it here on the West Coast?
A: It’s a lot more laid back than on the East Coast
Q: What was your favorite game?
A: Operation Promise Land because it was new
Q: Which meal do you most enjoy?
A: I love every meal!
Q: What song do you love the most?
A: Indescribable, amazing things God created
Q: If you could stay longer would you?
A: Yes
Q: What do you find most compelling about Y’shua?
A: It doesn’t matter what we do, He’s always around.
Q: Do you miss the East Coast?
A: No, but I’ll be going back Tuesday.
Q: Do you like the Red Sox more than anything?
A: absolutely yes!
By Nathan D; Age 15
(Teen Camp West)
Q: How old are you?
A: I’m not supposed to answer that.
Q: What is your job?
A: I work as a missionary with Jews for Jesus.
Q: What is your favorite color?
A: Green, because I’ve been told it brings out the color in my eyes.
Q: What is your favorite type of music and why?
A: I like music that is really expressive.
Q: Which superhero would you be?
A: Dr. X from X-men because he can do a lot while just sitting there.
Q: What is your favorite food?
A: Sushi, definitely, followed by soup
Q: What are some amazing things you have seen God do in your life?
A: (long pause) I guess I’ve just seen that when I’m going through hard things in my life God
brings out something better than I could have hoped for.
Q: Where do you live?
A: I live in Los Angeles and I like it.
Q: What did you want to see God do this week?
A: This summer God has shown me how much he cares for me in a new way and I wanted Him to do
that for the campers this week.
Q: What is your favorite Gilgal memory?
A: When I was a camper in ’94, there was a huge flood and, there were mud wars in the field all week.
Q: What is your craziest Gilgal memory?
A: When I was staff in ’02 all the kids had their pillows and there was a camp-wide pillow fight that
lasted for half and hour.
Q: Who do you look up to and why?
A: I’d say, probably Speedy, who was the East Coast camp director, because I have seen him in a lot
of situations and he has really modeled what a believer should be to me.
By Stephy S; Age 12
(Teen Camp West)
Q: What was your favorite part of camp?
A: The fellowship with other Jewish believers.
Q: Did you have fun at camp?
A: Always, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have been coming all these years.
Q: How long have you been a counselor?
A: This is my first year but my second camp.
Q: Did you like the people in your cabin?
A: Yeah, I’ve always had really fun people in my cabin.
Q: How did you hear about camp?
A: My 3 older siblings grew up in camp, so it was natural for me to eventually go.
Q: Were any of your siblings involved?
A: Yeah, all three.
Q: What’s your favorite color?
A: Royal or cobalt blue
Q: What’s your favorite food?
A: Ice cream!
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do?
A: Hang out with my friends and eat ice cream or cookie dough
Q: What is your favorite thing about being a counselor?
A: Being able to be a support system for campers
Q: What is the difference between being a counselor and being a camper?
A: A huge difference, the whole perspective of camp changes
Q: How old were you when you first went to camp?
A: Nine
By Greycianne R; Age 13
(Teen Camp West)
On Wednesday we went to Yosemite. We hiked up to Vernal Fall. It was quite the experience. At first it was really easy, but then it got harder. We had to walk up 705 steps, it was horrible, but it was worth it. I was the leader of the whole camp. I went up the mountain slow and everyone was telling me to hurry up, so I went slower. Ashley, Rebekah, Esther, Rozzi, Chloe, Ellie, Sarah, and Stephy were my support group when I was having a hard time. I saw God that day. I prayed when I almost gave up and He answered my prayer. God is truly amazing and He works in miraculous ways.
Water Polo
By Andy K; Age 13
(Teen Camp West)
We had finished a breathless round of “Sardines” (think Hide and Seek in reverse), and we were waiting sweaty and sunburned for round two. Most campers were secretly resentful of running around instead of swimming in the pool. Then, to our total shock, the hider went into the pool, signaling for us to join. After a few minutes of messing around, we got down to business – water polo!
We quickly separated with Moose, Maverick, and KoKo leading team #1, and Chameleon, Yoshi, and Mr. Commissioner leading team #2. The water polo match immediately turned into a water polo slaughter. Team #1 was getting creamed. To even out the playing field, Chameleon was transferred to Team #1, but the beating just continued. Team #2 had a rock solid defense and Commissioner’s sneakiness and Yoshi’s fearlessness only helped. However, Team #1 started to trade better players and close the point gap. The fight was vicious. Sometimes the ball would be clawed at for five minutes until someone had control over it. But as we neared the finish time, Team #1 approached Team #2’s score. Finally, after climactic steals, interceptions, and goals, it was a tie game.
By Rozzi K; Age 13
(Teen Camp West)
The first day of camp we had a campfire. The first thing we did is sing worship songs. Then there was a skit about the joke “Why did the chicken cross the road?” Then Jason, Erik, and Ari had to sit in between Yoshi and Jazz to see who wouldn’t fall through the middle of the two chairs, with a blanket making it look like there were three seats. Then we threw each other a ball of yarn and whoever caught it had to tell everyone what they were looking forward to for this year at camp. The last thing we did is eat S’mores. I had a lot of fun and I can’t wait for the next campfire.
The Ropes Course
By Annamarie T; Age 14
(Teen Camp West)
Hi! My name is Annamarie Trank. This is my first year at teen camp and my first time ever doing a ropes course! The ropes course is a series of obstacles and challenges and the goal is to get through to the end. The first obstacle you go through is climbing up a rope-ladder tube. The second challenge is walking across a wire line holding onto a harness. After that, the third challenge is to walk across a log holding your arms out and trying not to fall off. The fourth challenge was two wires; you had to stand on one and hold the other one and somehow make your way across. The fifth challenge was going across a rope bridge either on one leg using one arm, or having the guy at the end shake the ladder. I went across with one leg. The final step was going down a giant zip-line! My favorite thing out of the ropes course, rock wall, and the giant swing was the ropes course!
The Aftermath of Bass Lake
By Sheridan R; Age 15
(Teen Camp West)
For me, the best part about Bass Lake actually happened after we left the beach, the jet skis, and the boats. We went for a short drive around the lake, leaving from Miller’s Marina, until we arrived at a secluded stretch of forest and beach. When we got there, everyone split up for some private quiet time prayer. Some people went to the waters edge and stood, while others preferred to sit by the Indian grinding stones. After the intimate time with God that we had, it was time for dinner. We had a fairly short dinner of hot dogs and burgers courtesy of Chef Moose. After our meal, it became a time of undisturbed worship under the stars as a whole camp. It was an all-around amazing experience for everyone there, but for me especially. I had the privilege of leading worship for it, which was incredible. Sitting and singing under the night sky with so many peers and believers was such an encouraging experience. It was my high point of camp, being on both ends – leading worship, and worshipping with some of my best friends.
Gaga Pit
By Ashley K; Age 14
(Teen Camp West)
Gaga: Hebrew for “bit”; a fierce game of dust, sweat, and yes, bits, otherwise known as Israeli dodge ball. When Chameleon explained the rules, I knew this was going to be an intense game. The wooden arena was about three feet high, with one latch-gate. Everyone in the camp, all thirty-four of us, were supposed to fit in the arena and play all at once. I stepped in fearing what the outcome would be. The objective was to eliminate the other players by hitting them below the knee. You couldn’t throw it, roll it, kick it, or hit it out of the arena. Besides the incredible amount of dust, there were also hard blows to the head and bloody knuckles. Nonetheless, I got addicted to the game and finished within the top ten almost every game. However, the most incredible moment for me was finishing the last game by almost beating Sheridan in a fierce one-on-one. The reason I lost was very disappointing to me; I hit the ball out of the arena. However, it was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it. The next time though, I’ll remember to aim low.
My Cabin
By Rachael B; Age 13
(Teen Camp West)
Hey, my name is Rachael. I’ve been going to Gilgal since I was eight, but this is my first year at Teen Camp. So, my cabin is pretty amazing. The ladies that are in my cabin are Ellie, Stephy, Jeri, Chloe, Greyci, and Rozzi. Our counselors are Yoshi and Jazz. We are the younger of the two cabins, but I spend a lot of time with the other girls. Our first day of cabin inspection, our cabin got a horrible score. It was a 65; that is 7 infractions. “NOT OKAY!” Well, at least we did better the next time. Oh yeah, my cabin mates also all sleep crazily. Jazz said when she wakes up she sees us spread out everywhere. So funny! Okay, now about some of my cabin members. Ellie: She is my best friend. We’ve known each other since we were two. Stephy: We talk all the time. She’s like a little sister. Yoshi: She is in love with ice cream and wishes, she could have it everyday. But she strongly dislikes tomatoes. Jazz: She is crazy on the jet skis (I love it), and she will not cut her hair. Greyci: She has super cool pink hair and likes making funny faces. Jeri and Chloe: They are from Tennessee and they are best friends. Rozzi: She lives in Las Vegas like me, and we hang out sometimes. So, that’s my cabin.
By Isaac I; Age 13
(Teen Camp West)
The rules to paintball are:
If you get hit once in the head you’re out. If you get hit twice in the body you’re out. For the first round the team leaders were Mr. Commissioner on the red side and Sheridan Reed on the blue. The red team won twice. The last round I played and got shot nine times in all, and the last five shots were with only two seconds in between. Moose was the leader of the blue team for the second and third round. Moose’s team won the third round. It hurt a lot when I got hit but I eventually got used to it. Overall, it was a good experience. I hope to do it again next year.
By Erik G; Age 12
(Teen Camp West)
On the fifth day of camp we went to Vons. What’s so exciting about a grocery store anyway? Just kidding – it’s so awesome! They have a Starbucks and extraordinary food there. I bought two vanilla bean frappuccinos and a passion fruit tea. I also bought $12 worth of groceries: One bag of chips, a twelve pack of Mountain Breeze, a six pack of cream soda, and gum. It was a lot of fun. Jason bought a twenty-four pack of Mountain Dew and a six pack of cream soda. Rebecca said, “It’s the greatest thing since breathing!” Vons is great, but personally I don’t think “it’s the greatest thing since breathing,” but my cabin and I plan to buy the whole store next year.
The Epic Adventure
By Kaile Z; Age 15
(Teen Camp West)
Capture the Degel is definitely one of the highlights of camp for me. When I said I would be on offense with Jazz, I had no idea what I was in for. Jazz is super competitive. I didn’t want to take any roads, so we went trekking through the forest through brush and what we later found out was a poison oak meadow. The sun was almost set and it was getting a little eerie when we heard a turkey. Then a squirrel started knocking down all kinds of things from the tree above us. We were told the other day that turkeys can attack and, while I was freaked out, Jazz was more worried about getting caught. While she listened intently for the opposite team, I reassured her that we were in the middle of nowhere and nobody would find us. Then, when we were even more scared since we thought that Chameleon or Mr. Commissioner were going to jump out at us, another camp blasted their megaphone and we jumped and almost completely lost our footing. So then we climbed through a ravine and up a log and we finally spotted our enemy’s flag. We waited for the perfect moment to dash out in the middle of the field to grab the flag and win the game. While we were enjoying each other’s company, we heard screams and heard our teammates getting escorted to jail. We decided we should make a run for it since our enemies were distracted. We counted down – “3 – 2 – 1” – and sprinted full speed ahead. As I was running behind Jazz, I saw her hit something and bounce backward. She had run full-on into a fence! The temptation to laugh was too much, and I silently laughed so hard I cried. Then we continued and the opposing team put us in jail when we went for their decoy white pole. We didn’t win, but we definitely had good stories to tell.
Van Travel
By Monica G; Age 14
(Teen Camp West)
In the hours we spend in the vans together, we have plenty of time to get to know each other and learn our memory verse, (Romans 8:35-39). Moose wanted us to mix it up to get to know other. It all turned out great. Annamarie: “It’s fun because you get to hang out, listen to music, and people get sick sometimes.” Let’s see what Ellie has to say: “It’s really fun because we have many inside jokes form and we have plenty of time to talk, as well as, spend quality time with our friends.” On our way back from Yosemite, I mixed it up and I had Annamarie, Erik, Andy, Jason, and Daniel Friedman in my van, along with our driver, Spike. On our two hour drive to the Pizza Factory, we sang along to the Beatles on and off tune. It was a never-ending, windy road so some campers got sick. It was good that Spike had the air conditioner blasting to a cold but refreshing sixty degrees.
The Big Swing
By Jason R; Age 13
(Teen Camp West)
On the second day of camp, we had options of doing a giant swing, ropes course, or a rock wall. I chose the swing. At first it was scary going up but the fall was awesome! You have to pull other people into the air which can be hard. Luckily, I had strong people helping me. Those with me were: Maverick, Red Sox, Erik, Sheridan, Nathan, Rozzi, Andy, Esther, and Bekka. They all enjoyed it. Everyone was scared, mostly me though. I interviewed some people who did it last year. Ashley said, “I loved it and it was the best and the scariest part when your harness catches you during the freefall.” They put you in a harness that really hurts, after you get out it still feels like it is on. They use a system of pulleys to get you in the air, and you hang by a string that can hold a school bus. I interviewed Dimitri and here is what he said: “It was fun. It was like 50 feet high. It was scary looking down and getting pulled up. The best part was falling and posing for Chamo and his camera.”
Bass Lake
By Dimitri S; Age 13
(Teen Camp West)
Bass Lake is a scenic place to have fun. This year everybody had the best time. Campers had a lot of choices on activities. They could go water skiing or banana boating or both. Mostly everyone did at least one of those choices. Banana boating was a lot of fun. Up to six people could go on at a time. For those that do not know what banana boating is: banana boating is a yellow banana shaped tube. You ride it by sitting on it and holding on to it by a single strap. Campers were given two choices. They could either go on an easy ride without falling over. The other option was going faster with more turns making it easier to fall over. Everyone was given a chance. Campers tried water skiing and loved it. We water skied throughout the whole lake. Both the campers and staff liked it. Finally, at the end of the day, we all sat down and worshipped.
Wall Climb
By Jeri K; Age 13
(Teen Camp West)
Climb! Climb! Climb! Here I go; my first time climbing a thirty foot tall wall with rocks sticking out of it. Here I am, ready to climb the wall, only a few seconds away from climbing. My heart was pounding at the speed of light. I felt like backing out, but then at the last second the guy was calling my name. I didn’t know what to do so my body just moved towards the guy getting closer and closer to him. It’s like my body had a mind of its own. As I was waiting to be attached to the rope the guy was explaining the rules and what to say. I was staring at everyone sitting down cheering me on. I was about to turn around and face the wall, when I felt myself being lifted up. I grabbed the wall. I am shaking but I can’t chicken out now so, I just started climbing. As I was climbing, the guy started giving me some advice on the way to the top. I just listened to what he was saying and I was actually making some progress. I just kept climbing and climbing. It was really hot out and I was sweating, but I just kept going. I was almost there but I wanted to quit. The guide just said, “Keep going. You’re almost there. You can’t quit now.” So, as I was almost there, he gave me an extra boost up, and I kept going. Before I knew it, I had reached the top. I was so excited. At the end, at the top of the wall, the guy yelled, “Either tell a joke, sing a song, or spit.” So I decided to spit my gum, and he said, “Great!” Then I jumped down and finished.
Operation: Promised Land
By Sarah P; Age 15
(Teen Camp West)
Moose’s thoughts on the game: “Operation Promised Land is played with three tribes of Israel. They attempt to gather as much fruit, represented by inflated balloons in different colors to symbolize pomegranates and grapes, as possible. They did this to get as many points as they could because each balloon is worth a certain number of points. They also attempt to find the ultimate prize of hummus which is worth 1000 points! These items are heavily guarded by the Amorites, Hittites, and Jebusites. The tribes this year were Zebulun (the tribe I was in), Naphtali, and Judah. The tribes had even numbers of campers plus one counselor per tribe. I was highly entertained by catching tribes. Moose (whose name in the game was Jibii), Chameleon, Mr. Commissioner, and their minions, Jazz, Red Sox, and Spike, were the guards of the precious fruit. If they saw a tribe they ran after them. If tagged, the tribe must lead the guard to their fruit and allow them to pop one of their balloons. The tribe with the most points at the end wins. This year the tribe of Naphtali won. It was the first time in Camp Gilgal history that this game had ever been played! It was exciting. My thoughts on the game: At first, it was really hard. We had to run a lot, and suddenly, when guards tried to get us. It was really tiring. Once we got used to it, it was easier and a lot more fun. My “tribe” (Zebulun) got second place, with some balloons and a container of hummus. Once the game ended we were really tired, but it was a pretty fun game. It was really exciting to be a part of the first game of Operation: Promised Land in Camp Gilgal history.
By Ari H; Age 15
(Teen Camp West)
My favorite and most powerful part of teen camp is tabernacle. Tabernacle is a time to reflect upon the things that God has done and also a time to praise Him. Tabernacle is what I look forward to every year because it is a place where I can share with my fellow campers about the things that I struggle with or, if it is a little more personal, I can always just give it up to the Lord. For me it is really a blessing to come to a camp with people who have the same beliefs as me and praise the one true God. I can honestly say that without camp, I would seriously be in the wrong place. When looking at my past life during the school year, I would find myself usually distressed about things I shouldn’t be distressed over and I would become passive. But, summer is always a new chance for me. I get a sense of hope for myself, knowing that I can come to a peaceful place with loving people and draw closer with my friend, my loving God. Every year more obstacles come into my life, but I find they are just brought into my life by God as a way to draw me closer to Him. I try to challenge myself and stay strong, for I know that He always provides for my needs or protects me if I am in danger. When I come to camp, I can always expect to be loved and encouraged. Whatever my situation is they will handle it with love and compassion. I am very thankful and appreciative to all the members of Camp Gilgal for supporting me all these years. They will always be family to me.
The Great Adventure of the Ropes Course
By Chloe W; Age 12
(Teen Camp West)
When I first saw the ropes course there was no way I wanted to go on it. It was thirty feet above the ground! After I was signed up for it, and was about to start climbing up the beginning rope, I was excited and scared at the same time. Since I’m not fond of heights (okay, so I easily get afraid of heights), I was hesitant. Would it be tough? Scary? Fun? Well, it turned out to be all three. The first part of the course, where one has to climb up a yellow netted rope, drained me of more energy than any other part of it. Other people who went before me had said that the first part was the hardest, so at least I was warned ahead of time. So anyway, for the rest of the ropes course, I had to walk across ropes, wires, and a log. The staff there was really friendly and encouraging. They constantly told us how the two supporting ropes that personally held each of our harnesses up could hold up a bus full of kids… at least! That alone made me feel a lot safer and a little more confident that I could do it, and enjoy the new experience. I prayed before I started the course, and God definitely gave me the strength to get through it. I also sort of really liked being up that high! To be able to feel completely comfortable with it still takes a lot of getting used to. At the end (hooray! I mean boo-hoo.), I got to gleefully ride the zip-line back to solid ground. I would probably do the ropes course again if given the chance. Everyone can do things that seem too big or too hard for them with God’s help! Proverbs 3: 5-6.
Horse Day-Interview with the Horse Teacher
By Eliana S; Age 9
(Junior Camp East)
Q. How often do you take kids/grownups on the trail with horses?
A. Anytime except for Sunday. I take 8 horses out at a time.
Q. How many horses do you have?
A. 20, but some are private.
Q. How much experience do you have with horses?
A. Over 40 years.
The Tribe of Zebulun
By the Tribe of Zebulun
(Junior Camp East)
The tribe of Zebulun is really cool. Our tribe is made up of Masha, Noa, Johannah, and Rebecca. Our tribe leader is Frond and our ATL is Captain. We love going to the playground and acting crazy. We also really love our cheer.
The Staff
By Simone P; Age 12
(Junior Camp East)
When you ask a staff member what is in the Staff Room they might tell you one of the following: They watch movies on a large screen TV, they have dance parties with a disco ball, or else that they have candy fights.
This year I decided to go to every staff member and ask them what they personally do in the staff room. I got a lot of repeats, such as playing with Ambrose, eating, sitting on the car seat, and eating some more.
Streetlight said that it depends where she’s sitting. When she sits on the floor she listens to music, but when she sits on the car seat she asks all the other staff to get stuff for her. Chickpea said that she keeps a stash of apples and health food. She also told me that all the staff likes to do imitations of the funny things that campers do. For example, they impersonate Eliana with her “Pretty pink dress.”
In the staff room, Madam likes to stuff his face with food while annoying everyone with his heavy metal music. All that Tauros does in the Staff Room is stuff his face and rub his belly.
Believe it or not, Anti claims that he doesn’t really go into the Staff Room! He refuses to clean Ambrose’s cage! Or as I would say, crazy man by day and party pooper by night! Strings is also a party pooper like Anti. She only goes into the Staff Room either to work or to run away from attacking campers or to drink bottled water. Red Sox might eat a ton of food in the Staff Room, but she still threatens to eat Ambrose while giving him evil fingers.
When Captain goes into the Staff Room, she runs in and gets scared by Anti and Streetlight and, gets harassed by Twister and, then escapes with food. Then there is Jellybean; when she goes into the Staff Room she says that all she does is annoy other people.
Reptar is definitely the most chill of all the staff. She does the usual in the staff room, sitting on the car seat, listening to music and, laughing at people (who usually end up being Madam).
Twister probably has the worst job: cleaning up after the staff. She still enjoys playing with Ambrose and staring at Captain though. She also makes the coffee.
Aaaah…only a few more years!
Interview with Twister
By Johannah C; Age 10
(Junior Camp East)
Twister started coming to camp in 1992. She had horse day every day when she was a camper. Her favorite activity as a camper was ceramics. She says she started using Camp Pinnacle in 2000. The staff at camp helped her pick her camp name. She really likes directing the camp. Her favorite theme meal is Big Night. Her favorite camp trip was at Teen Camp when they camped out under the stars. When Twister got a big package, her favorite part of it was a squishy stress reliever brain. She has read 15 Gilgal Gazettes.
Interview with Violetta
By Rebecca T; Age 10
(Junior Camp East)
I am interviewing a girl named Violetta. She got her name from a flower. Her favorite thing in camp is horseback riding. Her least favorite thing in camp is Cabin Cleanup. Her favorite food is tator tots. She likes the book There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom! Her favorite color is red. Her favorite activity is archery. She also likes this camp.
My Fifth Year at Junior Camp
By Simone P; Age 12
(Juinor Camp East)
Every year, since I was 8, coming to Gilgal was a part of my summer. To me, it is a time to think, to do nothing, and to relax. This year at Gilgal, I really sat down and thought about how much everything has changed. When I come to Gilgal, I really try to calm myself down and find God. Don’t get me wrong, I love everything about Gilgal, from Capture the Degel to Mission Impossible to the rock wall. But, my favorite part of the day is sitting down on a log, staring at the fire, and thinking about God. Every year I find myself more and more thinking about God and less about myself.
By Ana G; Age 11
(Junior Camp East)
Whenever I go to camp, I get really excited, but mostly because I can’t wait for the campfires! I love campfires! They are so much fun! I love all the campfire songs. My favorite one is I Like Bananas. I also look forward to the campfire talks. I’ve found that a lot of the campfire talks have helped me with my walk with God.
I love gazing into the fire when someone is talking. It helps me clear my mind so I can listen closely. I think everybody already knows that I love campfires, but I’m going to say it again, I love campfires!!!
Take Me Out the Ballgame
Austin S; Age 12
(Junior Camp East)
Field trips are fun! So far we have only gone on one and it was so much fun. We went to a minor league baseball game in Albany. The team is the Tri-City Valleycats. They were playing the Jamestown Jammers (Jamestown is in Virginia). The Valleycats lost 7 to 4, but they did hit two homeruns.
The food there was so expensive. I bought funnel cake for $5.00 and cotton candy for $3.50. Bring your own food, I recommend it.
The Army was there, which was pretty cool. We even got on the field for the seventh inning stretch and sang Take Me Out to the Ballgame. I threw my hat in the air twice at the end. Some mascots for the Valleycats threw stuff like t-shirts, Frisbees, and chicken sandwiches…yeah, I know what you are thinking about the chicken. DON’T ASK. At the end of the game we saw TONS!!!!! of fireworks. It was so AWESOME!!!!!!!! It was also pretty.
By Hannah D; Age 9
(Junior Camp East)
Some people like and dislike FOB (Flat On Bunk). I am one of the few that does like FOB and here is why:
First of all, if you are tired at all, you have a great time to rest. Even if you do not like FOB, you can bring something to do. It is a time of the day where you can just lie down and relax.
I used to hate FOB until I realized how nice it is. It is nice taking a little nap every once and a while. So I say YES! I ♥ FOB!
FOB, a Poem
By Masha K; Age 10
(Junior Camp East)
Fob is bad
It makes me sad
It’s a horrible treat
I can’t even sleep
It wastes all my time
It’s not very fun
YAY finally I’m done
Backwards Day
By Masha K; Age 10
(Junior Camp East)
Backwards Day was so fun. I got boy clothes and put them on backwards. Then Captain Falafel gave me her sneakers and her car watch which I put on my foot. When we got to the dining hall, Red Sox asked me the time. I had to stand on one foot like a flamingo and look at the time. Although, it was not very comfortable because the tag was in the way. This is why Backwards Day is so fun.
By Ellie G; Age 9
(Junior Camp East)
The rockwall is a lot of fun, but also a little scary. It’s scary because when you’re almost at the top, there aren’t many grabholds, so you’re clinging onto the wall, terrified. The staff always helps you though. The staff at Rockwall are Reptar, Anti, and Chickpea. Unfortunately, Reptar dropped the heavy wood cover for the rockwall on her toe. It started turning funny colors She had to get holes drilled in her toenail! Reptar usually sets up, but when she got hurt, there wasn’t any time to set up for the rest of the week. So, for the rest of the week, we went to the playground.
Interview with Camp Gilgal
Violetta M; Age 12
(Junior Camp East)
Hello Camp Gilgal! My name is Violetta and I interviewed one person from each tribe and one staff member.
I went to the tribe of Zebulun first, and I asked, “What was the best thing you liked about camp?” First, I went to Rebecca who said, Capture the Degel. Later I went to the tribe of Simeon, and Ellie said that she likes movie night and the field trip. I was walking and all of a sudden I bumped into the tribe called Levi. I saw a girl named Chloe so I asked the question. She said she liked getting back together with an old friend and meeting new people. The last tribe I went to is Benjamin and I asked Mesha my question. He said the field trip, Capture the Degel, and horseback riding.
I’m in the Spotlight!
By Hannah D; Age 9
(Junior Camp East)
In my cabin during tribe time one night we had a dance party! Our mascot Bob the Hopper is actually an iPod player! So we turned off all the lights and put on flashlights. We kept putting spotlights on people but it got boring. So, we invited all the other female tribes in and we got the party started. It was really fun and the spotlight varied. It ROCKED! I enjoyed that tribe time and I always will.
Interview with Frond
By Rebecca T; Age 10
(Junior Camp East)
I’m interviewing a girl named Frond. She is 18 years old. Her favorite animal is the bird of paradise. Her favorite author is Jerry B. Jenkins. Her favorite book is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Her favorite drink that she adores is cream soda. Her favorite food is her mom’s delicious Thanksgiving turkey. She likes doing Tae Kwon Do. She was inspired by her friend.
She wants to go to college at Florida State University which is in Tallahassee. Her favorite color is blue. Her favorite activity in camp is Captain, Sailor, Gunner/Clump. Her least favorite activity is campout.
Interview with Anti
By Ana G; Age 11
(Junior Camp East)
Anti is out of cabin staff. He teaches archery. He has been doing archery since he was 6 or 7! He named his hedgehog, Ambrose, after a Redwall character. He got her in March at a pet store near his home. If he could only eat one type of food for two weeks he would eat pepperjack cheese.
Anti has this strange Batman cap that he got from Party City. Because Anti grew up in a deaf community, he knows American Sign Language. Sometimes he signs along with the Tabernacle songs.
Just like me, Anti love FOB! Yeah! Though most people find it strange that I can pick Anti up, he doesn’t.
By Eliana S; Age 9
(Junior Camp East)
This year at Camp Gilgal our campout got rained out. I decided to ask some people questions about that day.
This was my question: How did you feel when you found out that the campout was rained out and your stuff most likely got wet? This is what people said:
Rebecca said, she was sad because her stuff got wet, but she was happy because we saw a movie. Simone said, she was sad at first, and she didn’t want her Bible to get wet, but was happy that they played a game and watched a movie. David said, he was very mad and didn’t want his stuff to get wet. Austin said, he was really bummed out because he didn’t want to sleep on a wet pillow.
The girls ended up sleeping on the floor of the cabins and it was a big sleepover.
The Senior Lifeguard
By David H; Age 9
(Junior Camp East)
First, materials you need: goggles, a swimsuit, a rescue float, and courage!
One day the life guard at the pool took me out of the pool and said, “How would you like to become a life guard?” I said YES! The senior lifeguard started training me, a junior life guard, on swimming, diving, and rescuing people. Then, on the third day after being a junior lifeguard, I got promoted to a senior lifeguard! During my time, I got to save Madam, Keane, Ellie, and Austin. I can’t wait until next year when I come back and get to save more people!
Interview with Captain
By Keane R; Age 8
(Junior Camp East)
Captain’s favorite food is falafels. Her favorite sport is soccer. She really likes cartoons, and Johnny Bravo is her favorite. Her favorite place that she has visited is Tel Aviv, Israel. If she could have any super power, it would be to fly. Her favorite animal is a lion, Rowr! She likes to watch TV. Her favorite show is Law and Order: SVU.
Interview with Streetlight
By Henry S; Age 9
(Junior Camp East)
Streetlight’s favorite color is pink. Her favorite food is cucumbers! Yum! She lives in Los Angeles with her love, her dog, Optimus Prime. Her favorite song is Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey. “My name is Streetlight from a song line in that song,” she said. Her favorite animal is a horse.
“I love all campers!” she said, when asked which camper was her favorite. Her favorite baseball team is the Mets, the same team her favorite player is on, Jose Reyes.
Interview with Tauros
By Mesha K; Age 9
(Junior Camp East)
Tauros has been working at Camp Gilgal for two years. He really likes being here. He is 18 years old. He is also friends with Tank. Green is his favorite color. He really likes to eat. His favorite foods are hot dogs, ice cream, and apple pie. His favorite baseball team is the Boston Red Sox. His favorite counselor, besides himself, is Madam.
Worship at Tabernacle
By Ana G; Age 11
(Junior Camp East)
This year, the thing that really touched me was the worship group; even with Streetlight’s sore throat and a new violinist (AKA Chickpea). Sometimes I was in a sour mood, but when I heard the worship team, it made me feel better. It usually made me feel closer to God. Tabernacle is comprised of a few songs and a message. Even though the message is always good, I really connect and enjoy the music most. The worship team consists or Reptar, Streetlight, Chickpea, and Tauros. I love the worship team!
If You Could Have One Superpower…
By Chloe N; Age 12
(Junior Camp East)
My name is Chloe, and this is my first year at Camp Gilgal. I decided to ask a superpower question because I thought it would be interesting to hear what superpowers people might want and how they would use them. It was a very neat experience, and a great way to get to know the staff.
To be at Camp Gilgal is a time to be creative, and a time to get to know new people. Camp Gilgal is a lot of fun, and it is a great and awesome experience for many ages. I can’t wait to go to teen camp next year, meet new people, and have an amazing time!
Question: If you could have one superpower, what would it be, and why?
Red Sox: To be able to eat anything and everything because I’m always hungry.
Madam: Super-strength, because I would have no problem lifting things, and I could pick up cars and throw them.
Streetlight: I want to be immune to anyone else’s superpowers, so I could be invincible.
Captain: To be able to change my shape and appearance to be sneakier than Anti.
Reptar: To be able to freeze people, because it would be cool to freeze people in ice.
Twister: Invisibility, so I could go in all places and no one would know I’m there.
Strings: The ability to stop time. I never have enough time to do things, and if I pause time, I could have a 3 hour FOB in 10 minutes!
Anti: To steal everyone else’s superpowers, so I can have everyone else’s superpowers.
Frond: Flying, because when there are days when I don’t feel like walking, I can just fly.
Jellybean: To be able to possess animals and people so I can be whoever and whatever I want to be. Also, if I lose things, I can find them by possessing them.
Tauros: Be able to talk to animals, because I love animals and I want to know what they are thinking. I can use it for good and for fighting crime.
Chickpea: Shapeshifting. All animals possess most of the superpowers, and shapes, we wish we had and because I liked dress up as a kid. It would be fun to shape-shift!
Interview with Captain
By Noa G; Age 11
(Junior Camp East)
Captain’s favorite animal is a lion. She thinks they are the coolest. She is 16 years old. If she could meet any movie star, it would probably be Johnny Depp because she likes a wide range of characters he plays, from Benny in Benny and Joan to Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean. Her favorite food is Mediterranean/ Moroccan. Her favorite/most memorable counselors were Pepper and Frizz. Her favorite movie is probably Stand By Me. She doesn’t really have a favorite actress, but “Marion Catillard did a fabulous job in La Vie en Rose,” she said. She already lives in her dream spot, NYC. She isn’t sure what her dream job is. And her hobby is daydreaming.
How to Play Capture the Degel
By Rebecca R; Age 10
(Junior Camp East)
Capture the Degel is really fun, but also hard. There are many steps to Capture the Degel:
Step 1: You get split up into two teams.
Step 2: You and your team have to hide the flag (degel) where you can see it from three angles.
Step 3: Put the jail (hula hoop) where you want.
Step 4: Go and try to find the other team’s flag.
Step 5: If you get tagged by a person not on your team, you go to their jail.
Step 6: If you find the flag, and make it back to your side, you win the game.
That’s how you play Capture the Degel.
My Friend Daphne
By Devora W; Age 9
(Junior Camp East)
I’m writing about my friend Daphne. I learned a lot about her. This is what I learned. Daphne likes the color aquamarine and her favorite candy is Tootsie Rolls. She likes our cabin because we’re all nice and funny. Her favorite food is French fries. Her favorite song from camp is Prince of Peace. She has 4 kids in her family because she has 2 sisters and 1 brother and with her is 4. At her house it is loud and crazy. During FOB (Flat On Bunk), she tries to go to sleep or tries to talk to her friends.
Interviewing Devora
Daphne N; Age 9
(Junior Camp East)
Over the past two weeks, I met my friend Devora. Devora is a very giggly person. Let me tell you more about her. Her favorite thing she did this year was meet new people. She definitely liked her cabin this year. Her favorite counselor here is Jellybean. She said that her best friend here when she started was Noa, because I wasn’t there. She is probably coming back to camp next year. What she doesn’t like about camp is that she can’t eat whenever she is hungry. She’s sad that she has missed her pets, family, and friends.
Interview with Jellybean
Hannah D; Age 9
(Junior Camp East)
I decided to interview my ATL, Jellybean. I learned a lot about her. She likes to hang out with her friends, read, and watch old movies. Another thing I learned was that she LOOOOOOVES her cabin! I also learned her favorite animals, which are ducks and cats. I even learned her birthday, which is 3-12-1992. She really likes the camp game Cat and Mouse and she really loves camp. Her favorite color is blue purple or deep green. I love her and I’m glad she was my ATL.
Hannah D; Age 9
(Junior Camp East)
You know, I love Tabernacle. It’s a great time to worship and praise God for all that he does. Usually, I take notes during Twister’s message. I listen to the message, and when I really listen, I can feel God’s presence! I ♥ it! I ♥ it! I ♥ it! In Tabernacle this year, we’ve been talking about Moses and his journey through Egypt to the Promised Land. Like I said, I ♥ it! I ♥ it! I ♥ it!
Interview with Rebecca T. of the Tribe of Zebulun
Ellie G; Age 9
(Junior Camp East)
Rebecca is ten years old. Her favorite color is black. This is her first year at Camp Gilgal. Her favorite activities are Capture the Degel and archery. Her favorite foods at Gilgal are grilled cheese and chicken nuggets. She has one older sister. Rebecca speaks four different languages: English, Russian, Spanish, and French. She is fully for FOB and totally against Cabin Cleanup. That is what I learned during my interview with Rebecca.
Daphne N; Age 9
(Junior Camp East)
It’s MI!!!! MI is when late at night you hear this scary music. When you hear that, you get up and put on all black. The game is very FUUUUUUUUNNNN!!!!!. It could be a little scary, but you’ll love it! So be ready and smart because the clues are very tricky!
Let me explain how to play. After you get ready, you wait, and since its dark outside, the spotters can’t see you. That is when you can sneak away and look for the next clue after you solved the last one. The clues have pictures on the back. When you find all the clues, you put the pictures together, and that’s how you win! So be sneaky, fast, and smart for this game!
Stop and Go
by Miles M; Age 11
(Junior Camp Midwest)
Stop and Go night was awesome! The idea of doing this was hilarious. Some of the funniest parts were when Dex was pouring salt and pepper onto Stacia’s cake. I had to try so hard not to laugh when we had to stop. Many funny things happened to me but the funniest was when Chiclet put my cake all over my face. Stop and Go night was fun and I can’t wait until Gilgal ’09!!!
The Ice Cream Trip
by Ariel C; Age 12
(Junior Camp Midwest)
Going to the ice cream shop was so much fun and exciting!! I got Superman ice cream, and 2 scoops of it! I love it. I went in the
Jews for Jesus van which was really cool. I was with Rockstar and Bronx and a few other girls!
Jr. Camp ’08 Midwest
by Summer and Rockstar
(Junior Camp Midwest)
It was a dark summer night when 3/4th of the Tribe of Naphtali got pranked. 3 smart girls thought it would be a fantastic Joke to hide all of Summer’s bedding and put a broom in front of the door. What they didn’t think of was revenge! After all the girls did this humorous prank, Summer and Rockstar soon found it under the bed in the darkest corner of the cabin (where monsters and spiders are, so it was very intimidating!). Knowing that Taz and Dex had very good pranking experience, we ran to them to ask for their help. Taz told us to go into the Waubee forest to find fairy glue. Summer and Rockstar found a colorful mushroom tree and decided colors would be an interesting twist on the prank. Summer and Rockstar showed Taz and Dex the glue and paint and they thought we were brilliant. So Rockstar and Summer tiptoed into the cabin and decided not to prank one camper, as she was too sweet and most likely innocent. So we went to one victim, she was easy, as was the second, but the third was tricky. We crowded around Shoshana and she almost woke up, and we were cracking up. In the middle of it all she actually did wake up! But she was too groggy to know what was going on and fell back asleep. After we finished we bolted out of there.
Later that night when Summer went to sleep she heard a noise. Cynthia woke up. “Eww gross!!” she put a towel on her head and just went back to sleep. Then at 6:45am Kayla went over to Cynthia’s bed (after realizing she had gross stuff in her hair) and said “Cynthia! Somebody put ice cream in our hair!” Cynthia replied sharply, “It’s not ice cream, go away!”
Campers never found out it was us, and Summer never got pranked on again!
Crazy Hair Night
by Ana H; Age 9
(Junior Camp Midwest)
On Crazy Hair Night, our hair wasn’t just crazy, but it was SUPER crazy. The tribe of Asher actually put glue in their hair! The tribe of Reuben put feathers and crazy things like crayons in their hair, and the tribe of Naphtali stuck up their hair with Gel! Also, the tribe of Levi dyed their hair in colors with spray!! Our hair was craaazy!
Hebrew Class
by Cynthia D; Age 12
(Junior Camp Midwest)
All the Hebrew I know I learned right here, at our very own Camp Gilgal! This year we are working on the Alef-Bet. We are also learning how to count to ten, which I can now do! I’m also learning conversational Hebrew and how to write and read the letters. We do relays to help us learn the letters and numbers, and we also use flash cards. C can definitely say that I’ve learned a lot this year, and it’s left me anxious to discover more. Thank you for teaching us, Bronx!! Shalom!
Interview of Splash
by Cynthia D; Age 12
(Junior Camp Midwest)
Q.What is your favorite color and why?
A. Orange, because it’s unique.
Q.What’s your favorite thing to eat?
A. Pasta, any kind!
Q.What’s your favorite time of day? Why?
A. Morning, because it’s good, quiet time.
Q.What’s your favorite camp activity?
A. Water balloon volleyball!!
Q. If there’s one thing you’ll remember most about this year, what is it?
A. Sneaking out of my tribe at midnight on Mango’s birthday.
Q.What’s your favorite accessory?
A. Earrings! J
Q.What’s the worst thing about camp?
A. When it ends!
Q. Would you come back next year if you could?
A. Yes! Who would say no??
Interviewing Mango
by Kayla P; Age 13
(Junior Camp Midwest)
Do you have a boyfriend? –No
What’s your favorite color? –Red and Blue
Do you have brothers and sisters? -1 sister
What’s your favorite camp activity? –Capture the Counselor
Tribe? –Asher
Are you married? –Yes
To who? –Swank
How many years have you been a counselor? -2
Favorite part of being a counselor? –Happy faces on campers
Water Balloon Volleyball
by Rachael C; Age 11
(Junior Camp Midwest)
Water Balloon Volleyball is a game where you have teams and each team has a sheet. They put a water balloon on the sheet and launch it over the net. The other team then catches it with the sheet. If you drop it or it lands on your side the other team gets a point.
Levi got fourth, Reuben got third, Asher second and Naphtali got first. At first Naphtali was not working together and barely won. But then we worked together and had fun. That time we did better.
by Moriah C; Age 11
(Junior Camp Midwest)
In the Oylympics there is lots of games such as egg toss, puffs, and shaving cream. There’s a lot more too, and I had a lot of fun. Our team won some, but not all.
by Bithia B; Age 8
(Junior Camp Midwest)
We went to the beach on Friday. We canooed there, our boat almost tipped over. It was so funny! When we got there we ate lunch and went swimming. Then we canoed back.
Girls Night
by Mackenzie M; Age 8
(Junior Camp Midwest)
Girls night out was so much fun! First we did our hair, nails, and put facial masks on. Then we ate chips, soda, popsicles and gum. Then we played dimbo and Lauren won. After that we put in questions and got them answered. It was a great night.
The Trip to the Zoo! 
by Megan M; Age 11
(Junior Camp Midwest)
We went on a trip to the Zoo for our field trip. It was really fun. We saw all these exotic animals and some familiar ones, also; like red panda, Toucans, Kookaburras, scary tigers, sharks and jelly fish. We also saw some goats and catfish. We got to have Dairy Queen too. We went around with Naphtali too. We saw Australia after dark, Great Barrier Reef, Africa, and a meerkat. He was really cute! I also saw a scuba diver cleaning the big fish tank. It was funny because all the fish were watching him. It started to rain but it was ok because we had to leave anyway. It was one of the best field trips ever at Camp Gilgal!
Capture the Counselor
by Elijah M; Age 11
(Junior Camp Midwest)
Capture the counselor is one of the most fun and difficult games. The counselors must hide or the campers will catch them and win points. My tribe almost got Taz but I got Summer. We got a lot of points.
by Kendall M; Age 11
(Junior Camp Midwest)
What I liked about crafts was making the lanyards. The reason why I liked this craft was because it was really hard at first, but then it got really easy. I loved this activity that I did because a lot of people helped me and I got to know people a little better. I didn’t really know the people who helped before this activity. I really want to thank those that helped me in this craft. The second reason why I thought this activity was fun was because it was really addicting. I finished on the second day! I love crafts because of what happened with the lanyards and that’s my story. So The End!!
Camp Gilgal
by Jacob Z; Age 11
(Junior Camp Midwest)
During Camp Gilgal all the other campers and I and counselors played capture the camper and my whole tribe was found in a car. Miles and I did not get away, we saved all the other campers. The other two that were left were Caleb and Levi, and then Caleb got caught and Levi was the only one left. We were hiding in the car and then 5 minutes later Levi came back and was caught and that meant we lost capture the camper but it was fun anyway!
by Helena M; Age 8
(Junior Camp Midwest)
I like Fob because you get to sleep, relax and be ready for the next game and won’t be tired for the rest of the day!
Olim at Jr. Camp 08
by Lauren C; Age 10
(Junior Camp Midwest)
During camp we played a game called Olim. It was a really fun game! You have to pick a team, olim, English, or the Kabutz. The English have to try to tag the olim and bring them back to the jail. The olim can stay in a building till the Kabutz come get them and bring them to the shelter. The olim also has to run to a place and hide there till they think there is no English around. That’s how you play Olim!
Interviewing Mocha
by Stacia B; Age 11
(Junior Camp Midwest)
S: How long have you been involved with Camp Gilgal?
M: 18 years!
S: What’s your favorite color?
M: Dark blue.
S: Did you take classes to learn how to teach the Bible?
M: I learned at Moody and at Bronx.
S: What’s your favorite part of camp?
M: Seeing campers get excited about God!
S: How long have you believed in the Messiah?
M: Since I was 16 years old.
S: What’s your favorite camp activity?
M: Worship!
The Oylympics
by Shoshana Z; Age 12
(Junior Camp Midwest)
The Oylympics was sooo fun! And guess what?! My tribe came in first and second in every event. Even crazier, one person from our tribe had to eat pickled eggs in 5 bites. Lucky us, we had Cynthia. She would eat anything! We also did a game where we had to have a toothpick in our mouth and a marshmallow and pass it off to another person. We also did a game where we had to run with toilet paper when it was under a shoe without the toilet paper ripping. Thanks to the Oylympics, our tribe of Naphtali is in 1st place right now!
Interview with Swank
by Levi H; Age 12
(Junior Camp Midwest)
L: What’s your favorite color?
S: Green.
L: What’s your favorite saying?
S: More or less & That’s an excellent question.
L: How did you come up with Swank?
S: Firefly gave it to me in 2004.
L: What’s your favorite movie and why?
S: Bourne Ultimatum and why not?
L: What’s the first thing you’re going to do when you get home?
S: Call my friends and get fireworks to celebrate the 4th of July on the 1stnd and 3rd of July! 2
L: How long have you been going to camp?
S: 6 years.
L: What do you want to say to whoever is reading this?
S: Trogdor strikes at night!