Netanya W., Age 12
Tribe of Benjamin
Almost every night we have campfire. I think campfire is a great way to end the day because at campfire we sing songs, look at the amazing view and talk about God. The first things we do at campfire is sing. There’s an amazing singing time first. There’s a different one almost every night. We sing fun songs with some dance moves. We sing about three to five songs. The last few are slower songs. The view is amazing. The sky is so pretty. It’s nice to see the pinkish orange sky and the beautiful sunset that God created. Every campfire we have a staff member talk about God. We call it campfire talk. At the end of their campfire talk they give campers a choice if they would like to stay back and talk to them if they have any questions or if they would like to head back to their cabins. I love hearing the campfire talks because they help you get closer to God and understand a lot more about Him. Also you get to hear how whatever they talked about helped them in their lives. Some of the campfire talks we have done so far are about trusting God, looking to Him through tough times, community, ministry, the power of prayer, and my favorite campfire talk was about weakness. It was about
how everyone has a weakness, and they may be embarrassed or ashamed of it and it may make them weak but God’s power is much bigger and greater than that weakness. That you can walk with that weakness and you’ll be alright because God is with you. Jalapeno did an awesome job! I love campfire because you learn great things and campfire talks support you and help you. You can talk about almost everything because here at Camp Gilgal we’re a family. I’m so happy and thankful I’m in the Camp Gilgal family because camp is where I’m most happy and it’s my favorite place to be.