Once a part of the Camp Gilgal family, always a part of the Camp Gilgal family.

Category: Junior Camp Midwest

The Lord Looks at the Heart (1 Samuel 16:7b)

Camp Gilgal Midwest Junior Camp (June 22-July 5, 2014)

The Lord Looks at the Heart








“The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7b)

The Gilgal Gazette is published by Camp Gilgal campers for Camp Gilgal campers and their families and friends!




posed lady campers 5

Tribe of Levi Olivia T., Shira T., Ali H., Shayna T., Krystelene L., Emily H., Gus, Diamond
Tribe of Simeon Shoshi S., Adelaide M., Mariam G., Hannah B., Maddie H., Bologna, Bobo
Tribe of Issachar Anna A., Nena K., Jennifer M., Abigail H., Lilly C., Sonic, Kimchi







tribe of benjamin

Tribe of Judah Benjamin A., Aaron S., Seth M., Matthew M., Nathan L., Goliath
Tribe of Benjamin Andy H., Elijah S., Avi T., Jackson H., Menchi, Tip Toe







Out of Cabin: Blewish, Sneakers, Swank, Mr. Tumnus, Krispy Kreme




camp gilgal

Interview with Bologna

Mariam G., Age: 11
Tribe of Simeon

bolognaBologna is my tribe leader, and I got to interview her. Her favorite food is Indian food. This is her third year as staff. The first tribe she was in as a camper was the tribe of Issachar, and the first tribe she was in as staff was the tribe of Judah. Her favorite candy is Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Her favorite color is sunflower yellow. Her favorite camp activity is FOB, which stands for

Flat On Bunk. Her favorite animal is a kitten, and her best friend is Sneakers. She is very awesome and nice to us.

The Tribe of Issachar

Jennifer M., Age: 12
Tribe of Issachar

In the tribe of Issachar there arefive girls: Lily, Jennifer, Abi, tribe of issacharNena, and Anna. There are also two tribe leaders: Sonic and Kimchi. Every night we would do a devotional and sometimes we would talk about what is happening in our lives.

The night before I started writing this article, I came up with an idea. Since some girls do not like sharing personal things, I thought we should write on post-it notes. You could write something you don’t feel comfortable with or if you want to tell a person something anonymously. The tribe of Issachar is very funny and very good at getting off topic. So if you come to camp, I hope you have Sonic or Kimchi because anyone would love them!

Tribe of Judah

Matthew M., Age: 11
Tribe of Judah

tribe of judahToday you will learn about my tribe. My tribe has a lot of fun together. There are five guys and one tribe leader in our tribe: Goliath, Nate, Aaron, Seth, Ben, and myself. Everyone in my tribe works together. The most important thing is that we all listen to Goliath during tribe time. We all have different ideas for the talent show. I like the tribe of Judah!

Petting Zoo

Shayna T., Age: 10
Tribe of Levi

At camp I went to the petting zoo! I saw sheep, horses, and many more animals. My favorite animals were the horses! I can’t wait to go to the petting zoo again!

Horseback Riding

Emily H., Age: 10
Tribe of Levi

horseback ridinghorses 2Horseback riding is a fun activity we do at Camp Gilgal. I had a lot of fun horseback riding. There are a lot of different colored horses. You learn how to make the horses go, stop, walk backwards, and turn!

The Petting Zoo

Shoshana S., Age: 10
Tribe of Simeon

Here at Camp Gilgal there’s a petting zoo with all sorts of animals. First, there are the goats. They have three goats in the pen. Their names are Ox, Maverick, and Rosco. Ox is a male goat and he has really big horns. He is very nice and is black and white. He is bigger than the other goats. Maverick is a very light yellowish color. He’s really sweet and loves attention by being groomed and he really loves being pet. Then there is Rosco. He’s a brownish color and also is very sweet. He’ll follow you around the pen, but he likes to chew on clothes. The last animal I’m going to talk about is the donkey, Bandit. He loves attention. His fur is messy because his last owner treated his bad, but he’s a real sweetheart.


Nena K., Age: 12
Tribe of Issachar

Three girls, Kimchi and I went on a row boat. We got stuck because the current from the lake was pulling us into the lily pad area. It was challenging to paddle back to where we kept the boats. One of the staff named Kimchi was in the boat with us and she kept using her paddle so the boat would turn around. It was very funny because we were going really fast and then we started spinning in circles. We got help from Swank who pulled us back to shore with a rope.

Bug Hunting

Abigail H., Age: 12
Tribe of Issacharcandid ladies 2

Camp is really fun! There are a lot of unique things to do like archery, but what I really enjoyed was bug hunting. It started out as catching little insects, but then we found a few toads. We named them Jumper, Frostin, and Toady Jones. Another day we caught a little frog. It was a couple inches long. We also kept catching junebugs and fireflies. I made a lot of really cool friends that also love bugs. Shout out to Bobo, Goliath, Shoshi, and Emily!

Fairy Magic

Maddie H., Age: 12
Tribe of Simeon

craft timeFairy Magic is where you make fairy wings, pixie dust, and crowns. We also did our makeup. It’s really fun. Fairy Magic is my favorite activity in Camp Gilgal and I know you’ll love it too because it’s so fun. You also get to know people better in Fairy Magic.

Fort Building

Nate L., Age: 11
Tribe of Judah

posed lady campers 4Fort Building is awesome. You are able to do a lot of stuff outdoors. Also we have a really strong tribe leader named Goliath that helps us carry logs. I even carried a tree. My friends and I are going to sleep in the fort. Maybe you can build and sleep in one, too!

Mad Science

Adelaide M., Age: 11
Tribe of Simeon

candid activityMy favorite activity at camp was Mad Science. It was fun because I got to make something called Gooblek. That was awesome! Each day of Mad Science we did a different project. The staff will always help if you need it. Some of my favorite projects were making gigantic bubbles with hula hoops. We put cornstarch in a large container and added soap and water. Then we mixed it around. Finally we dipped the entire hula hoop in and held it by the sides. We pulled it out slowly and blew lightly to make a bubble. The bubbles were huge! To make the gooblek was very easy. We used a lot of cornstarch with a little bit of water and mixed it around till it felt hard. When you pick it up it melts in your hands. That was my favorite activity.

Paint Egg Toss

Avi T., Age: 12
Tribe of Benjamin

posed lady campersCamp Gilgal is really fun! One of the things I like about Camp Gilgal is that we made a big mess. First we put a tiny hole on each side of a bunch of eggs. We drained the yolk from all of the eggs. Next, we rinsed the eggs in water. Then we put them on a rock so they could dry. Last but not least we filled them with paint. Then we threw them at a banner to make our camp flag.

Gaga Ball

Ali H., Age: 9
Tribe of Levi

posed male camper 2When I got to camp I was taught a game called gaga ball. I had never played it before, but I tried it anyways. The first time I played everyone was out except for me and a tribe leader. He beat me, but I kept playing and got really good at it. I encourage anyone to go to Camp Gilgal. You will learn a lot about God here, and it’s fun. I hope you are able to make it to this awesome

Hebrew Class

Olivia T., Age: 8
Tribe of Levi

My favorite activity at camp was Hebrew class. We got to sing songs and learn the Hebrew alphabet. It was so much fun! Scooby Jones was nice, funny, and gave us snacks!

Capture the Counselor

Hannah B., Age: 12
Tribe of Simeon

staffCapture the Counselor is an all-camp activity where all of the staff act like animals and hide in the woods. The goal of the game was to find them and bring them back. Kimchi was a turtle that hid in her “shell” when anyone made any sudden movements. Bobo was a kangaroo that would box you if you approached her from the front. Swank was a songbird that you would have to sing campfire songs to get him to come with you. Tiptoe was a spitting llama that would spit and run away if you got too close. At the end everybody did well. It turned out to be a great camp experience.

The Oy-limpics

Lily C., Age: 10
Tribe of Issachar

One of the most fun Camp Gilgal traditions is the Oy-limpics. What the Oy-limpics is a series of fun games that includes the campers and the staff. One of the games we played was sticking your feet in a bucket of ice and picking out jelly beans with your toes. Another one was wrapping your tribe leader with toilet paper. My favorite thing that we did was spreading shaving cream all over our staff and throwing cheese balls at their face! Everything was really fun but super messy! By the end I had egg all over my bag and shaving cream on my shirt. No matter what happens it is one of the most thing things to look foward to at Camp Gilgal.

Things to Bring to Camp

Abigail H., Age: 12
Tribe of Issacharcandid ladies 4

Hi everyone, this is my second time at sleep-away camp and I’ve learned a lot about what to bring. First, bring a lot of extra clothes because you will get dirty. Today we put paint in eggs and I got egg all over my shirt. Don’t bring any electronics because they will be confiscated. Don’t ask for the time, instead ask how many minutes till the next activity. Also, bring flashlights and extra batteries because our cabins have no electricity and it gets really dark at night. Camp is so fun!

Hebrew Class

Anna A., Age: 12
Tribe of  Issachar

hebrewHi I’m Anna! Today I’m going to talk about my Hebrew class. I’m in the second level class for Hebrew, and we call it Beit class. My class is really fun! We sing songs in Hebrew. We also have a booklet that we work on every day. I’m really far along. The teachers name is Scooby Jones and Gus helps him. They are so nice and funny. The only catch is that you have to understand the Hebrew vowels. I hope you enjoy Hebrew like me.

Cabin Cleanup

Jackson H., Age: 12
Tribe of Benjamin

Every day we clean our cabins. Everyone makes their bed first. After that we start picking up our clothes. Next our tribe makes sure the cabin is completely clean. After we’ve swept the floor, cleaned the restrooms, and straightened our shoes we are done. Next our cabin gets inspected. After lunch we get a score. The people inspecting the cabins change. Most tribes will make notes for the inspector, but if a different person inspects the cabins you get points off. Cabin cleanup is always fun.

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