Isaac H., Age 10
Tribe of Judah

It’s near the end of FOB (Flat On Bunk) time. Then you hear a TWEEEEET!! Immediately, moods change: It’s free time!

Free time is the part of camp that lets you do about anything you want to. Feelin’ competitive? March right up to carpetball. You can also play basketball and ping-pong. If the summer heat is too hard on you, take a ride on the wet slide and jump in the pool. (Watch out for the five-foot deep end, Oy Vey!) And when you feel like not doing anything, you can draw. There’s even a tree you can climb up that’s become a camp hotspot.

To me, free time is the best part of camp. I usually try to have the most fun I can have. The tree is where I spend my free time. I stayed there last year, too.