Penina S., Age 10
Tribe of Asher
“And now, O Israel,” chants my tribe. We are learning the memory verses together. We are learning Deuteronomy 10: 12-17, 20-22. The prize if all the campers learn the verses is that we get to pie the camp director and assistant director (Twister and Red Sox) in the face. We learn the verses during our free time. Sometimes, we learn them together. A good time to learn the verses separately is during FOB. During FOB we have to silently lay/sit on our bunks for 45-60 minutes. Also, for learning the memory verses, we get points. If we get a certain amount of points we get to go to the end of camp party. Most of us, including me, want to pie the directors in the face. Thankfully, I am done with my memory verses.
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