Norah B.

Age:9                                                                                         Tribe of Benjamin

Water in Yo Face! (Waterslide)

This is the story of the water slide, it was the funnest day of my life. This is how it goes: It took place at Camp Gilgal, as you all know, Camp Gilgal is the funnest camp on earth! You get to do all sorts of cool stuff, and the water slide is one of them. I have gone to a water slide before. First, before you go, you need to remember to bring a bathing suit, a towel, water bottle, and sunscreen. Before you go on, you have to wait in line patiently. When it’s your turn to go on, there is a giant floaty that you have to sit on. Then the person pushes you and down, down, down the water slide you go! You go as fast as lightning! There are spins and swirls, I screamed my first time. But after that, I wanted to go again and again. At the end of the slide, you are going to land in a bath of soapy water, then you walk up the trail with the floaty and do it again! I had a friend who kept going behind the other people in line because she was so afraid. It took her a very long time to go on. After she did it, she wanted to be the first one to do it again. Do it once, never leave it.