big-buck2 smZack W., Age 14

One day we went on a hike. As usual, they didn’t tell us where we were going. We were in a forest. As we were going we saw a little creek. There were also a lot of tree stumps. Some of the people were climbing on them. The tree stumps were huge! As we kept on going we came to a big tree. It was over 2,000 years old. It was called Big Buck. We went because the tree has been alive since Messiah was on earth!

When we were there Moose took a pine cone from the ground. He said that it only can grow when a forest fire releases the seeds, and that fire sometimes is a part of our lives that helps us grow. It was so small compared to the tree. The tree was huge. It was so cool. We had an amazing time looking at a giant thing God has created. Despite finding a host of mosquitos at our destination we were able to marvel at God’s creation and make it safely back to the car.