Helena L.

Age:12                                                                                               Tribe of Asher

After Dodgeball Fun

June 30th was crazy after I hurt my foot we went back to the cabin and we were waiting to see if I was going to go to the doctor. I didn’t really want to go. Then we started to play Taylor Swift we were singing it all high and super loud it was so much fun I loved it. Then we started to eat lots of food and give it to everyone, I am pretty sure the people next door heard everything we were saying we started to sing very loud. Oh yeah how I got hurt. So, in the start of the game (dodgeball) I ran to get the ball and that’s when I got hurt. I guess I was playing the game really hard. It took a couple days before I could walk, but I was so happy I did not have to leave camp because it is really fun. Even though I have a cold now. I think I got it from Dylan, but I am sure I will feel much better in a little bit. I also fell and cut my arm and have some purple on my legs from Capture the Degel. I loved camp even though I got hurt more than once and I had fun playing all the games.