Noah N., Age 8
Tribe of Judah

Nukem is volleyball where you have to catch the ball. Then you throw it and if the person misses it or touches it without catching it then they are out. My tribe was playing nukum and I don’t normally like doing things with the whole group, but I had a lot of fun playing NukeBaby Busted1m because Baby Buster was there. Haha, no he wasn’t playing…he is a baby! It’s so funny that Baby Buster was eating cheerios and laughing at us playing nukum. P.S. Baby Buster is actually Baby Busted. Well, that is what my cabin calls him because we like the word “busted,” and Baby Busted hits his head on stuff.

Baby Busted’s mom is Birkenstock. Birkenstock is in charge of craft. Scrabble takes care of Baby Busted when his mom is in craft. I tried to guess Baby Busted’s name, but he doesn’t talk so he couldn’t tell me. I asked Horizon what his real name was and he wouldn’t tell me but said, “That is an excellent question!” The staff are a weird and cool part of Camp Gilgal and part of what makes Camp Gilgal awesome. Baby Busted is cool too. I’m glad he was here.