Brighton G.
Age 14

I’m driving to Bass Lake, and I realize, I’m so excited, I’m about to throw up. We get there and I run to a nice spot in the sun to tan and eat candy. I rush to go sign up to ride the banana and go jet skiing, and before I know it, I’m flying through water on a giant banana. Riding the banana is the best when you fly off the banana, splash into the water, and get lake specimen in your sinus system! I come back and have a few bites of candy, and almost immediately am hopping on a jet ski with Music Man and Ben W. We are speeding through the water and I am terrified of the oncoming wakes…..before I know it…..I’m flying off and pulling Music Man with me! We get back on and we are doing MAJOR fishtails, while I’m screaming wildly! Eventually, we get off and go back. I decide to get a bucket of ice cream: three different flavors, all in a bucket- 10 dollars! Right after I start eating, I recall my lactose intolerance, but not to worry: I got two flavors of sherbet, which I am informed is dairy free! 

That is my trip to Bass Lake!