Mitch B.
Age 15

Every year I have been at teen camp, we have gone and spent the day at Bass Lake. After the day is done, we go to a beach a cook hot dog and hamburgers. This year, however, was different, and instead of the old beach, we went to a different one. After the feast of hamburgers and watermelon, we were fortunate enough to get delicious brownies for desert! Soon after all of the eating was done, people were reciting verses and writing articles for the Gilgal Gazette. When it was getting dark all of our work stopped and we went to the bottom of the beach. Once we got there the tribe leaders read the book of Mark by flashlight. When we finished the final chapter we talked about how we needed to hear this for ourselves, and not just believe what others have said. Then Simba, my cabin’s tribe leader, went up and played his guitar for us, while we talked and prayed with staff. While singing worship songs and praying I saw a shooting star, and to me, it was a sign for me to recommit my life to God. After a fantastic day, God decided to end it for me by showing Himself to me. This is why I love Camp Gilgal.