Sam F., Age 9
Tribe of Benjamin

My tribe is very, very noisy. During FOB, it was very noisy. They are all first years except me, I am a second year. They like to go swimming. I do, too. They also like to take showers. Danny (a kid in my tribe) takes a shower every morning and night. Michael likes carpetball and basketball. Nathan likes carpetball and ping pong. Isaiah likes swimming and Frisbee. Elijah likes Wells Fargo and carpetball. And I, Sam, like FOB and carpetball, basketball, swimming, horseback riding, the Gilgal store, ping pong, campfires, Tabernacle, Columbia, big pool swim, Men’s day, Gazette, hang out time, and men’s campfire. The kids in my tribe are Sam, Michael, Danny, Nathan, Isaiah, Elijah, and tribe leaders Java and Simba. I am in the tribe of Benjamin. I am in the cabin called Chili Bar.  My tribe and I really like summer camp. My tribe doesn’t like FOB so much, but I love FOB. It is very, very fun.