Isaac H., Age 10
Tribe of Judah

This is the time when all you need is your towel, sunscreen, and swimsuit.

It’s so wet! So cool! So…big! What happens is you leave the Camp Gilgal grounds and go down the hill? You arrive at another campsite. But there’s also a huge pool. And what do you do when you see a pool? Leap, leap, leap!

Then you start to swim. It’s a long distance to the other end, so I like to swim there. Ah, so original, isn’t it? Some people like to play pool basketball, because there’s a basketball net. You can also just do free swim. If you have goggles you can go underwater and watch everybody else swimming.

My favorite thing to do is ‘play shark.’ It doesn’t always work, but what you do is look for someone with their back to you. That’s your ‘victim.’ Then you slowly swim up to them. Finally, when you get close to them, go underwater, then jump up suddenly and yell: “LUNCHTIME!!!” The pool is a wonderful place.

The fish think you taste good!