Campfire1Judah W., Age 13
Tribe of Benjamin

The campfire is a really cool and different part of camp. Most camps, if they even include a campfire, have campfire songs, s’mores, and stories. Not only does Camp Gilgal’s campfire include these things, but they include life lessons taken away from Scripture. At the beginning of camp I was pretty shy to share my ideas during a Bible discussion, but as I enjoyed camp throughout the week and my faith grew closer to Yeshua it became easier to speak, answer questions and be active in prayer. Not only did I change but I saw others transform through the power of Yeshua. Something about God’s Word changes people’s personalities, and shows their true colors. For example when Alex, a camper, would raise his hand to answer a discussion question he sounded educated and like a true son of God who loved Yeshua, something I didn’t quite expect on first glance. It was great to hear from him and great to get to know him. All together the campfire was something to really look forward to at the end of the day. It’s something that is unique to Camp Gilgal and is a really great aspect of camp, something a camper like me can’t get anywhere else.