Kezziah W.
Age 14

This year, Blewish and Hoops shared their testimonies at one our campfires. I think it is awesome how our tribe leaders are willing to share their past and experiences with us, and how much encouragement they give us for our future. The other thing I love doing at campfire is worship. During worship I feel like God is right there supporting and loving even if there are problems at home. I love the songs that we sing; Psalm 23 is one of my favorites. This year we split into cabin prayer groups. It’s awesome to be able to support each other in prayer. This year I stepped out of my comfort zone and opened up to my cabin. Last year it was really hard for me to speak my mind and open up. This year it was awesome to be able to speak and have conversations with people about things I
am going through. 

This is why I love campfires. I love the feeling that I am not alone, unloved, or unwanted. I have a big family I belong to who will accept me.