Lindsay M., Age 12
Tribe of Manasseh

My name is Lindsay M. and I’m writing about the campfire. The campfire is when the whole camp comes down to the campfire spot and we sing worship songs, campfire songs. Staff will share testimonies. During this particular campfire we sang, “Always Forever,” “Father Abraham,” “I am an M” (you spell out “I am an m-e-s-s-i-a-n-i-c jew!), and many other songs. For the testimonies, Squirt shared about how God is faithful all the time, even when we’re in doubt and in sorrow. Then, after Squirt’s testimony, we prayed. Last we had s’mores. The marshmallows were HUGE! Moose roasted his marshmallow perfectly. First, Snapple and Streetlight called tribes down to get their skewers and giant marshmallows, then we went to the fire pit and roasted them. After that, we got chocolate and graham crackers. And that was the end of the first campfire at camp.