Capture the degel2Matthew M., Age 13
Tribe of Judah

As we were going down the stairs of doom one afternoon my tribe leader said to me, “We are playing Capture the Degel.” I was so excited but nervous because sometimes people get hurt while playing, but I didn’t let that get me down. We picked teams and I ended up on the blue team, which I was excited about. As soon as the game started we all ran for the flag. About 30 minutes into the game we had to stop because we found a wasp nest. It was on the ground, so we decided to move from the woods to the field. That was when the game got more intense. It was down to the last three minutes when I decided to step up the game. I took off my shoes and socks and sprinted to the flag as fast as I could. I grabbed the flag and the whole team began chasing me. I sprinted back to the line and crossed it, winning the game for the blue team! I had a really good time playing Capture the Degel.