Maya S.
Tribe of Dan
Age 15
Conveniently Elijah
Note: You know how a chair is left open for Elijah at Passover? Well, imagine if Elijah actually showed up…but at Camp Gilgal and no one could see him. What do you think that would be like? Here is one possibility…
There is a lonely guy. He is at Camp Gilgal. This guy keeps watch of the children, gives them fun games to play, and eats at meals with them. His name is Conveniently Elijah. However (there were some infractions), however, no one seems to notice him. The first few years he didn’t seem to notice and just thought no one had manners. But then he realized that he was invisible to our world. This made Conveniently Elijah so sad. Conveniently Elijah was sad for a while, but he got used to it after a few years.
One day Conveniently Elijah was sitting down with the tribe of Dan, laughing with them as always. Maya put their legs onto Conveniently Elijah’s chair. He thought that was rude but brushed it off.
Later in the day Conveniently Elijah was at yet another meal. He got up and walked around. He felt some one following him and turned around to see Peach Fuzz. Just staring at him, Conveniently Elijah got excited and waved at Peach Fuzz, Peach Fuzz waved back.
Conveniently Elijah lit up, but before he could go over to Peach Fuzz, Peach Fuzz was taken to the dinner table. Immediately Conveniently Elijah went back to his cabin and started writing down all the things and stories he’d tell Peach Fuzz.
Throughout the rest of camp, Conveniently Elijah would tell Peach Fuzz lots of stories and would teach him many things until camp was over. Conveniently Elijah was excited for next year, and for the time being he would happily watch the kids and made sure they didn’t get hurt. To this day Conveniently Elijah still watched us and keeps an extra eye out to help the staff.