Matthew L.

Tribe of Judah

Age 14


Swamp Cows Backstory


Note: There are bullfrogs at Camp Gilgal East that do not sound like bull frogs, they make sounds far closer to the “moo” of a cow than the “croak” of a frog. They were a particular phenomenon this year with all of the rain, we were hearing far more from the frogs and legends were born.


In the deep, dark, misty areas of the swamp along the trail at Camp Gilgal, you may hear the muffled moo of the gruesome swamp cow. It all started late at night while the campers were snoozing, when two curious cows from a nearby farm decided to explore the dangerous road through Camp Gilgal.


They came across the pond along the trail, which was an odd shade of green. Suddenly a ripple appeared in the water, and the curious cows got distracted and slipped into the pond.


The cows mutated and became the “leaders of the swamp,” devouring all forms of life. The swam cows ran out of food, so now they make ripples in the water to lure land animals into the pond, just like they were. That is the backstory of the swamp cows, and if you ever see ripples in the pond along the trail at Camp Gilgal, do not fall for the bait.