Rebecca T., Age 13
Tribe of Judah

This year at teen camp we all did a Gilgal tradition. It was called the 2011 Decathalon* and our team was called Summer Techno Jewstep. We traveled by van to each activity. One of the activities was a donut-eating contest. I ate two and a half! Another event was the one-foot contest. We each had to stand on one foot without falling or putting the second foot on the ground. After 10 minutes, whoever had the most people left on just one foot won. We lost D: One of the other activities was root beer chugging. That was the most painful/disgusting activity because we had to drink sugar-free weight watchers root beer until all 12 cans were empty. After that we had to stack them all up. We lost but there were still other events left to complete. Another activity was making a rap for our team with our team name in it. We lost that one as well. The last two events were making a sombrero out of duct tape in the van, and then catching fireflies. WE TOTALLY WON WITH OUR SOMBRERO. And then we won catching fireflies as well! Even though we lost the decathalon, we all had an awesome time!

*The decathalon actually became a septathalon.