Jacob S., Age 11
Tribe of Dan

Dodge ball was a fun activity. The best players were Diesel, Nacho, Garfield, Simba, and Esquire. Everyone had a good time! Garfield accidentally hit Danny G. in the ear, but he was fine. When I was playing dodge ball, I got probably 5,000,000 people out. When all of the players of dodge ball got a break, everyone ran to the water fountain to get a drink of the nice cold water. When we went back to playing dodge ball, I cried during the whole game because I stubbed my new toe nail into the wall at the dodge ball courts. The person at the dodge ball courts that got out was Elliot. I felt sorry for him. When we were done playing dodge ball we walked up a hill. When I walked up the hill I had Nathan on my back. That was a fun dodge ball game.