Cynthia R., Age 13
Tribe of Manasseh

This year at Teen Camp, Austin, Joy and I went to an activity called “How to Be a Hypochondriac with Red Sox.” We thought of symptoms and went through a book that Red Sox got from Speedy. It’s called “The Complete Manual of Things That Might Kill You.” If you have a cough then you might have asbestosis. If your eyes are red then you might have leptospirosis. And if you have discolored feet, then you might have carotenemia. We also made up some diseases. For example, the rapid aging of the nose is tachypaleorhinitis and the slow greening of the ears is bradyavrichlontis. During our stay at Camp Gilgal, Twister contracted tachycubitolysis, which is the rapid destruction of the elbow. Get well soon, Twister!