Eitan R.

Age: 13                                                                                    Tribe of Simeon

Interviewing Snapple

Snappleā€™s favorite poisonous animal is a cone snail, and her favorite tree is an olive tree. Her least favorite pet are hamsters and gerbils. Her favorite year is 2014 because she got to graduate college, took a trip to Israel and Africa, and had a lot of good friends that she was living with. Her favorite song is Stand by Me by Ben King. Her least favorite fish is a catfish because it has weird whiskers. Her favorite movie is also Stand by Me and her favorite TV show is Parenthood. Her favorite color is all kind of green. Her favorite soda brand is Coca-Cola. Her favorite clothing brand is free people. Where she shops most is Target. Her favorite seasoning is garlic salt. Her favorite flower is a dahlia and that concludes the interview. Snapple loves being at camp and has been coming for a long time.