Emmanuel R.
Age 14

During and after we eat we have certain traditions here at camp. One of them is “benching.” We do benching after lunch. Benching is where we slam our palms and say a Hebrew prayer. At dinner, meal timewe usually have dessert (yum!) and then there is “Mail Callllllll!” Mail Call is when we get packages and letters from our parents, grandparents etc. Most of the time it’s letters, and sometimes it’s a care package (usually full of candy) and a small note. I have yet to receive one! We also have cabin inspection, where our cabins are checked for disorder, trash, or an environmental attack!

 During lunch we can sit with other cabins. All in all, eating is important but it can be fun with other people, especially at camp. Camp isn’t just about campfires and bug spray; it’s about the camp food.