Naena D., Age 11
Tribe of Naphtali 

Hey! Are you getting ready to come to Camp GilgalNew camper advice2 for the first time? Let me give you some advice.

When you get to camp, don’t be scared of the tribe leaders. They are VERY fun and they always accept you. All camp activities are fun and keep you involved. 

If you start to get homesick, just talk to your tribe leader. They help emotionally and they also make you laugh. 

At meal times we sing two blessings in Hebrew. On the first day or two listen very closely so that you know them by the third or fourth day. 

My favorite song at camp was “Mayim Mayim.” We learned that song in Hebrew class. It has a lot of repeating words so you can also learn it really quickly. 

We choose our activities each week.  We have to do craft and Hebrew as it is mandatory. 

Camp is REALLY fun, so be prepared for an AWESOME experience!