Mia C., Age 11
Tribe of Asher

During a historic night of rain at Camp Gilgal, we were all in our cabins in the middle of devotions when a loud beeping noise came from outside. Several of us thought it was Poppins’ car alarm while others thought someone was stealing a car. The few minutes of confusion ended when Streetlight came running down to our cabin holding a bulging bag, while screaming, “Room service!” At first I thought they were going to clean our room until I saw Taco Bell on the bags they were carrying. Although the tribe of Asher already brushed their teeth, we enjoyed the late snack of burritos and tacos. My tribe and I laughed and ate for another 20 minutes before actually going to bed. I was glad that this happened because 1: I was still hungry, and 2: because I would always remember how I was a part of Camp Gilgal’s “thunderstorm moment.” Thank you, Streetlight, and all the other out-of-cabin staff that bought and served each cabin Taco Bell! And from now on, I will remember the difference between “room service” and “housekeeping.”