Isabella B., Age 13

Walk on over to the humongous slip-n-slide at Camp Oakhurst. After asking Heimlich how long the slide was, I received an estimate of 100 yards. The slip-n-slide had two objectives: have fun, and slide up to the grass. And mighty tribe leader Heimlich did both. The slide was long and kind of like this ~~~~~~. So as you can see, to reach the grass, you have to have great skill and a good tube. Heimlich said his favorite tube was Slip n slidethe tire because that’s what took him to the “edge” or grass. I asked Heimlich what happened if you touched the grass and he said you got a prize and he got peanut butter cups. When going down the slide, Heimlich’s preferred method was in tandem with Snapple’s tube. When picking a tube, you should pick one with lots of air and handles. Then the person working should spray you and the tube with lots of water. Then they should put shampoo on the tube to make it faster. Then you should get some speed and jump onto the slide holding the tube by the handles. You should also try not to turn around. Until next year, I’m slipping off and you should too.