Elias B., Age 11
Tribe of Dan

I’m Elias and I’ll be talking about the people in the tribe of Dan, starting out with Jacob – Jacob always has crazy energy and is very loud! He especially likes to play carpetball. Elliot – Elliot is also very energetic. He eats a lot of sugar, especially at breakfast. He piles brown sugar. He is loud just like Jacob, and he loves to climb trees. Jaden – Jaden laughs a lot and always has a smile. He is good at drawing. His favorite thing about camp is camp! He also likes to swim. Jeremiah – Jeremiah has a lot of energy too, and he has a lot of scary, funny and creepy faces to share with people. His favorite thing to do at camp is swim, and his favorite thing about camp is almost everything! Reuven – Reuven is very hyper, too. He likes to go swimming and play carpetball. His favorite thing about camp is Mission Impossible. Elias – I myself also am very energetic. I like the pool and I love Capture the Degel. We have different interests but they blend together to make one unique and amazing tribe.