Sarah K., Age 13
Tribe of Simeon

The members of our tribe are Bazooka, Sparkler, Leia, Vika, Louisa, Kezia, Julia and me, Sarah. We are the oldest girl tribe and our cabin is Grizzly Flat.

Tribe leader: Bazooka has been going to camp for twelve years. Her favorite parts of camp are spending time with her tribe and when we did zumba on Ladies Day. Her favorite theme night that we’ve done so far is Once Upon a Time Night. Bazooka’s favorite food at camp so far is the chicken dumplings.

Assistant Tribe leader: Sparkler has been coming to camp for ten years. Sparkler’s favorite parts of camp are getting to see close friends and getting closer to God. Her favorite theme night is Utensil Night and her favorite camp food is spaghetti.

Camper: Leia has been going to camp for five years now. She loves everything at camp. Her favorite camp food is macaroni and cheese and she loves Dance or Sing for Your Mail Night.

Camper: Vika has been going to camp for five years. She likes the night games. Her favorite theme night is Crazy Hair Night. Her favorite camp food is pizza.

Camper: Louisa has been going to camp for five years. She really liked when it rained this year. She liked it when we did Stop and Go Night. Her favorite camp food is pizza.

Camper: Kezia has been going to camp for three years now. One of her favorite parts of camp is seeing her friends. Her favorite theme night is Stop and Go Night and her favorite food is pizza.

Camper: Julia has been going to camp for five years. She likes the game Wells Fargo and her favorite theme night is Stop and Go Night. And her favorite camp food is the chocolate chip pancakes.

I’m so glad that I was in the tribe of Simeon this year. It was a lot of fun.