Elie M., Age 12

Tabernacle is a meeting place for worship. This year at teen camp we studied the book Acts and learned about how God wants us to live. Every year, we memorize a verse; this year we memorized Hebrews 10:23-25 and 11:11. It is about holding on to God’s promises to us and encouraging one another. During out first Tabernacle we talked about doubt and how it affects our faith. We split into two groups to discuss the topic. Our group decided that doubt can make your faith stronger when it makes you look in the Bible.

Our next Tabernacle was about how the disciples waited for the Holy Spirit to full them. Pippin said, “I liked when we split into groups so that I could connect with the campers.” We talked about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. To hear more about Tabernacle, stayed tuned until next year.