Jaden W., Age 11
Tribe of Dan

Water balloon volleyball was so fun. We got second place in it. The tribe of Zebulun won, and the tribe of Simeon won too. Water balloon volleyball is a fun game to play. You have a tarp and a water balloon. The whole tribe surrounds and grabs onto the tarp and tries to propel a water balloon over the net. If the water balloon is not caught by the opposing tribe’s tarp and breaks on the ground, the other tribe would score a point. The first tribe to score three points wins the match. I laughed especially hard when a water balloon hit my sister in the shoulder. When the tribe of Dan (my tribe) and Zebulun faced off in the men’s championship, it was a very back and forth match. But Zebulun finally came back and won. At the end, the men and ladies tribe leaders played a match and I was running up and down the hill again and again cheering the men on. The men easily defeated the ladies tribe leaders, and afterwards the men ran, jumped and shouted over their victory. Even though we didn’t win, everyone had a really good time.