Josh R., Age 14

After enjoying lunch “we” campers started going down the trail from Glacier Point to Yosemite Valley. The trail was about five miles.

Along the way we met a hiker who had gone down then back up the trail. Onyx asked him how was it. He replied it as being “beautiful and wonderful.” 

yosemite2 smWhile going down the trail we got to know our fellow campers better. New friendships and bonds were made. As I went down the trail I saw a waterfall that gleamed in the sunlight and landscape that was beautiful. Going down the trail most campers short-cutted, but some slipped then.

Hiking down the trail was tiring in the middle. There was a group of campers and staff that fell behind the faster group. Also towards the middle it was slippery and lots of campers slipped but caught themselves from falling. One camper fell and had a minor injury.

Most of the time though the hike was fun and safe. Through the hike many campers were in awe of God’s beautiful creation, such as the mountains that were large and scenic. The trail sometimes had stairs for easier descending. It had lots of trees and shrubbery at the sides of the trail.

Towards the end of the trail there was a creek that campers and staff used to refresh themselves.

After that everyone seemed more energetic, especially when we were only 100 feet from the ground. We rushed down and after only two minutes we were on the ground.

At the bottom we met an off duty ranger who told us the history of the area. He told us that there used to be millions of primrose evening flowers in existence. That all changed because the Native Americans unintentionally burned them when they burnt the grass. Now there are only hundreds and it’s illegal to destroy them. We thanked him for his story and cheered because we had made it down the 3,200 feet.