Madison H., Age 11
Tribe of Asher 

Animal Night is a really fun night. There are so many different animals. My tribe, Asher, dressed up as pandas. First, we looked for black pants, next we put on white shirts and Nike did our hair like panda ears. Then Nike and T-Rex put black makeup on our eyes and noses. After that we heard the whistle and we ran down the hill and we got in line. Snapple picked us and we said, “Kung Fu Pandas Heya!!”

After that we got to see all of the animals that there were.Animal Night2 Party animals, sea water fish, jelly fish, animal fries, zebras, bandit birds of Levi, and us the pandas. My favorite one was the zebras. They wore black clothes and white duct tape. The out of cabin staff dressed up as monkeys. I thought it was funny because they had a paper plate on their faces with a monkey picture on it.  All of them had a banana as a telephone and Streetlight had a blow up tree with coconuts. She was hugging it so it looked like she would never let go.

Animal Night is a really fun, awesome, yet amazing  night but that is not the only theme night.  Yes, there are more theme nights like Utensil Night, Be Nice to Your Fellow Camper Night, and Feed a Friend Night. But don’t worry there are more theme nights. So that was Animal Night. It is awesome.