David R., Age 10
Tribe of Simeon

Archery was really hard at first. We had to hArcheryike downhill and then hike down another hill that was really narrow and steep. Then we ran across the soccer field and there was an archery guide there expecting us. It definitely feels really cool pulling back the string on the bow with an arrow in it. You have to pull back the string with two fingers and you have to aim just above the target. The arrow has a holder on the back of it for it to attach to the string. You need to hear a snap in order for you to know the arrow is placed in the right place. You need to pull the string until the string is about to touch your cheek; you will have maximum power if you pull that far. If you pull the string further than you should it will snap. I have not experimented to see if that is true, but if I even bought my own bow I still would not experiment with it because the bow would cost too much and that would be just a plain waste of money. There is a shed that has a lot of bows and a lot of arrows because if someone broke an arrow they could run in and grab a new one. And that concludes archery.