Let Us Press On
(Hosea 6:3)
“Let us press on to know the LORD. His going forth is as certain as the dawn; and he will come to us like the rain, like the spring rain watering the earth.”
The Gilgal Gazette is published by Camp Gilgal campers for Camp Gilgal campers and their families and friends!
Tribe of Benjamin: Aaron M., Henry S., Misha K., Nathaniel D., Cyclops, Shades
Tribe of Gad: Alyssa C., Rebekah C., Sarah H., Simona B., Taliah S., Yael P., Bullseye, Eureka
Tribe of Judah: Aaron C., Ethan M., Isaiah H., Joey S., Reverb, Tauros
Tribe of Naphtali: Devora W., Eliana S., Kaylie L., Laurel S., Lauren C., Ruski, Reptar
Tribe of Reuben: Elizabeth D., Hannah D., Johannah C., Kaitlin S., Ketzia B., Liza C., Lydia C., Rebecca T., Zoobles, Heinz
Tribe of Simeon: David H., David K., Keane R., Twitch, Tank
Out-of-Cabin Staff:
Strings (Hebrew), Loony (Nurse), Heart (Nurse), Red Sox (Assistant Director)
Camp Director:
Interviews and Family
David K., Age 9
Tribe of Simeon
Shades has been in Camp Gilgal for nine years. His nickname is Shades because he always wears his sunglasses. Shades has holes in his jeans because he uses his jeans a lot and it helps airflow. Shades likes to
play cards because it’s a force of habit. His favorite sport is baseball because when he was little, he was good at it. His favorite colors are green and yellow. His life in the cabin is fine. He sings in Tabernacle because it’s fun and he likes to sing. He likes everyone in Camp Gilgal. He has a pink watch because he thought it would be cool.
Lives of Campers and Staff
Laurel S., Age 11
Tribe of Naphtali
On Monday, July 5th, 2010, I asked some of the staff a few different questions. Here are some of their answers! One question I asked was, “What do you think of your campers and why?” One staff member said “I think they’re a lot of fun because they’re crazy!” Another question I asked was “What is your favorite part of camp and why?” A different staff member told me, “I like all camp activities because you’re with your friends.” Another question was “What is your favorite activity to teach? Why?” The answer I got was “Soccer. I like it because we always play Frisbee and soccer is more fun.” I also asked Twitch why he likes to come every summer and be staff. He told me it was “Because I teach campers about Jesus!”
I also asked some campers a question or two. I asked Yael who her favorite staff member was. She told me it was Ruski because she is very nice. I asked another camper who the most fun staff was and why. They told me it was Tank because of his personality. There you have it! From staff to camper and camper to staff, here’s what we like about camp and staff.
Misha K., Age 11
Tribe of Benjamin
Twitch is a very weird ATL at Camp Gilgal. He thinks that he’s the toughest person in the world. He’s fast and very light, which is why I can give him a piggy back ride. He’s the only person at Camp Gilgal that brought weights and everyone loves to annoy him by saying that Cyclops and Ruski are stronger than him. Twitch has enormous chest muscles and is one of my favorite ATLs.
Campfire Interviews with Bullseye and Zoobles
Taliah S., Age 9
Tribe of Gad
One day at camp, I got to ask Zoobles and Bullseye some different questions about campfire. I started by asking why we have campfire. Bullseye said it was so we can all come together as a camp to worship God in
a more camp way. Zoobles said it was to have a fun and calming time together before bed and a time to talk about God all together. Next I asked how they come up with campfire songs. Bullseye said that the staff thinks about what they have and then they think of happy songs in the beginning that would get campers excited! Zoobles said she didn’t know. When I asked why we sing songs, Bullseye told me it was to get into the campfire spirit. Zoobles said it was for fun because everybody likes it and it’s a good way to build unity together. My last question was why do we have campfire at night time? Bullseye said it was because we could see the sun set that way and so that we could see the fire better. And also, it’s cooler! Zoobles said it’s too hot in the day and that fire at night is prettier and cooler.
Johannah C., Age 12
Tribe of Reuben
This is Ruski’s first year as a tribe leader. Here are some things about her. She heard about Camp Gilgal when her older sister went to camp. She came here when she was old enough. Her favorite Bible passages are a chapter in James and all of Psalm 91. Her favorite books in the Bible are James and Psalms.
Ever since Ruski came here she wanted to be a tribe leader. Her favorite tribe of Israel is Benjamin because of the name and the symbol. Camp Gilgal is special to her because it is a place where she can get closer to God and meet other Messianic Jews. She likes both camp locations (the old and new ones).
Her favorite food is corn bread. She lives 20 minutes from the capital of New York, Albany. When she was a camper, her favorite activity was archery, but now her favorite activities are Hebrew and story time. During the day, she’d rather FOB inside, but at night she’d rather FOB outside.
An Interview With Tank
Hannah D., Age 11
Tribe of Reuben
Tank is a counselor who was born in Hanford, California. He started Camp Gilgal on the West Coast and has been with Jews for Jesus ever since. That makes a total of 17 years with Jews for Jesus. Tank has been a tribe leader for a little while and likes it because he loves hanging out with kids and wants to give back what he got. He also wants to share Y’shua’s love. Tank’s favorite day of the week is Saturday. His favorite holiday is Passover because he loves the symbolism of Jesus’ death and the resurrection and our promise of redemption.
Now the good stuff. Tank likes Coke over Pepsi. He also likes reading better than movies. His favorite color is green. When I asked him how he felt about toes, he said, “Rather cool, like little things on your feet that can move by themselves or together. They’re so cool and they help you keep your balance.” That’s NOT a response you hear every day!
Tank has been told that he sleep talks on occasion, but everybody knows that Tank SNORES really loudly. One time, Tank told me that he loved hats. When I asked him why, he said, “Because they keep me cool in the sun.”
Tank has an odd obsession with “Avatar: The Last Airbender.” So I asked him, “If you could bend any element, which would it be?” He said, “I’d be an avatar so that I could bend all things. But if I could only choose one, it would be air.”
And last, but NOT least, Tank’s favorite Bible verse is Joshua 1:9. So, that was my interview with Tank. I hope you enjoyed it.
Interview with Twitch
Aaron M., Age 12
Tribe of Benjamin
Twitch is a second year ATL. He is the ATL for the tribe of Simeon. He says he is very strong. I believe he is pretty strong because he has really big muscles. Here is an interview with Twitch.
Q. If you could have any three superpowers, what would they be?
A. Flying, super strength, telekinesis
Q. What is your future career?
Q. If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
A. Ferrari FSO, mansion, Bahamas, Xbox 360 lite (with all games and accessories), lifetime supply of cream soda.
Q. If you could be a combination of any four animals, what would they be?
A. Lion, shark, eagle, anaconda
Q. Why do you have a tiny backpack?
A. Because I do.
Q. What do you keep in your tiny backpack?
A. Staff manual, Bible, toothbrush, toothpaste, total gym, Reverb, and a bathroom
Q. If you could be any tribe leader, who would it be?
A. Shades
Q. Who is on staff that you are most afraid of?
A. Reptar
Wow! Those were some amazing things I learned about Twitch. I hope you have learned a lot about him too. I can’t believe he keeps Reverb in his tiny backpack! That is amazing!
Interview with Bullseye
Lydia C., Age 11
Tribe of Reuben
During camp I got to interview Bullseye and find out some really cool stuff about her! She told me her favorite colors were green and blue and that she really likes giraffes. When I asked what her favorite thing to do was, she told me it was to come to Camp Gilgal! Her favorite food is strawberries. Her name is Bullseye because she shoots rifles competitively for MA Jr Smallbore Rifle Team. Her favorite time of day is morning and her favorite song is “I’m Gonna Sing, Sing, Sing!” She loves to play Capture the Degel, but can’t play at home because she has no siblings. But she does have two cats and a rabbit.
Tribes of Gilgal
The Tribe of Benjamin
Our tribe, the tribe of Benjamin, has four kids named Aaron, Nathaniel, Henry, and Misha. The tribe has two tribe leaders named Shades and Cyclops and has enough room for everyone. Everyone likes to be funny in the tribe of Benjamin, whose symbol is a wolf with a laser beam coming out of its eyes. We all love our tribe and are happy. At the very end of camp, we adopted a new camper named Noah.
The Tribe of Judah

We are Tauros, Reverb, Aaron C, Joey, Ethan, and Isaiah. We like to play basketball, newcomb, M.I., and camp out. We had fun during tribe time because we played the tribe of Simeon at newcomb and beat them. We also love to FOB. Sleep is awesome! Horse day was also lots of fun. Water balloon volleyball was way awesome. It’s a game from West Coast Gilgal. We are Judah!
The Tribe of Naphtali

Hi! We’re the tribe of Naphtali. In our tribe we have Kaylie, Devora, Lauren, Eliana, Laurel, Reptar, Ruski, and Stinky the mouse. We like pool time, FOB, and tribe time. For example, during tribe time we painted Reptar’s face. During FOB is totally our favorite time because we always make it more than boring. Our tribe is the tribe of broken because we all got sick or hurt during camp. We also had a special friend in our cabin – a mouse! We named him Stinky but he was so cute and fuzzy! Our tribe is awesome!
The Tribe of Reuben
In the tribe of Reuben there are eight campers and two tribe leaders. The eight campers are Ketzia, Johannah, Kaitlin, Liza, Lydia, Rebecca, Elizabeth, and Hannah. The two counselors are Heinz and Zoobles. You may be wondering how we got our name. Well during the naming ceremony, there was an EPIC battle between three tribes that wanted the name Reuben. Hannah was the one that went up to fight for the title of Reuben. She won our name by standing on one foot for 10 ½ minutes and reciting the ABC’s backwards. Then, we got to know each other and became good friends. During tribe time, we usually play Apples to Apples, go to the park, or eat snacks. Reuben had spiritual success and got along really well because we ROCK!
We Are the Men of Simeon
The men of Simeon are made up of David H, Keane, David K., Twitch and Tank. We like to read through Pokemon books together. When we walk from the dining hall we also like to skip rocks in the pond. We are the best men’s tribe because as Simeon we have swords. It’s always hard to bond as a tribe but we feel like we have gotten pretty close and will miss camp.
The Tribe of Gad
We are the ladies of Gad. We are Simona, Taliah, Yael, Alyssa, Rebekah, and Sarah. Our ETL (Excellent Tribe Leader) is Eureka, and our EATL (Excellent Assistant Tribe Leader) is Bullseye. We’re the youngest cabin at Camp Gilgal East, and we are the best! Our whole cabin thinks that Camp Gilgal is the best camp ever!
Fun Stories

Baseball Catch
Henry S., Age 11
Tribe of Benjamin
I went to a minor league baseball game with Camp Gilgal 2010. We were all having fun and it was fun for me too. Left fielder Adam Bailey was near where we sat down, a couple yards away. I am his #1 fan. At the end of the top of the seventh, Bailey was coming up to me and he gave me the game ball he caught after he got the ball from the batter. After the game, Bailey came to me face to face and signed my baseball. It was one of the greatest moments of my life! I felt so happy I almost cried.
Turtle Crossing
Kaylie L., Age 10
Tribe of Naphtali
And again, we’re on the road to another one of our meals. I bet you’ve heard of a moose crossing or a bear crossing, well we got a turtle crossing the road for us. The turtle sat on one side of the road across the pond. When he saw us, he made a run for it. He was running really fast for a turtle. One leg, one arm, another leg, another arm until the turtle made it all the way across. It was a really big turtle too, like a grandpa. Next time you see a moose crossing sign or a bear crossing sign, remind RedSox to put up a turtle crossing sign on the road too!
The Proposal
Kaylie L., Age 10
Tribe of Naphtali
On Campout Night, the tribe of Naphtali and the tribe of Benjamin got a very special treat. Someone was proposing near where these tribes were camping out. We were staying near Sunset and it was the most romantic place when you saw the sun set.
It all started when one of the couples came. They started a fire and talked. Then, after a few minutes, the second couple came, the one who was proposing and getting proposed to. We were supposed to stay near the tribe of Benjamin’s campsite, but we went up 10 yards closer. When we got there, they were laughing and taking pictures. Misha started to climb up a tree and couldn’t stop asking “Did they kiss yet?” All of a sudden, the first couple came and obviously started to walk down another way. The girls looked back and told the boys to stop talking. When we finally looked back, we saw them kissing. So that’s how the proposal went and we’re guessing they’re all getting married.
Our New Location
Hannah D., Age 11
Tribe of Reuben
Camp Gilgal East stays at a place called Camp Pinnacle. We’ve always been in one spot for the time that I’ve been here (five years), but this year we moved to a different part of Camp Pinnacle. A lot of things are different, but camp is still camp, so it’s AWESOME. The new cabins are a bit bigger (yaaaay!), but the bathrooms are a bit of a walk (ugh!)
There’s a lot of room and some HUGE pluses, like a shorter walk to meals, a nicer volleyball court, and a
bigger Mishkan. It’s really nice at our new place, but it will take some getting used to. I can’t wait for more years at the NEW Camp Gilgal!
Misha K., Age 11
Tribe of Benjamin
If you ever go to Camp Gilgal, you will meet a lot of different animals in the wild. You will see chipmunks, turtles, fish, different birds, caterpillars, butterflies, deer, and many other wild animals. I met two turtles crossing the road that we use to walk to dinner, and on the same day I saw a chipmunk, two bullfrogs, and even a snake! It was a small snake that was black with a yellow line on it, but don’t worry – it wasn’t poisonous and it was afraid of me. There are many different bugs and insects that you can study at night and during the day. Camp Gilgal is a beautiful place which is very fun.
Stinky, Our Mouse
Lauren C., Age 11
Tribe of Naphtali
In the tribe of Naphtali, we had a special friend. One night, during devotions, we found a hole in the wall with a little mouse head sticking out. It started squeaking and crawling out so we all screamed and ran out. Ruski, our ATL, went and got duck tape to cover up the hole. To try and make us feel better, Reptar, our tribe leader, told us to name it. We named it Stinky. A few days later, we saw Stinky run across the floor into a big hole under a bed. We were surprised that we saw it, so we covered that hole to. Later in the week, we saw it in a hole under a radiator. It was so cute! The night before, we had set a trap to set it free. It never made it to the trap, but the holes were covered later with metal. By this time, we all loved Stinky, so we didn’t want to close the holes. But we had to because he could carry diseases. We had a special friend in the tribe of Naphtali.
Why My Shoe Is Awesome
Kaitlin S., Age 12
Tribe of Reuben
My shoe is awesome because this year at Camp Gilgal it killed 138 bugs. It killed mosquitoes, butterflies, ladybugs, beetles, moths, spiders, and even a slug. It also killed a bunch of unidentified bugs. The best part is that it is also portable so that I can squish bugs ANYWHERE! My shoe is also very pretty (except for the bottom because that’s where the dead bugs are.) I kill them because my cousin J.J. told me that bugs are evil and ever since then I’ve been squishing bugs. By the end of camp, I hope to have killed at least 140 bugs. That is why my shoe is awesome.
The Funniest Face Painting Ever
Laurel S., Age 11
Tribe of Naphtali
On Wednesday, June 30, 2010, we had tribe time. So we went to the Mishkan to decorate papers to hang in our cabin. One of us got upset so Reptar took her out for a few minutes and said, “You can paint on my face.” She said yes.
We painted on her face then and she said, “There is not much blue on my face.” So I put more blue on her face. I gave her a blue mustache.
Then, because it was fun, we decided to scare the boys. Reptar went behind some boys and staff and said “RAWR!” and scared them. But she was not done. Then the fun began.
We went to the staff room and tried to scare them. She looked into the window and Twister covered the window. So Reptar looked into another window and Twister closed that window.
Then Reptar took off the paint and the fun ended.
Tribe Time
Aaron C., Age 9
Tribe of Judah
One day we played Simeon at Newcomb during tribe time. They were tough. We had a real tough time, but we were able to beat them. It was a lot fun! We want to play them again, but there may not be enough time!
Fun Days, Crazy Nights!
Splish! Splash! Water games (the inside story)
Aaron M., Age 12
Tribe of Benjamin
Water games are a lot of fun. We play a lot of water games, like balloon waddle, water balloon toss, a water relay race, and water balloon volleyball. We also got to squash a water balloon over Strings’ head.
The balloon toss was a lot of fun. First, we used small water balloons. Then, we used big water balloons. We had to toss them back and forth with our partners.
We also played water balloon volleyball. We had to use big tarps and use them to toss the balloons over the net.
At the end of the water games, Twister said that whoever collects the most water balloon pieces gets to squish a water balloon over Strings’ head and get Strings all wet. Strings was definitely not happy. Nathaniel got the most. But instead of splashing it over Strings’ head, he threw it at her foot.
Water games are great. I hope we can play them again soon!
Joey S., Age 9
Tribe of Judah
I had done rock wall before when I was five. I had had lots of fun. I was excited to do it again. It was high up so I got scared after a while and came down. I still had fun though!
Lydia C., Age 11
Tribe of Reuben
Campfire is so fun. We sing songs and praise God. We sing funny songs and serious songs. We talk about our troubles, about families and friends. And we pray to God. Sometimes we even have s’mores. Campfire is always good. I love campfire.
Snack Shack
Aaron C., Age 9
Tribe of Judah
The Snack Shack had lots of candy! All the candy had lots of sugar. I like Sour Skittles and Starbursts and Nerds Ropes the best. They also had ice cream. The ice cream was delicious. Yum!
Waterballoon Volleyball
Aaron C., Age 9
Tribe of Judah
We played a game called water balloon volleyball. We used a tarp. We had to throw the water balloon off of the tarp and over the net. When we missed catching the water balloon, it popped and we got soaked. Water balloon volleyball is my favorite water game!
Ketzia B., Age 11
Tribe of Reuben
One of the things I like about camp is the campfires. The songs are really fun and energetic. The devotions have taught us more about Y’shua and how we can be closer to Him.
Our location for campfires is amazing. The fire is always beautiful. Since we are on mountain, if we go watch the sunset, it’s incredible. On July 4th we looked down and saw fantastic fireworks. It really shows when we go up there how amazing God is – how He created all of these incredible sights.
As I said before, the songs are great. Some of my favorites are “Baby Whale” and “Jesus Loves Me” (Campfire Style). The devotions have been an incredible influence on all the campers. Campfires ROCK!
Baseball Fieldtrip
Elizabeth D., Age 12
Tribe of Reuben
At Camp Gilgal we go on field trips. This year, we went to a baseball game – Muckdogs vs. Valleycats. During intermissions, or if you don’t want to watch, you can get money from the Gilgal bank to get whatever you want. We also stay safe. We have a buddy rule and you go with your buddy to go wherever.
Rebecca T., Age 12
Tribe of Reuben
If you have Rockwall, then get ready cause you’re gonna have lots of fun. In Rockwall, you’ll get to climb the easy and medium wall. The medium wall is the shortest wall. The easy wall is the longest wall, but it has lots of rocks on it, so it’s easier to climb up. Note, if you’re a beginner and it’s your first time, then start out with the easy wall!
On the first day, the staff will explain the rules of Rockwall. Then on the second day you will get fitted for harnesses. After that, you’ll pick out the helmet you need. Then you’re all set. On that note, on your mark, get set, CLIMB!!
Campout Night
Elizabeth D., Age 12
Tribe of Reuben
Every year of camp, we have a Campout Night. This is when you go out into the wilderness and sleep in a tent for a night. You will have to bring clothes, sleeping bags, flashlights, and pillows. We cook at a campfire and eat hot dogs and hamburgers. You can choose to sleep in the tent or outdoors (if it’s not raining). This year we slept on the skate ramp and found the Big Dipper and North Star. Campout Night is so much fun!!
Horse Riding!
Rebekah C., Age 9
Tribe of Gad
I had so much fun riding horses this year. I rode five times in a row without stopping. It drank a lot of water. Its name was Mabel. It was fast. It was kind of big. It was a brown horse. We fed it grass. Me and Sarah were the first ones to get to ride in the tribe. We got to pet the horses. It was fun!
Animal Night
Liza C., Age 12
Tribe of Reuben
Animal Night is by definition a night of animals, and there sure were a lot of animals in the dining hall that night! Here are the percentages and names of the human-animal population of the Tribe of Reuben.
Forty percent of the tribe (Heinz, Ketzia, Zoobles, and Lydia) were seen as bunny rabbits. Ten percent (Johannah) were in a parrot-like fashion. Ten percent more (Kaitlyn) looked like a chipmunk. Ten percent (Elizabeth) blended as a chameleon. Ten percent (Liza) looked poodle-ish. And last, but not least, as a joke, ten percent (Hannah) dressed up as a middle schooler (they are animalistic at times…).
And so, Animal Night was fun for all!
Taliah S., Age 9
Tribe of Gad
Archery is a very fun activity that is not as easy as it looks! I had archery for my third activity and I thought that it would be so easy because that is what people said. But then, when I tried it, I couldn’t even get the arrow on the bow!
Our Pool
Eliana S., Age 11
Tribe of Naphtali
Too, too cold! Say the campers at Camp Gilgal. This cold pool might seem cold to you, but think about those hot days when it’s like Heaven!
The pool area here is really a great thing! On hot days, you can be in the pool having fun, or on cold days in the game room having fun. So either way, the pool area is fun.
The pool might seem like it has horrible rules, but it’s better than most pools.
1. We (girls) don’t have to put our hair up.
2. We can cannonball into the shallow end.
3. You don’t have to take a shower before you get in.
4. They aren’t strict about yelling.
So those are four great reasons why the pool is great!
Horse Day
Nathaniel D., Age 10
Tribe of Benjamin
Horse Day is when you get a helmet (one that fits you) and you let the person in charge see how tall you are, so they can choose the best horse for you. If you are 10 and older you go on a trail. If you are nine or younger you will ride the ponies. I had a horse named Mabou. He might have been a pony. I rode him on the trail though. Mabou had his mom with him on the trail. Someone else rode Mabou’s mom. So, sometimes I didn’t have to steer Mabou because he was trained, and he followed his mom.
Then there were water games/water balloon volleyball. The point of the game is to keep a water balloon safe from falling. You would have to use a tarp to toss the water balloons over the net. Our team lost
because most of the water balloons dropped. We tried to catch the water balloons with the tarp.
Finally, we did drama games. There was a game called Wax Museum. There is one person who is It. They are supposed to catch people moving when they look at them. The game is hard, but fun.
I hope we do horseback riding next year!
David H., Age 11
Tribe of Simeon
Archery is really really fun and the thing that is fun is you get a bow and arrow to shoot at they target. The
thing you have to fire at is the eye.
In order to use a bow and some arrows, you have to follow the rules.
Rule 1) Before you knock an arrow you must point the arrow down at the ground.
Rule 2) Do not point an arrow at a person. They could hurt or kill a person.
Rule 3) Treat the archery equipment the way you treat people.
Rule 4) Do not point an arrow at staff members.
Rule 5) Do not fire until staff tell you too.
Rule 6) Do not fire an arrow into the woods.
Rule 7) This is God’s mountain. Treat it with respect.
Remember, have fun, follow the rules, and be careful.
Joey S., Age 9
Tribe of Judah
I used to not know how to dribble a basketball, but now I do. I also learned how to get perfect aim while shooting. You have to have perfect aim to get it in the basket, otherwise you don’t get the point. I’m glad I got to see how good I was because I used to play, too. I also think Shades plays basketball really good too.
All About the Campout!
Isaiah H., Age 8
Tribe of Judah
One day after fourth activity, my tribe leader said we were going on a campout and I was very happy. Then we got all our things. Then we started to head out and we went on a big hike. Then we got to our campsite. Then the fun part was building the tent. At night, we made a bonfire. When we were alone a dog came. We played fetch with the dog. We played games, and made s’mores. Then we went to bed under the beautiful stars and the moon. When we woke up, we went near the fire and got warm with Twitch. Then we took down the tents and went on our huge hike again. When we were hiking, God was speaking to me through the wind and it was cool. I felt very special. When we reached camp, we started a new clean day and it was fun!
Snack Shack
Keane R., Age 10
Tribe of Simeon
The Snack Shack is a place at the pool where they sell candy. They sell lots of candy. All the candy is really cheap. They sell ice cream for three dollars and that’s a big scoop! All the candy is really good. They have Skittles, Twizzlers, Ring Pops, and even milk shakes. I like the Snack Shack. My favorite candy is Skittles.
All About…Fashion Disastah Night!
Isaiah H., Age 8
Tribe of Judah
After fourth activity, RedSox yelled, “Get ready for Fashion Disastah Night!” When I heard her, I yelled at the top of my lungs and so I got into my outfit, except this year my outfit was too hot. So then after Fashion Disastah Night I got out of my hot outfit. But there’s more to tell you. My outfit was a blue sweater and a green top with mismatched shoes. I had my Camp Gilgal shirt on top of my green sweatshirt. I had one sock up and one down and my hair was weird. My blue sweater was tied on my belly and the hood was on my head! The thing I like about Fashion Disastah Night is I like seeing people in different and weird clothes.
Horse Day
Ethan M., Age 8
Tribe of Judah
On Horse Day, we had times to ride on horses. We played games and learned Hebrew. There were water games. We played water balloon volleyball. I can’t wait to do it again next year!
It was very hot on Horse Day, but it was not too bad because we played water games to cool us down. Games like water balloon volleyball and some water relays. In the water relays, we didn’t get too wet, but water balloon volleyball kept us nice and cool. Lots of kids rode horses, but I was feeling afraid of heights so I didn’t ride. I hope to try to ride next year.
On Horse Day, we had a barbeque for lunch up at the sunset spot. RedSox cooked hot dogs and hamburgers for the whole camp! There was a special guest on Horse Day named Improv. Improv is very funny. He was a surprise at mail call and RedSox had to sing for him. Horse Day is a great day at Camp Gilgal!
Swimming Time
Nathaniel D., Age 10
Tribe of Benjamin
When you want to swim in the swimming pool, you would first have to take a swimming test. If you don’t want to then you automatically get a red bracelet (it means that you can only swim in the shallow water.) To pass the test, there are some things to do. First, you have to do front kicks to the other side of the pool. Then, you have to swim on your back to the other side without stopping or touching the ground. Then you would go to the deep end and tread water for one minute. If you made it, you would get a green bracelet. (That means you can swim in the shallow water, the medium water, and the deep end.) It’s fun! Try it!
Sarah H., Age 8
Tribe of Gad
Rockwall is when you go on a wall and it has lots of rocks on it. First, you need a helmet. Then you need a harness. A harness makes sure you are safe. First, go on the easy wall which means the beginners wall. Then when you’re done with that wall you go on to the medium wall. Then you can go on the HARD wall! I was almost at the top of the easy wall and then I had to jump down. To jump down, you put your feet flat on the
wall then you push yourself off and jump down. I thought Rockwall was fun and I think you will too!
Taliah S., Age 9
Tribe of Gad
Campfire happens every couple of nights and what we do is we usually have an all-camp game right before campfire. Once we get there we sit around the fire. Then three or four of the staff come up and we sing some songs like “Swing Low Sweet Chariot” and “Oh When the Saints Come Marching In” and “I’m Gonna Sing, Sing, Sing” and we usually sing some songs like that. And then we sing some more mellow songs like “Be Thou My Vision” and then we pray. Then one of the staff comes up and they give what is called a campfire talk. What they do during the talk is either read something from the Bible that relates to their lives or they talk about something that happened in their lives. Then, after maybe another song, we all go to the side of the mountain and watch the sunset! I personally think that it is the best way to end campfire ever!
Only at Camp Gilgal
FOB, a Poem
Rebecca T., Age 12
Tribe of Reuben
FOB is a bore
It makes me snore
I hate FOB
I feel like a slob
It’s now 4 o’clock
I hear it go tick tock
There’s nothing to do
I’m playing with my shoe
The whistle blows
It’s time to go out and
Put on normal clothes
Camp 2010!
Ketzia B., Age 11
Tribe of Reuben
This year, Camp Gilgal has been very different. One of the reasons why is because we have switched our location! It’s a great place, and I think we all like it a lot.
For the boys, this has been a big improvement. Last year, their cabin was gross. One time they even found a live bird in there! For the girls, the only bad thing is the washrooms are outside. The cabins are bigger and more comfortable.
We have lots of space and the Mishkan is pretty much the same. The Hebrew room and infirmary are smaller, but that is okay. We have more space and really, we’re right across the road!
Letter to Parents
Yael P., Age 9
Tribe of Gad
Dear Parents,
Camp Gilgal is an awesome place to send your children. I can go on and on about how much fun I had at camp. First of all, Camp Gilgal teaches good Bible studies. I have learned so much in my two weeks at camp. I also really enjoyed archery, drama games, and horseback riding. I also made a lot of good friends at camp. I live in the city and it is very hard to make friends. But when I came to camp I met many people.
Hannah D., Age 11
Tribe of Reuben
In the mornings, all of us wake up, go to breakfast, have cabin clean up, and then, we have Tabernacle. Tabernacle allows many people to get closer to God. First, we worship with the worship team. My favorite worship songs are “Prince of Peace” and “The Happy Song.” These two songs are fun and have a real meaning to them.
After worship, we all listen to a brief message given by Twister. This year we are learning about Sh’vuot and how a lot of things have to do with it. Overall, Tabernacle is really fun and it also brings us close to God.
Taliah S., Age 9
Tribe of Gad
FOB is a very debatable time. Most people hate it, but I absolutely love it! FOB stands for flat on bunk and you don’t really have to be flat on bunk, you just have to be in your bunk. The staff came up with FOB for the campers to sleep, but if someone fell asleep at FOB it was a big surprise for everybody!
Alyssa C., Age 9
Tribe of Gad
H – Heroic
E – Education
B – Best language I learned
R – Rocks the Alef-Bet song
E – Education
W – Wisdom
Hebrew is a fun and easy language to learn! These past two weeks we learned the alef-bet, numbers from one to ten, colors, and how to write and say our names in Hebrew. We learned how to write the letters and vowel sounds. We also learned how to say “ani rotsa esser adom dubi b’vakasha” which means, “I want 10 red gummy bears please.” We also learned “Ma shlomech” which means “How are you?” and answers like “lo tov” (not good), “tov” (good), “kacha-kacha” (half-n-half) and “sababa” (cool). And last but not least, we learned the V’ahavta. I had lots of fun when I learned Hebrew this year.
Cabin Clean-Up
Devora W., Age 11
Tribe of Naphtali
Every day at Camp Gilgal we have Cabin Clean-Up. Cabin Clean-Up is when we clean up our cabin. Twister, RedSox, or Strings checks to see if there are any infractions, like an askew Bible or a shirt “tossed like salad.” Every cabin has a turn to clean the bathroom, but if you get a 60 or under, you have to clean the bathroom anyways. We all try to get a 100 so we get more points for the party at the end of camp. Sometimes Cabin Clean-Up can be hard, so we always try our best!
Theme Meals
Devora W., Age 11
Tribe of Naphtali
Have you ever eaten dinner with a pack of dogs, a blue jay, a tiger, or hippocolors? Well, I have. If you’re wondering what a hippocolor is, this is it: It’s part hippo, it’s colorful, it’s a creature that eats lions and loves curly hair.
Here at Camp Gilgal, we have a lot of theme meals, like Animal Night, Crazy Hair Night, Fashion Disastah Night, Red, White and Blue Day, Canada Day, and Backwards Night.
We have a lot of fun on Animal Night because we all dress up like animals. For Animal Night, I was a dog with a few other girls in my cabin. On Crazy Hair Night, we all do our hair really crazy, and on Fashion Disastah night we all dress up really funny. For Fashion Disastah night I wore my swimsuit over funny clothes. On Red, White, and Blue Day we all wear the colors of the flag for the 4th of July. On Canada Day, we dress in red and white. Finally, on Backwards Day we wear everything backwards. The only thing I don’t like about theme meals is that there’s not enough of them!
M.I. (Mission Impossible)
Yael P., Age 9
Tribe of Gad
At Camp Gilgal we play this game called Mission Impossible or M.I. What we do is some camp staff go hide clues. You are handed the first clue. Then you try to get all the other clues. But there are guards guarding the clues so you have to try not to get spotted by them. When you get all the clues the clues make a picture. The first group of people to get all the clues wins. M.I. is so fun. What I like about M.I. is this: One, you play it in the dark. Two, you have to work together in the group you are in or else your group can’t win. M.I. is also challenging. You have to run really fast to get the clues quickly. The first time I played M.I. I loved it. The last time I played M.I. my tribe won. It was a really long time since my tribe won M.I.
Making a Degel
Simona B., Age 8
Tribe of Gad
At the beginning of camp you make a degel for your tribe. But first, you need to choose a tribe name. Here are your choices: Issachar, Gad, Dan, Judah, Benjamin, Zebulun, Reuben, Naphtali, Simeon, Asher, Levi, and Joseph. These are all the tribes of Israel. You and your tribe decorate it in any way you want but it has to have the symbol of your tribe name. Your degel has to have your tribe name on it and also the members of your tribe. It’s your degel so be creative and have fun with it!
Simona B., Age 8
Tribe of Gad
Every Friday night you have Shabbat. You need to dress up pretty if you’re a girl and handsome if you’re a boy. You need to wear clean and fresh clothes. You have to say more blessings than you usually do. The bread is called challah. You pass the challah around your tribe table and you each get a piece of it. You have a tribe time before it so you can take showers and get dressed. Enjoy Shabbat – it’s fun!
The Gilgal Gazette is published by Camp Gilgal campers for Camp Gilgal campers and their families and friends!