David S., Age 12 

Despite the few who decided to defend the blue base and the even fewer who did not leave to go on offense, our defense was incredible. Even more incredible, however, was the great fun and the awesome experience I had. After choosing a site for the degel and jail among the trees, Zach and I asked everyone to keep flashlights off and voices low. Consequently, it was quite a while before the red team even found our base. However, they weren’t the only ones that could not find the base. 

Soon after the game started, Jon, Zach and I went to scout to spot all enemies in our territory. Not long after we found a group of girls walking in plain sight on the road with all their flashlights on – couldn’t be too hard to catch; however, we guessed that their goal could only be to be led to jail and from there yell and friends12 smbring the others to the flag. Searching for Sonic, Simba and the other tribe leaders was a task of stealth as well as speed. We soon found and tagged Sonic, yet getting to the jail was another matter. On the way to our base, I had not paid careful attention to the path, and even less to the way to where we were now. Without a flashlight, it was even harder. Zach took Sonic in search of the jail. Awhile afterwards the figure of Esquire was seen running around the woods towards Mountain View. While Esquire was slowing down from a wearying chase, I once again took up the chase. It wasn’t unlike a western. He was quite out of breath, so I soon caught him. Then we wandered around in what I thought was the direction of the jail. However as Esquire pointed out we were walking in circles. Eventually, I let him go as it wasn’t very fair to keep him walking around pointlessly. After some time, I found my way back to the base. Esquire, Sonic, perhaps Moose and several other girls ended up in jail. The noise of movement in the brush seemed to be a sign that enemies prowled through the trees. We tried to keep them as far as we could from the degel. Perhaps Simba or such folk crept through the forest. Yet before they could get a jail break, shouts of victory echoed through the woods – we had won!