Once a part of the Camp Gilgal family, always a part of the Camp Gilgal family.

Category: Junior Camp East

Camp Gilgal East Junior Camp (July 1-14, 2012)


Choose the Way of Life

(Deuteronomy 30:19-20)

“Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may
love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him.”

The Gilgal Gazette is published by Camp Gilgal campers for Camp Gilgal campers and their families and friends!



Friends16smTribe of Asher: Beau N., Daniel V., Joseph S., Keane R., Nathanael D., Tripp, Shades

Tribe of Judah: Abigail O., Alyssa C., Eden A., Sierra K., Sivan M., Yael S., Chickpea, Bologna

Tribe of Dan: Daniel C., Eithan S., Ephraim L., Gavyn R., Ilan T., Josiah O., Swank, Floyd

Tribe of Issachar: Mariya A., Naomi W., Nena K., Rebekah C., Simona B., Baby Carrots, HersheyFriends12 sm

Tribe of Benjamin: Aaron C., Elliot A., Ethan M., Isaiah H., Simeon G., Kicks, Scooter

Tribe of Reuben: Abby D, Hannah K., Kayla C., Netanya W., Shira S., Nemo, Froggy

Out of cabin: Twister, Blewish, RedSox, Fresco


The Bug Survives

Beau N., Age 11
Tribe of Asher 

Sleeping bag smOne day when I was at the pool I realized that a mental fly wouldn’t leave me alone. I decided to catch the fly.

I was outside the pool chilling so I went to the side of the pool and submerged the bug underwater. I then noticed that the bug was squirming around. I kept the bug underwater for ten minutes. I let the fly come up and it was alive! It was crazy. Its wings were crumpled and wet. Somehow it flew away. What a miracle.

Red Hot

Sivan M., Age 11
Tribe of Judah Friends15sm

One after another, Baby Carrots inadvertently spilled her hot water on her hand. As she innocently got some hot water for a nice cup of tea, the water mysteriously sprayed out oddly, drenching her hand in a scorching, burning stream of water. This was followed by a panicked spill of the rest of her cup. These combined brought her no cup of deliciously warming tea but a blackened hand, burning pain, and a trip to the nurse.

Animals at Camp

Rebekah C., Age 11Friends3 sm
Tribe of Issachar 

At Camp Gilgal there is a variety of animals. First I would like to start with walking to breakfast, lunch, and dinner. As you walk to breakfast, lunch, or dinner you’ll pass some turtles or tadpoles. Next at counselor hunt you’ll probably see little frogs or one or two snakes. Some other day you might see a rabbit family or several butterflies flying around Camp Gilgal. Also, you will see a lot of chipmunks around camp. Also you better watch out for bugs. I love wild life at Camp Gilgal and I think you will too. 

Lost Bracelet—Lost and Found

Eithan S., Age 9
Tribe of Dan

Horse smI made a bracelet to give to my mom. I made it out of red, blue, and yellow strings. RedSox helped me make the bracelet. It looked really nice.

We went to campfire and we were going back to the cabin and then my bracelet was gone in the morning. I was walking and then I found my bracelet while walking through the grass. Because it was gone and I found it I was happy.

Tribe Time

Netanya W., Age 8Friends2 sm
Tribe of Reuben 

I really love tribe time. First tribe time, we painted our nails and we painted Blewish’s nails and we painted them green, blue, purple, pink, and lavender. We played Marco Polo, too. Blewish danced like a ballerina with us when his nails dried. I can’t believe Blewish let us paint his nails!! It was fun. I can’t wait for next tribe time!

The Lake

Simona B., Age 10
Tribe of Issachar 

Friends9 smHello fellows. My name is Simona, I am ten, and I am in the tribe of Issachar. Back to my story, although I haven’t started yet. I am about to tell you about the history of turtles! But special ones. Here we go.

Once upon a time there lived…a pond. On the walk to the dining hall for breakfast, lunch, and dinner you would see it. It is very mysterious, but according to my calculations, the turtles came from…Jimmy and Denny the turtles. They had lived in the pond forever, ten years. One day, Denny gave birth to 16 babies at one time! They were very happy with their lives. The youngest turtle (by one minute) made quick friends. The other 15 grew up to be racers. Then, the youngest turtle (his name is Monk) met a girl turtle and had 16 more babies! That’s why when you walk to breakfast, lunch and dinner, you see TURTLES! (Special ones.)

The Hunter Becomes the Hunted

Daniel C., Age 7
Tribe of Dan 

Friends8 smI was at Counselor Hunt and was walking with Gavyn and Ephraim. I stopped to tie my shoe, and the others kept walking. When I finished, I tried to follow the others, but they were gone. I looked and looked, but I couldn’t find them. Soon, I joined up with a group of girls until we found Kicks, who was very hard to get back. We tried and tried. At that point, we were so far from everyone else that when the whistle was blown, we didn’t hear it. We were lost. After some time, we saw Blewish. He had been looking for us because we were lost. The hunters became the hunted.

Respect Nature!

Josiah O., Age 9
Tribe of Dan Wood sm

Number 1: Do NOT kill plants! Do not stomp on anything. It is foolish! Also do not rip trees out of the ground (unless it’s your favorite tree and there’s an earthquake). Do not pluck petals off of roses, etc., etc.

Number 2: Ways to avoid killing animals: When a bunny comes near an archery target, aim at the target instead of the bunny. Hint, if a bee comes up to you, just squish it. If you meet a bear, don’t pick up a sharp stone and stab the bear, just run for your life.

The End.

The Blewish Twister!

Eden A., Age 11
Tribe of Judah 

Staff3 smIncoming! Incoming! This just in: the Blewish Twister is approaching at 200 mph, and is coming in about four and a half hours this way! Things you might need: a jumbo pack of Baby Carrots, Bologna, Shades (just in case), and a couple pieces of Strings.

And just in case, you might also need: Red Sox for a Swank outfit, a Scooter, and an emergency packet of Hershey Kisses, Sneakers, and your Nemo and Froggy stuffed toys. This zooming Twister leaves cities in a kurffufle and tosses towns like salad. Make sure nobody Kicks you, making you Tripp. While listening to Pink Floyd, eating Chickpeas, and Starburst(s), you should look at Aquamarine Fresco(s). Make sure that this amazing Twister doesn’t Zap you on your way out. It’s definitely a destroyer!

Tribe Time

Simone B., Age 10
Tribe of Issachar

Hello! My name is Simone. I am in the tribe of Issachar and I am ten years old. At this awesome camp, there is something called “tribe time.” It is a time that you get to spend with your tribe and your TLs and ATLs pick something fun to do, whether it’s going to the park, doing nails, etc.

Once, for the first tribe time ever in 2009, we went PUDDLE JUMPING! It was rainy that year at camp and there were tons of puddles. We got in clothes we didn’t care about getting dirty and we jumped away. Then we took a shower. It ROCKED!

Another time, in 2012, this year, we made really funny hats. It was a band out of construction paper. We each made pictures that represent us. There were hearts, sandwiches, turtles, etc. I did cheese! It looked so good and it was so fun!

I really look forward to tribe time all the time.

Crazy Animal

Animals smYael S., Age 11
Tribe of Judah 

One evening we were playing Counselor Hunt.

Me and Abby were partners. We started the game. All the campers were looking for tribe leaders. Me and Abby walked until we saw something. We went closer and closer. It was Scooter. We caught him, and this animal is crazy! The only thing he said was, “Floyd, Floyd, Floyd!” He kept going the wrong way to Sunset! It took a group of campers to get him back to Sunset. I was exhausted but I had fun.

Tactics of MI

Ethan M., Age 10
Tribe of Benjamin 

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is MI, also known as Mission Bugs smImpossible. It is when you have to find clues that are hidden at night. You have a flashlight, but you only turn it on when you have a clue. Here are some of my tactics: (1) If a flashlight is turning to you, hide behind a tree, or if all else fails, lie flat on the ground. (2) Always stay quiet so you can’t be heard. (3) Dress in black clothing to have camouflage. (4) Stay together as a tribe so you don’t get lost. (5) Read your clues carefully so you don’t get caught. If you use these tactics you might win.

Twin Night!

Twins smMariya A., Age 11
Tribe of Issachar 

Hi! My name is Mariya. One of my favorite things at Camp Gilgal is “theme meals.” My favorite theme meal is actually “Twin Night.” Twin Night is when two or more people look alike. For example, they wear the same clothes. Well, my twins were Nena and one of my tribe leaders, Baby Carrots. We wore last year’s Camp Gilgal shirt and black shorts. My favorite twins were Twister and Strings. They finished each other’s sentences which made me laugh so much.

Counselor Hunt

Isaiah H., Age 10
Tribe of Benjamin       Boys sm

Before campfire we played a game called Counselor Hunt. When I got into the woods, all of the tribe leaders were hiding. It was windy and scary. All I heard was the crunching of the leaves. My friend said, “C’mon, let’s go up the hill!” I said, “No way.” I kept walking. It started to drizzle and I heard the raindrops jumping off the leaves. We were really deep in the woods. I got so scared so I ran as fast as I could back and I saw Nemo. I took her and dragged her and she kept yelling, “My father’s that way! My father’s that way!” But I brought her back and we won!

Fashion Disaster

Fashion disaster2Kayla C., Age 9
Tribe of Issachar 

On Fashion Disaster Night everyone looks so weird. You can put on two different shoes or wear leggings and shorts on top. I saw Chickpea wear a trench coat, a rain boot, a flip flop, and she carried a water gun! Nemo was wearing a t-shirt, overalls, a plaid shirt, and a ribbon on her head. I was wearing two different shirts that do not go together and a flip flop with a sneaker and my hair was all crazy. Fashion Disaster is so much fun.

Campfire Time

Abigail D., Age 8
Tribe of Reuben Campfire2 sm

Almost every night, we go to a campfire. When we get to the campfire, we pray, we sing songs, we do some verses, and we listen to someone speaking. When we go back to our cabin and we put on our PJs, we brush our teeth, then we do devotions and then we go to bed. I like campfire. It’s a far walk, it takes place at sunset, my favorite song is At a Time Like This and we have to put on some bug spray. 

Finding Nemo in 2012

Josiah O., Age 9
Tribe of Dan 

It was Counselor Hunt time and Ilan, Ethan and me were buddies. Twister was telling us what to do, and since I was the oldest I had to look after Ilan and Ethan. We were walking down one of the paths and then we bumped into some boys (about four, with Boys2 smtwo girls later), so we joined them. But we really should have taken a different path because we seemed to have reached the road that was close by. So we decided to go the other way but we just went deeper into the woods. Then we went down the other path and turned down a path that went to the right. Eventually it looked familiar and we started to run because we wanted to get back to campfire so that we wouldn’t get lost again. As I was running along with the group I looked behind me for some reason and saw a black lump sitting against a tree so I screamed, “A TRIBE LEADER, A TRIBE LEADER, C’MON!” In about five seconds the older boys caught them and when I saw them I saw that it was Nemo!! Then we started pushing her to campfire and she kept saying, “My daddy’s that way!” But we said, “No, your father is this way, we assure you.” Once Nemo almost went down a random path nearby but we caught her arm before she could get away. Then, we brought her to campfire.

The End.


Naomi W., Age 10
Tribe of Issachar

Field games2 smDo you ever feel like running around? You know, like getting crazy. Well, if you do then come to Camp Gilgal where we have field sports. That’s when you play sports, do activities, or team activities. I do field sports and it is so much fun. Because in field sports, you’re with all your friends and tribe leaders and we do a lot of unique, AWESOME games like Fruit Basket, Newcomer, and soccer. If you don’t know these games then you’re just going to have to try them out and see how much fun they are. I bet you’re going to LOVE it!

The End.

Horse Day

Hannah K., Age 9Horse3sm
Tribe of Reuben 

I love horse day, do you? It is not so far to get there. We had to cross the road. I got Lily, one of the horses. She kept on stopping. We had to do exercises on the horses. It was fun. We played Follow the Leader on the horse. We also did Around the World on it. I love horses!

Wetness Disaster

Daniel V., Age 12
Tribe of Asher 

Friends18sm“Gilgal Gazette! Get yours for free!” Today’s story is about three tribes (mostly two) who were water fighting!

It all started when Scooter (tribe of Benjamin) had water balloons and threw them at a camper, and that’s how it started.

All the tribe leaders rejoined and started to attack while the campers were getting their guns. After a lot of fun and screaming we stole water balloons and started to throw them.

When Floyd (ATL of Dan) wanted to help me I said, “Yeah, sure.” So then we started to fight side by side until we heard “Last ammo, no refills.” Floyd was already out so I took it like the Hunger Games. “Survival!” When we heard that we won we were glad to beat most of the tribe leaders. Tribe time is amazing! I also say thank you to the tribes of Dan, Asher, and Benjamin for having a lot of fun!

A Field Trip!

Shira S., Age 9Baseball game2sm
Tribe of Reuben 

Camp Gilgal took a trip to a baseball game! The home team was the Valley Cats. The other team was the Spikes. The Spikes won. After the game they had different music playing. Everyone was dancing. Especially Shades; Shades was dancing like a hula queen. Next there were fireworks. They were spectacular! They were all different colors. The baseball game was really fun!!

Archery Becomes Weird

Ethan M., Age 11
Tribe of Benjamin 

Archery smIt was archery, one of my favorite activities. I was pulling back my arrow, aiming for the target. I let go of my arrow, and instead of hitting my target, I hit the target next to mine. I hit the green, which is third best! (The targets were ten feet away from each other.) I was really surprised, and taking out the arrow was really hard. Another time, I hit the bull’s eye on my target. Archery is fun and I hope I can take it again.


Nathanael D., Age 11
Tribe of Asher 

Claymation2 smClaymation is an activity that involves clay animations and creating things like characters and clay props out of nothing and a big Claymation smimagination. So what you would do is create some characters from clay, some props, a scene and a background. Once you are finished creating, you can start “filming.” To move your character around you would take a picture (the activity leader would), then slightly move your character in the direction or action it will go or do. The reason you move it slightly is because it will make the animation smoother. If you move it too far it will look like one giant motion and it will look terrible. That is pretty much the only disadvantage. I personally think that Claymation is one of the best activities there is! If you choose Claymation, you won’t regret picking it!

The Gilgal Bank

Ilan T., Age 9Friends7 sm
Tribe of Dan 

In the Gilgal bank you have money. When the bank is open the snack shop is always open. So one by one we are in line to get our money so we can buy snacks to eat. I like my bank!

Horseback Riding

Ilan T., Age 9Horse2 sm
Tribe of Dan 

When I went horseback riding it was really cool! My horse was a she and her name was Dela. She was really nice. I did very well. I like the part where we go left and right and stop and go. I also like where we say yee-ha, whoa, and giddy up! We all like it very much. When we were done we walked back to our cabins.

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Baseball game smDaniel C., Age 7
Tribe of Dan 

On Wednesday, the Fourth of July, my tribe leaders had a surprise for me. It was a field trip to a baseball game. We took a bus there. I ate cotton candy and then had a cream soda and then at the end of the day there were fireworks. It was a great day.

The Great Water War

Simeon B., Age 11
Tribe of Benjamin

On July third the tribes of Benjamin and Dan participated in the Great Water War of Gilgal 2012.Water fight sm

It started with a cup of water around the picnic tables, and soon became a civil war within the tribe of Benjamin. One of the kids of Dan threw water along with the tribe of Benjamin and soon Dan was intertwined in the water extravaganza.

The water war was started by a camper named Simeon and his ATL. After many cups of water the camper pulled out a water gun and from it progressed into a full out war all over the boys area. Even the staff fought in the war.

It was truly the best tribe time ever!

Our Belts

Belts smElliot A., Age 10
Tribe of Benjamin 

Hi everybody, I am writing about craft time and about making leather belts. Fresco, Nemo, and Kicks teach crafts. To make a leather belt, first you need to soften the leather by putting water on it. Then you stamp your belt with patterns or your name or both. Then you put on your loop and buckle. Next you punch your holes and finally you stain and glaze. They are all done, but we have not worn them because we don’t get them until the end of camp. Mine is fudge brown and the pattern is the following: fish, feather, buffalo, feather, and leaf. Eventually, I stamped my name. I think that Joseph’s belt is the best.

Joseph’s Field Trip

Fireworks2 smJoseph S., Age 11
Tribe of Asher 

On the field trip, we stopped for dinner. We had a sandwich, apples, oranges, Fireworks smand cookies. Then we went into the baseball stadium! Then we found our seats and we watched the baseball game. It was so fun! I bought a Styrofoam hand and then I bought cheese fries and then I saw the fireworks display. They had the best fireworks display. They were the best!


Sivan M., Age 12
Tribe of Judah

We are the tribe of Judah, and our symbol is the lion. Our group is composed of six campers and two awesome staff members. The campers are Sivan, Eden, Sierra, Alyssa, Yael, and Abigail. Our wonderful tribe leader and ATL (assistant tribe leader) are Chickpea and Bologna. Our interests include silent football and singing about a number of odd things including facial hair. We are the oldest girl tribe and we love it!! Shout out from Camp Gilgal 2012! Aww yeah!

Tribe of Dan Bio

Tribe of Dan Dan sm

We are the youngest guys tribe, and our name is the tribe of Dan. The tribe consists of Ilan T., Eithan S., Gavyn R., Daniel C., Josiah O., and Ephraim L. The leaders for our tribe are Floyd and Swank. Our favorite game was Hide in Cabin. To play the tribe leader leaves the cabin till we find a place to hide. Our favorite hiding places were in our suitcases, under bunks, and any place we could find quickly. We had a lot of fun this year and want to come back again.

Tribe of Benjamin Bio

Tribe of Benjamin 

Benjamin smThe tribe of Benjamin is the mid-age cabin. It consists of Elliot, Ethan, Isaiah, Aaron, Simeon, Kicks, and Scooter. Scooter is the tribe leader. He is awesome. Kicks is our ATL. He is…cool. We all mostly just kind of talk and maybe play some games. Our tribe is boss. We have a lot of fun. We are a pretty chill tribe most of the time. Elliot loves Star Wars and he talks a lot and it can drive us crazy at times. Ethan likes to have fun. He can get pretty hyper sometimes. Isaiah, or Izzy as everyone calls him, evens out the cabin. He is super chill. Aaron just chills most of the time. Simeon can be pretty silent at times, but he can be pretty random and fun. We’re a reflectively interesting group of people.

Tribe of Reuben Bio

Tribe of ReubenReuben sm

The tribe of Reuben? The youngest ladies’ tribe at Camp Gilgal is an awesome tribe! It is made up of Kayla, Hannah, Netanya, Shira, and Abby. It’s led by the amazing duo of Froggy and Nemo.

Although most of the members of our tribe are newbies at camp, we know how things work around here, especially cabin clean-up! We’ve gotten 100s on cabin inspection five times—that must be record!

Everyone in our tribe has a great personality. Kayla is very silly. Hannah is always energetic. Netanya is a great storyteller. Shira likes busting out her moves. Abby keeps everyone laughing. Froggy and Nemo couldn’t have asked for a more crazy, talented, fun, amazing tribe!

Tribe of Issachar Bio

Tribe of Issachar

We’re the tribe of Issachar. We have five girls, whose names are Mariya, Issachar2smSimona, Nena, Naomi, and Rebekah. We also have two tribe leaders whose names are Hershey and Baby Carrots. We all like to do things together and we’re all different. Simona likes to calm stuff, has hyper moments, and likes to help. Mariya likes to draw things, do cabin clean-up, and F.O.B. Rebekah is very athletic and not afraid of anything and loves to draw. Naomi is super fast and loves to dance and smile. Baby Carrots loves baby carrots. Hershey loves chocolate. Nena has a good sense of fashion, you can’t stop her from talking, and she loves pink.

Interview with Strings

Shira S., Age 9
Tribe of Reuben

Friends smToday I interviewed Strings. I asked her what her favorite cereal mascot was. She said Cinnamon Toast Crunch squares because they creep her out. I also asked her what book of the Bible is her favorite. Her answer is James. I found out Strings’ name is Strings because she plays the violin. If Strings was a dog she would be a purple poodle because purple is her favorite color and she got a stuffed purple poodle from her grandfather.


Nena K., Age 10
Tribe of Issachar 

Hershey is in the tribe of Issachar and is Issachar’s ATL. I have observed that Hershey loves her chocolate and the color pink. Hershey is awesome because she loves pink, and she loves everyone and treats everyone equally and she is like a handful of sunshine.Hershey sm

Now to the interview part. I asked Hershey why she chose her name. She said it was because she really, really LOVES chocolate. Then I asked what her favorite color is. And she said blue because it reminds her of the ocean. I also asked Hershey what is her least favorite craft. She said anything that takes a long time. Last but not least, I asked Hershey what is her favorite drink, and she said any drink with chocolate. And that was my interview with Hershey.

The Awesome Kicks

Kicks2 sm


Isaiah H., Age 10
Tribe of Benjamin 

Kicks is the best tribe leader ever. If he were to be any super hero he would be Deadpool! I always wonder why he calls himself Kicks. He calls himself Kicks because he collects a lot of shoes! He’s been with Jews for Jesus for ten years. If he were to jump into a pool of Jell-O or pudding he would choose pudding. His favorite food is pizza. He likes it because it’s awesome! Kicks is the best tribe leader ever!

Interview with Scooter

Aaron C., Age 11
Tribe of BenjaminScooter sm

Scooter is the best tribe leader ever. He has been at camp for six years, three as a camper and two as a leader, and one as both. He has known Kicks for ten days. Scooter is seventeen years old with zero pets. His favorite food is Chinese food. His favorite bunk is the middle, left, bottom. His favorite pattern is stripes.

His favorite outfit is a button-down plaid shirt, black tie, watch, skinny jeans, and shoes with toe straps. He would dye his hair glow-in-the-dark purple. He lets us play Silent Ball before bed, if we’re quiet. I interviewed Scooter because he is the most awesome tribe leader!

All About Fresco

Tribe of Judah

Fresco, my mom, is very creative and smart. Her favorite dog breed is the English cream/gold retriever and her closest friend in NYC is Victoria A., the mom of my friend, Eden! Fresco loves to make things with her hands and serve others. The most embarrassing thing that she did was accidently walk into the boys’ bathroom in junior high school! Her favorite color is yellow. She was proposed to more than once, but only said yes to my dad, Hobbes!

The Galaxy of Gilgal

David K., Age 11
Tribe of Simeon

Many people would love to be Star Wars characters. Many of the staff would love to be some of those characters. I asked eight people which characters they want to be.

Fashion disaster smThe first person I asked was Tripp. He first wanted to be Jar Jar Binks, but then switched to Han Solo. He picked Han Solo because he is awesome. The second person I asked was Shades and he picked a Jawa. He picked a Jawa because they’re funny, smart, and amazing. The third person I asked was Swank and he picked Chewbacca. I would understand why he would pick Chewbacca because they are both hairy and I was correct. The fourth person I asked was Scooter. Scooter loves being underwater so he picked to be a Jedi that breathes underwater. It reminds me of Aquaman, but that’s a different topic.

The fifth person I asked was Fresco. She said that she wanted to Princess Leia because she’s beautiful and brave. The sixth person I interviewed was Strings. She wanted to be a decoy version of Padmé because of her ninja skills. The last people I asked were Aquamarine and Twister. Aquamarine picked the just plain Padmé Amidala. She picked Padmé because she’s in the background but does a lot of damage and work. Twister picked Luke Skywalker. Luke Skywalker was a hero throughout the last episodes. It would be funny if there was a Gilgal Galaxy.

Pumped Up Kicks

Sierra K., Age 12Kicks sm
Tribe of Judah 

This year at camp we have a new staff member from Michigan. His name is Kicks. His favorite colors are green and electric indigo. I’ve never even heard of those colors! I also happen to have learned that he can’t lick his elbow. His favorite lunch meat is cold cut chicken. He also happens to choose Jacob over Edward for a reason he does not know. Kicks has three siblings. He got here on a train. And you probably guessed that the name Kicks has something to do with shoes. It does! He collects shoes as a hobby. His favorite brands are Nike SB and Air Jordans. Now you know a little bit about the leader we call Kicks.   


Reuben3smNetanya W., Age 8
Tribe of Issachar 

I interviewed Froggy and Froggy’s favorite color is purple. And Froggy’s favorite animal is a frog. And Froggy’s favorite sport is basketball. Her favorite book is the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Froggy’s favorite TV show is The Office. Her favorite camp is Camp Gilgal and her favorite color eyes are hazel.

Interview with Swank

Ephraim L., Age 7Swank sm
Tribe of Dan 

Swank’s favorite color is yellow, submarine yellow. His favorite animal is an armadillo. Swank means tank with swag in it. Swank’s best friend is Nike. Swank’s favorite subject is kinesiology (sports science) and English. He’s the best tribe leader.

Tripp’s Interview

Keane R., Age 12Asher3sm
Tribe of Asher 

Tripp is my tribe leader in the tribe of Asher. He is amazing. When I interviewed Tripp, he answered all my questions and his favorite color is blue. He likes to eat cinnamon rolls and he likes the drums. If he were to be any planet he would be Mercury. Tripp’s favorite cartoon is Tom and Jerry. Tripp is 18 years old, and he likes archery. I think that Tripp is the coolest tribe leader in camp.

Let’s Learn About Chickpea

Kayla C., Age 9
Tribe of Reuben

Do you know Chickpea because I do and she is an exciting girl. Chickpea’s favorite color is purple and her favorite sport is fencing. Some instruments she plays are violin, kazoo, and guitar. Pikachu is her favorite cartoon character, and her favorite food is sushi. Can you believe it, her favorite movie is Star Wars! Her least favorite movie is Dear John. I also asked Chickpea if she was a superhero what would her power be and she said shape shifting, which is changing your body into a bird, tree, or someone else or anything like that.

Who is Floyd?

Gavyn R., Age 9
Tribe of Dan 

Floyd is the ATL in my cabin. Floyd, answer these questions: 

Q: What’s your favorite color?
A: It’s gold.Floyd sm

Q: What’s your favorite type of ice cream?
A: I love vanilla ice cream.

Q: What do you want for your birthday?
A: I want a top hat.

Q: What type of pet do you like most?
A: Dogs.

Q: What is your favorite time of your life?
A: Night time, when I am asleep.

Floyd completed the test!

Shades’ Oddities

Sivan M., Age 11
Tribe of Judah Asher Shades sm

Shades has brightened my day every time I see him. His oddly humorous jokes are as funny as they are weird.

Our combined tribe times revealed more than what is on the funny outside. It shows a mouth-opening humor that has no end. If an unaware camper exclaims something weird, the unexpected response is, “You’re such a Keebler elf!” His random comments make us laugh our time away.

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