Eliana R., Age 8Feed Your Friend Night
Tribe of Reuben

Theme nights are a big part of camp! On Feed Your Friend Night you have to switch plates and drinks and you can’t eat your own food. Also you take turn feeding each other and my partner was Rebekah. I interviewed Rebekah to get her side of the craziness. First, I asked her what the hardest food to feed me was and she said, “The hardest was definitely the bread.” Then I asked her what was the funniest thing that happened and she said, “When she spilled water on me.” Also I asked her if she got enough food and she said, “Actually, yeah.” Then I asked her, “Were you afraid I was going to bite your finger?” It was funny because I bit her finger. Feed Your Friend Night was such a fun night we were laughing the whole night and I can’t wait till we do it next year.