Persaeus B., Age 13

Gaga Ball is a game where you stand in an octagon. There’s a ball that is thrown in the middle from someone standing outside. On the first bounce you say, “Ga,” on the second bounce you say, “Ga,” and on the third bounce you say, “Ball,” and the game starts. The rules are that you have to hit the ball with a closed fist and send the ball to someone you want to get out. You have to aim at the person’s waist and below.

This was my first time playing, and I was genuinely confused in the beginning but I gradually got better. I even almost won a game!

It was really dusty and I could barely breath but I got through it. I asked some staff and campers about their experience while playing Gaga Ball and they all had different answers. Carrie said, “I had some back pain from bending over to hit the ball, but at least I two wins!” S’mores said, “I love Gaga Ball. It’s one of my favorite games to play at camp. It’s intense, but it’s competitive, and it’s fun!” Elie said, “The court was perfect but the ball was too bouncy.” Gadget said, “I think Gaga Ball is fun, and like to see all the people’s different strategies to achieve victory!” Gaga Ball is fun and definitely a game for everyone!