Tyler H., Age 8
Tribe of Simeon

My name is Tyler. I am eight years old. I am going to tell you about the goods. First there are dry goods and wet goods. Gilgal bankThe wet goods are candy and foods. Last, the dry goods are toys like pool stuff, sunglasses, books, flags, noodles, goggles, jewelry and more.

More wet goods are gushers, popcorn, soda, gummy worms, Swedish fish and more. There are even more dry goods, but the sunglasses are awesome because Gilgal storethey are the only ones like that in the world.

The best is we have a bank to hold our money and Esquire runs the bank. It is fun. After purchasing you can put money back into the bank. If you don’t have any money you can leave the store. At the end of camp you can leave and take the things you bought with you.