Ephraim L., Age 11Hebrew quizzing- Ephraim
Tribe of Judah

Hebrew quizzing is quizzing that’s also a game show. It is new to Camp Gilgal East but has been done before at Camp Gilgal Midwest. It is different from Hebrew because in Hebrew we learn more about the language and that helps for our Hebrew quizzing. It is a really fun thing to do. My favorite word is Mayim because the song is funny and comes with a dance. During Hebrew quizzing we have Hebrew questions. Every correct answer is worth 10 points so my team the Chicken Toots finished with a total of 350 points. We answered 26 questions right. On the first day the scores were really close. The Shark Molars had 20 points, the Hebrew Heroes had 30 points, and my team the Chicken Toots had a total of 40 points. The next day we had a Hebrew tournament with five categories – Alef Bet, Numbers, Words, Fill in the Blank, and Pictionary. For calling the answers we used buzzers and a can with a stick. We were at a disadvantage because our buzzer was slower than everyone else so we got a drum. After that we caught up pretty fast. Then, at the end we had one last questions and it was worth 100 points. The last question was, you have to sing “Am Yisreal Chaiso we barely made it with the drum, and sang the song to victory. We are going to get a prize but it is still a mystery.