Halie F., Age 8
Tribe of Naphtali

My name is Halie. My tribe name is Naphtali and I’ve been at camp for two years. Craft is really fun because you get to make these really Interview Birkenstock1cool tzedakah boxes. My box has dogs on it and it has sparkles, and inside of it when you open it you see my name, and when you look at my ‘A’ you see a circle with a star on it. Birkenstock is the craft teacher. I really like her because she’s always really nice to me. Birkenstock reads her Bible every week and she’s trying to read it more often. Her favorite colors are Matisse blue, orange, and yellow. Her favorite style is stripes. Her favorite thing at camp is the people, the horses and the craft, of course! She also really likes the outdoors. Her favorite word is “transformational,” her birthday is April 7 and Buster’s (her son) is August 17. Her favorite food is a big fruit salad. She doesn’t do the same craft every year. I can’t wait to come back to camp and see Birkenstock again.