Anaelle S., Age 14
Tribe of Dan

I got to interview one of my tribe leaders, Sketch, this year. Sketch came to camp this year because God worked it out for her to only be at teen camp, so she was able to get time off from work to do so. She told me she loves teen camp so she was really glad she could come. Sketch loves to be a tribe leader because it is always fun to be able to share her life with the campers. She said that her campers are cool and hilarious and she loves having the opportunity to help them in their walk with God. She also told me she loves the food!

I also asked Sketch if she liked her cabin this year. Her answer was clear. “The girls were very funny, entertaining, and smart. I had a cabin full of super models who all dressed so well. They taught me how to be cool.” Sketch only drinks
coffee, so I decided to ask her why. She said she drinks coffee because she wants to stunt her growth! She also likes to be awake…all the time!  

I closed the interview by asking Sketch about her favorite activity. She liked all the activities she led: “Supermodeling was deep and profoundly emotional. Superhero/Villan was epic: we battled, used catch-phrases, defeated tentsville
and ate soup.” She also really enjoyed the Bible topics and said she was stumped by us several times, but it was good because she thought about things she had never thought about before. I really liked getting to be in Sketch’s cabin!