Hannah H., Age 11
Tribe of Asher

My heart was pounding hard. My harness got clipped to the rock wall. “On belay?” I called out to my belay team. “Belay on,” they called back. “Climbing?” I said. “Climb On,” they respondRockwall2- Hannah2ed. It was my second time climbing up the wall and the first time I didn’t make it up because of one little part that tricked me and I got stuck. So I started to climb and climb, it was really easy until I hit the bad part. My belay team was yelling “Push, push, push!” I tried once, but fell back. I felt like I was going to fall if I let go, but I had to learn to trust that my belay team wouldn’t drop me. They kept on saying, “Push your legs, you can do it!” So I pushed as hard and I could and grabbed onto the rock and climbed all the way up to the tippy top and rang the bell. I had to stay there for a minute to wait for Blewish to take a picture of me at the top. That was the best rockwall climbing moment of my life.