Judi W., Age 13

I asked Streetlight what her favorite color is, what her favorite Bible verse is, what she does outside of camp, how long she’s been a tribe leader, and why she wants to go to Feords and ride a whale.

streetlightShe answered: Navy blue. 1 Peter 5:7: “Cast all your cares upon the Lord because He cares for you.” She likes to get her nails done, she goes to school and she writes music.

She’s been a tribe leader since 2007. She wants to go to Feords because it is beautiful and incredibly mysterious. She wants to ride a whale because they are also beautiful and incredibly mysterious, and also because who doesn’t want to ride a whale anyhow.

Streetlight is very kind and is full of compassion towards all the staff and campers at camp.

She is very helpful to all that ask her. Streetlight is part of my family. She wants to be there for everyone. She is very loveable.