Keren A., Age 9
Tribe of Naphtali

Camp Gilgal is really cool. It’s also very funny. One day, we were coming back from the pool, and we had a theme meal. The theme was Fashion Disasta’. Our tribe was getting ready and having fun, and finally, we were a disaster. I was wearing shorts on pants, so was Sophia. Halie had a tail! Olivia had a mismatched clothes combo and so did the tribe leaders. We were all wrapped in pink tape also. Guacamole was wearing a chicken hat and Sitruce was wearing a long black trench coat. Guac had to sing in front of Unfashionably Late Fashion Disaster1everyone for a package that night! Then our cabin realized that everyone was missing! They had left without our entire tribe! We must have been too busy to hear the whistle blow and didn’t see everyone else line up. It was sort of embarrassing, but we were unfashionably late (perfect timing!). It was very funny when we walked in. Everyone was clapping for us. It was hilarious! I love theme meals!