Rachel S., Age 10
Tribe of Reuben

I like Indian Warriors because we made a teepee and we decorated it with paint, handprints, streamers, cut out leaves, and a canvas cover. We also learned Native American dancing. The girls did a butterfly dance, and we used our towels as wings. The boys danced in Indian Warriorscircles and shook their heads and arms. We danced to Native American music, and one of the songs was called “Cheese and Bread.” Two of the days for the activity we went to archery where we shot arrows at targets. The second time we went to archery in the middle of the time they asked us if we wanted to throw tomahawks, which is when you throw axes at wooden targets. I threw a few, but then decided to go back to archery. On the last day of Indian Warriors we made fry bread. It is a Native American bread made out of flour, water, salt and baking soda. I ate the fry bread with Tapatio hot sauce and it was so good. I had a great time at Indian Warriors. Thanks Goliath and Tapatio for making it fun!