Isaac H., Age 11
Tribe of Dan

feed-your-friend3smIt hits everyone at random. It cannot be foreseen. But all must be prepared when Streetlight announces it’s………….. FEED YOUR FRIEND NIGHT!! During this meal, you must find a friend, get your food, and begin feeding your friend. Everything on your plate must be fed to you by the friend. But not everything must be eaten. A good strategy is to switch the plate with your food with your friend’s plate, so when you reach to get some food, it’ll be the friend’s food, and you can feed them. Take turns and there will be no mess. On each turn, ask your friend what food he would like. He or she will say what their choice is. Proceed by feeding them what they request. Don’t put too much or too little on your spoon; the food should actually go into your friend’s mouth. While all solid food must be fed by your friend, it is perfectly fine to drink from your own cup. When all your food is gone, you may put away your dishes. This meal is over, and you can look forward to your next great activities. Feed Your Friend Night is one of the most fun but silliest parts of camp.