Mekerah P., Age 11
Tribe of Benjamin

For my article for the Gilgal Gazette I interviewed my tribe leader, Galaxy. She was very obstinate and usually wouldn’t answer the questions I wanted her to properly.

Our conversation was like this:

“So Galaxy, what’s your real name?” I asked. She answered, “That is an excellent question, Mekerah.”

I groan and ask Obstinate Galaxyagain, “Ok, Galaxy, what is your name? And no saying, ‘That is an excellent question’ or anything like that!”

Galaxy smiles and says, “Galaxy.” I glare at her and say, “Fine. We’ll talk about this later. So what’s your actual age? No saying ‘Good question’ or anything.”

Galaxy answers, “My age is timeless.” I groan and say I give up.

“What do you think about Wells Fargo?”

Galaxy replies, “Playing Wells Fargo is very fun. You get to chase campers and watch them scream and laugh at the same time while guarding your bag of gold.”

So than I said, “Are we playing Wells Fargo tomorrow?”

Then Galaxy said, “I am glad you have such an inquisitive mind.”

I groan again and say, “You actually have to answer the question.”

Galaxy said, “You will know when it happens.” So I said, “Fine. Why did you become a tribe leader?”

Galaxy said, “I became a tribe leader because after going to camp as a camper and getting to know God better I realized I wanted to invest in future campers both spiritually and by being there to have fun and encourage them.”

Then we ran out of time and had stop.